>tfw no Flynn or Sessions for VP
What the fuck Trump? What the fuck. This is not what I expected to wake up to this morning.
>tfw no Flynn or Sessions for VP
What the fuck Trump? What the fuck. This is not what I expected to wake up to this morning.
Sessions approved Pence.
Flynn will be allocated to a better role.
Why is everyone up in arms of this litereally who VP
its a VP as long as he cant be made an SNL character like Palin we are good.
Sup Forums is inundated with Bernie refugees and summer fag bandwagoners that have been looking to jump ship over nothing the first chance they could get.
Anyone else was never on board to begin with and should kill themselves.
trumps a joke. hes throwing the fight already with this obviously terrible pick for vp. shillary has already won. time to stock on ammo and guns for the revolt boys.
after hearing flynn talk last night i'm glad he's not the vp. put him in a job where he actually does work. the guy isn't a talker
I like Flynn, hope he Sec of Defense or better, just real glad there is a real military guy on board the Trump train who knows military shit inside out. It will take a bit for Pence to soak in but Pence is so much better than a Palin.
Time for the Meme troops to mount up!
Pence is a horrible choice you morons. Trump locks down another 10% of conservatives and then loses 40% of independents in the process.
Pence has a 17% approval rating in his own fucking state and supports NAFTA and TPP as well.
If you don't see an issue with Pence, you are the fucking problem
>independents and moderates
>having strong opinions about a mediocre governor of Indiana?
you dont understand the electorate at all.
well then you're a fucking idiot because it was announced yesterday and the writing on the wall for weeks has been that it was either newt, christie, or pence.
>loses 40% of independents
Who he going to lose them too? Certainly not Hillary. Is this your first election?
are you legitimately retarded? He's the potential VP now. People are going to care about his views. And when everyone finds out his a fag/abortion obsessed GOP idiot, who thinks smoking doesn't kill, everyone with a brain is going to laugh at him. But don't worry, evangelical idiots will save the day right?
What are Bidens potions...
depends on how old the girl is
Best post
Fuck those guys, I wanted Jim Webb
>Literally a Democrat
The Autism meme is real.
>Literally a Democrat
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Belief that Jim Webb, as a democrat who endorsed trump, would have guaranteed the moderate voting pool for trump.
>not seeing how a cross party ticket would have been beneficial for Trump
what's the matter, afraid of making the GOP cry even more?
Initially I agreed with this assessment but honestly after doing more research this might turn out to be a great decision. If Trump can secure every state that Romney won in 2012, which is almost a given, he just needs to win 3 states in order to win the election -- Virginia, Florida, and Ohio. Romney lost these three states by 3%, 2%, and 1% respectively. Romney could have easily won those states, and the election, had the Republican base been more excited with the ticket and actually showed up to the polls. And this was against a candidate who was infinitely more popular than Hillary Clinton. Politically, I disagree with Pence and think he represents a Republican Party that needs to fade away, but for the time being, a united Republican Party up against a candidate as uninspiring and unpopular as Hillary Clinton is a solid electoral strategy.
Betting sec defense?
Fuck off and go back to sucking a maple tree's dick, Ahmed.
I was thinking that, or chief of homeland security.
no more will we suffer the same incompetence as Europe when it comes to islamists.
Newt is also confirmed to get a role because he broke his deal with fox.
Why so triggered?
Flynn can't be SecDef. Former military members have to be civilians for at least 7 years before being eligible for SecDef. Best we can hope for is CIA Director.
Really dissapointed in Trump choosing establishment shill,guys why did he betrayed us?:(
>Flynn and Sessions are BOTH doers and not talkers
>Pence used to be a talk show host
Don't need a doer for VP, need someone to spread the message.
Not outdated, you?
It's probably a compromise with the GOP, they're afraid they'd lose their core voters if they didn't have a traditional republican face up there.
>implying VPs matter
thats interesting, is there a constitutional precedent for that?
hmmm... made me think
It's not in the Constitution but the law was codified in the National Security Act of 1947.
For what purpose?
Flynn is better as CIA director or Secretary of State with Sessions my God Trump would have been destroyed the media would have pull all the black hating things he said in the past and fuck Trumps campaign in the ass.
VP is a meme position even John Adams said he hated being VP because it was a waste of life
>supports NAFTA and TPP as well.
Can you link to this I cant find much on it
Prevents coups.
To ensure that the military is controlled by civilians. The founders always intended to have civilian control of the military, which is why the President is the Commander in Chief. Since the SecDef is essentially the deputy Commander in Chief, it was seen as prudent by Congress to ensure that he be a civilian as well.
>he expected a military VP instead of a leftist cuck appeasing VP
Its like you forget hes competing against Hillary Clinton, well, no.. actually, its like you are shilling for hill.