What happened?
What happened?
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What do you expect? The comedian is dead.
Is inflation a "good" thing? Is it preventable? Should it be prevented?
People started fearing urban expansion and started nimbly bullshit.
put it like this:
the jews invented interest, meaning when you borrow 100 dollars, but you have to give back lets say 120 dollars. where did the 20 dollars come from? it just appeared, meaning that there is now more money in the world reducing the worth of money alltogether much like rare pepes.
also OP is a faggot if you google inflation calculator, 48.000 dollars in 1976 are about 215.000 dollars in 2016
Are you sure OP is a fag?
All I heard is inflation only benefits people who invest. It hurts everyone else.
Your government had to repay the money it borrowed and passed on the costs to you.
AKA modern inflation
its actually the original loan that appears from nowhere
the interest has to come out of the economy itself, and it is the only 'real' money
understanding that this 'real' money, being paid as interest, was also originally created through a loan
This is true but only the tip of the iceberg.
Everyone used to be able to have access to these means of living if they worked.
Now only the middle class and up is able to afford to actually own a home and often vehicles in their lifetimes.
The US dollar regardless of inflation has been tanking as well as the boomer generation never letting their fat crusty claws off of so many homes causing a housing bubble.
The rabbit hole goes deeper but you get the picture.
Democrats outsourced our jobs and "diversified" our white neighborhoods.
Increase in population combined with globalization.
>muh two party system
Both parties support this. Open your eyes moron.
it's not the interest itself that comes from nowhere, it's the ability for a bank to loan out "digital" or "on-paper" money when it doesn't have it in its coffers.
money exists on ledgers and that's how it simply gets 'created'. banks (((print))) more money in a year than the federal government does.
debatable. But generally it's fine. Governments like to have a little inflation because
1) It encourages people to either spend or invest their money and not just keep it under the bed
2) It balances out increases in productivity, so prices don't fall very much
3) Stops deflation (falling prices), which can often lead to a deflationary spiral. Think about when house prices started falling, no one wanted to buy when they thought prices might be even lower the following week, which of course causes those house prices to fall even faster and so on. This can be bad.
4) It makes debt cheaper to pay off. This isn;t a great reason, but governments with a lot of debt will be tempted to encourage inflation.
It's pretty controversion of course. Keep in mind wages also rise with inflation. At least they are meant to..
>What happened?
Women happened.
Holy shit is this accurate?
I went shopping last week and got two containers of a dozen eggs each for about 80 cents per container.
I live in Alabama, USA. Shopped at Wal-Mart
>live in nigger infested shithole
>lol why is everything so cheap?
Why would walmart prices be any different?
Who buys sugar by the gallon?
It benefits people who are in any kind of debt. i.e. everyone.
Some people have savings user. IE, the people actually keeping the economy afloat. That's why there is debt in the first place. There can be no debt without savings to lend out.
It doesnt necessarily benefit people in debt, just corporations in debt
You could try waging less wars I guess.
>there can be no debt without savings
Hahaha. Not in our economy
Ask the Federal reserve and the banks. Your masters.
No, it can benefit people. If you buy a $500k house and your currency crashes, and a year later everyone is making $500k an hour then it's like hey, free house.
But the retiree who sold you that house to live on the nest egg is fucked.
It probably foreign savings backing all the debt. IE. China.
>everyone is making 500k an hour
Sure bud
A lot of that shit like sugar, milk, coffee and eggs are actually cheaper now (adjust for inflation).
Only thing that got fucked is real estate prices.
houses here are 2-3million minimum now
Did you miss the currency crash part? Don't be stupid.
the amount of uneducated opinions in this thread is giving me a headache. go look up modern money theory
Happened in zimbabwe. Hyperinflation is magic. But ya, he'd probably lose his job before his wages increased that much.
It's much, much better here than somewhere like, say, Detroit. We have very clear boundaries between the bad parts of town and the nice, or "white" parts of town.
I live in the latter, and do my shopping at either the nearby walmart, or publix.
I knew walmart prices were a lot lower, but I had no idea they were even lower than 70's standards even after considering inflation.
>Is inflation a "good" thing? Is it preventable? Should it be prevented?
Ever bought a case of pop?
fuck off lime.
Wages aren't increasing. The purchasing power stays the same or falls, the number of zeroes on the bill is the only thing that goes up.
My local grocery store had eggs (not fancy eggs, but large eggs) for 59 cents on sale.
Minnesota and not a poor area. Normal grocery store, nothing fancy and nothing cheap.
>Sup Forums defending inflation
The banks were given the right to just make up money and loan it out, so house prices have rocketed.
So why hasn't purchasing power increased? That's what I want to know?
this continued to exist
Interest is the opportunity cost of liquidity. If I could take that $100 and invest into an asset that generates 25% returns, I would be stupid to lend it to someone for less than 25% interest, just as I would be stupid to do nothing with it.
The financial illiteracy here is astounding
So the Liberal solution to this is make minimum wage go up?
But what is the solution from a fiscally conservative perspective?
It is absolutely necessary for there to be a small amount of inflation in order to keep the economy going and the money flowing.
Deflation is much, much worse for everyone.
Balance the budget by cutting federal spending on defense and entitlements.
t. banker
official inflation rates are highly skewed
its much worse than official numbers
plus stagnant wages for the past 15 years
plus insanely corrupt healthcare
The US knows both systems of measurement, we choose not to follow the crowd.
I agree imagine the logical investments that can be made from balancing the budget for the military? I mean it will take guts for someone to do that simply because of all the money invested into military contracts and etc?
>Selling Sugar in gallons
Yeah honestly it's basically politically impossible to cut any of that. Raising the minimum wage (very slowly) is probably the only way to deal with the problem at this time.
No. The only stop inflation is to change the way banks can taxe money. They are the ones to blame
it is a mystery
not even once
It sucks being a regular citizen who wants to have a business and grow when you know the very own currency you are trying to make is being manipulated at your disadvantage.
I swear taking back our country would be taking back our currency.
>Wages aren't increasing.
Not in recent years for low skilled workers. but generally they are.
It's actually worse if you look at it by age group. A non-STEM bachelors is not worth more than 30k/year nowadays.
Wife works for gubmint Women root of all problems confirmed.
We were discussing wages during a currency devaluation.
But you're also wrong in reality, at least for the United States.
Unions are little better than organized crime.
Why should you care? Unions can help workers. Stop being an economic cuck.
but.. your chart shows wages going up. They went from $2.50/hour in 1964 to $20.67 in 2014. What is your point here?
Democrats imposed higher minimum wage and new regulations which increased prices in the market causing inflation. Republicans did little to stop or even supported some of these new policies.
his point is that adjusted for inflation wages have not changed in the last 40 years
Pay no attention to this goyim. Wealth is not a zero sum game remember? Please ignore the fact that China/Asia is one of the only countries/regions that has a growing middle class.
They are not meant to. How the fuck is everyones wages meant to rise over time when there's a static money supply?
>Not understanding that regional pricing is a thing.
productivity and GDP are rising you god damn potato nigger
so why aren't wages rising?
Who buys sugar by the gallon?
I guess I don't. Please explain why eggs would be cheaper in US shitholes than it non shitholes.
damn, you can really see the proliferation of immoral financial instruments in that one
almost makes you wanna go NatSoc
I don't understand what this graph is trying to claim. The 90% is flat after 1970 because economy works that way. Prices, inflation and salaries are balanced by the majority. When salaries of the majority goes up, so will prices and you would end up the flat line after inflation correction. And if 1% makes more than they did in 1979 then good for them, I wish I was one of them.
>so why aren't wages rising?
They are you fucking retard, but not when you account for inflation.
GDP rising means you can buy more for the same money, and inflation counteracts that or at least it's meant to. If you don't have any inflation then everyone get's wealthier because their static wages can buy more. This is what happened on the gold standard. You can't raise everyones wages without inflation because otherwise there is no money extra money to pay them with. How the fuck would that work?
>muh 300k starting
How did this shit happen?
On 1913 the federal reserve was approved while many congressmen had already gone home for the holidays. They are allowed to create money by creating promissory notes. Fractional reserve banking is making money out of thin air which they then give to the government (keep in mind that the federal reserve is a private company, nothing federal about it) WITH INTEREST. The government is expected to pay this money back with interest. Interest from money that's made from thin air. It's interest from outside the accounted for money pool, it's impossible to pay back because there could never be enough to pay it back. America is cucked and doesn't even know it.