Brit/pol/ - Party Larry Edition


>Foreign sec: BORIS JOHNSON
>Brexit minister: DAVID DAVIS
>Int'l trade minister: LIAM FOX
>Defence sec: MICHAEL FALLON
>Home sec: AMBER RUDD
>Justice sec: LIZ TRUSS
>Education sec: JUSTINE GREENING
>Health sec: JEREMY HUNT
>Tory party chairman: PATRICK MCLOUGHLIN
>Leader of the House of Lords: BARONESS EVANS
>Transport sec: CHRIS GREYING
>Work & pensions sec: DAMIAN GREEN
>Environment sec: ANDREA LEADSOM
>Local gov't sec: SAJID JAVID
>Business sec: GREG CLARK
>Int'l dev't sec: PRITI PATEL
>Culture sec: KAREN BRADLEY
>Leader of the House of Commons: DAVID LIDINGTON


>Justice sec: MICHAEL GOVE
>Education sec: NICKY MORGAN
>Chancellor of the duchy of lancaster: OLIVER LETWIN
>Work & pensions sec: STEPHEN CRABB
>Chief whip: MARK HARPER


Other urls found in this thread:

>Hitchens confirmed for either being a cuck or Blairite.

What's worse: someone pointing out '1 post by this ID' in reply to your post, or someone calling you a Blairite?

I can't decide, they both BTFO any argument.

Don't bully Peter

>1 post by this ID

Probably a Blairite.

Plan to fix Britain:

>Become a Republic
>Rename ourselves the Commonwealth of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
>Our Head of State will be titled the Lord Protector
>10 year terms
>Head of the Curch of England
>Will appoint the Governments of each countries at will, decide Election Dates but have relatively less power elsewhere
>MMP system
>Large House of Commons, 10 MPs per million population (650 right now)
>Small House of Lords, 1 per million population (65 right now)
>HoL will have much more power than right now, can stand against the HoC
>Will be mostly elected, but will reserve positions for some very prominent people
>Keep peerages, but remove any Hereditary appointments
>They will serve as special advisers to the Houses
>Implement a written constitution, containing all of the generic stuff
>100% Parliamentary Democracy, absolutely NO plebiscite trash like referenda, and we cannot give up our sovereignty to intranational bodies like the EU
>National and Regional Governments and Parliaments for the entire nation and each constituent country
>No regional Party allowed in the National governments
>And no National Party allowed in the Regional governments
>Make secession illegal
>To strengthen ties between the nation, spread the separation of powers
>National Parliament (legislature) in London, England
>National Government (executive) in Edinburgh, Scotland
>National Courts (Judiciary) in Cardiff, Wales
>Place a focus on retaining British cultural heritage
>Important Church of England
>Small migration
>Nationalise only natural monopolies like railways and mines
>Economy of wellfare capitalism, so we don't go full socialism but our people don't die from hospital debt


Alcohol abuse is probably the biggest problem facing rural Scotland atm desu

Oops, better nip that in the bud.



As I walked leisurely towards the voting booth, I took note of the birds chirping merrily in the trees above me. It was a pleasantly warm morning, in fact I would say it was the warmest we've had this year. I arrived at the polling station, greeted by a smiling old lady who kindly handed me a pen and a ballot paper, I made a quip about Blairites to which the old lady laughed heartily. Once inside the booth, I removed the lid from the pen and guided my hand towards the paper. As I did this, I began sweating. This was hardly surprising considering the nature of the weather. But then I began shaking. Strange, but then again I skipped breakfast this morning so it was probably because of that. Or so I thought. I was then shaking uncontrollably, my vision was blurring. I then felt a growth in my, how should I put this, mid-section. It grew until a rather noticeable bulge had formed in my trousers. I haven't had one like this years I thought to myself. As I attempted to regain control over my senses, the pen touched the paper and I began drawing a cross, slowly but firmly. I raised the pen and when I had looked to see where I had planted the cross, the bulge in my trousers erupted. A sticky mess now inhabited my underwear. The cross did not reside in the Conservative box, or the UKIP box, or any right wing box for that matter. It was to be found in Labour. At first I thought why? How? But then it became resoundingly clear. My name is Peter Hitchens and I am a Blairite.

Muh le pen

>At every Parliament meeting, have the Politicians first sing the national anthem of their constituent countries national anthem, and then all together sing the entire countries national anthem (Probably something like Rule, Britannia
>Radical overhaul in foreign policy
>Shift away from the USA to pursue good relations with all countries
>Kick out their bases and troops from all British Territory
>Replace the American controlled Trident with a tiny nuclear force, and use the saved money on our conventional forces
>Intervene in no wars with sovereign states(no disastrous illegal wars like Iraq), but commit fully against non sovereign bodies(Troops against ISIS)


>Plan to fix Britain:
>>Become a Republic

How would she respond to a terrorist attack in the UK? It is very likely one happens in her term.

I knew it!

Pretty sure this is copypasta

>implying they shouldn't just make a new party called new^2 labour

>implying liberals wouldn't rek this by electing a muslim Lord Protector

First for Marion le qt

>Become a Republic

stopped reading there

I think she'd be pretty redpilled tbqh. She has the /women-chip-on-the-shoulder/ so would probably be very assertive

I wish this autism retarded shite newfag shit would stop being posted.
It makes me rage


Cucked again

> Be a military dictator
> Be constantly butthurt about the king
> Kill him to create faux-republic actually controlled by a oligarchy.
> Die
> Son immediately deposed soon as an alternative choice is hinted.
> Return to monarchy


That's some high quality pasta


She's a woman, so hopefully if an attack does happen, it's during that time of the month. Then she'll overreact and join hands with Putin in giving ISIS an invariably disproportionate retaliation.


Why don`t Republicans just move to the Republic of Ireland?
It`s even in the name.

>Any form of government except Absolute Monarchy


>Plan to fix Britain:
Not this shit again

>Mfw people ITT have been successfully subverted into thinking Hitchens is an idiot

> become a republic
Stopped reading right there desu.

He is. He's a weak, defeatist cuck.

>Border between France and Germany shut for the first time in 60 years

Hitchens is the hero we deserve but not the one Sup Forums needs right now

> tfw during the time Cameron resigned and May was sworn in the Queen was the sole highest authority in the country for the Commons cannot command the people without a Prime Minster.

For a space of 20 minutes we were a absolute monarchy.



Kongou did it better

>For a space of 20 minutes we were a absolute monarchy.

It felt so good.

He is an idiot

He writes articles complaining about violent tv shows and the metric system for god sake

Biggest stupidity is that he wants to destroy the party system but retain the voting system when the former only exists because of the latter

Blames every mass shooting on muh drugs

Butthurt about atheism


I could go on

The only things he excels in are uk politics and foreign policy

Whats wrong with this? Blair downgraded it

Peter Hitchens unironically thinks weed makes people commit suicide attacks

something hasnt been right in brit/pol/ ever since Jo Cox's killing

something seems off

who /prettypriti/ here?

I liked his brother better desu.

What's off is your digits. Checked

To be fair it is his personal blog to write what ever he likes about

I think she's a bit passed that stage mate.

We entered the Brillo timeline.

Image doesn't show that at all.

>he hasnt realised Hitchens is a Blairite

Then you don't know what Peter Hitchens thinks about drugs

Tbf, if he doesn't complain about the metric system no one will. He's a one man army against the evils of European maths.

Ye and whatever he writes about outs him as a retard on loads of issues.

Will you take the redpill or the Brillopill, mr. user?

What you lads done today? Night shift's killing me.

The metric system is alright

The thing to be annoyed about is selling in imperial a crime

We should have the choice to use either, but that doesn't make imperial great

Pissed around at work because the email system broke down and I couldn't do shit.

I agree.
Peter Hitchens will pursue a conservative ideal beyond the realms of reality to look like a conservative.

He's unironically suggested that the Bataclan attacks were the result of cannabis smoking and that dyslexia doesn't exist despite it being able to be seen on an MRI.

He also doesn't "believe" in addiction and thinks it's just people who can't be bothered to stop despite some drugs literally killing you if you quit cold-turkey.

>he hasnt realised Hitchens is a stoner

Were they Blairites?

Anyone else feeling despair as yet another Islamic attack is met with

We're never going to wake up are we?

Anyway, have a rare Nige to cheer you up.

Gave me a chuckle.

How about this guy? Is he?

>bought some books
That's about it. I was gonna hang out with my friends today and drink then go to cinema but my friend cancelled so i'm left with my ..muslim friend who doesn't drink or do drugs so I have no idea what we're gonna do all day
>y-you don't need drink or drugs to have fun

The literally who candidate wants a New Deal type venture, thoughts?

What's the Day of Rage?
I keep hearing the yanks say it, but I have no idea what they're talking about. Can anyone inform me of this meme?

no tall muslims?

You can go for a spin in his lorry?

You mean the day of rope, race war

Infrastructure spending is almost universally praised as a good thing by economists

He's actually the only one of us who drives a car funnily enough.
It's one of those fancy mercedes though

Absolute Monarchy?

Absolute Mayhem!

They changed the sacred name?
Those infernal, meddling bastards!

Farage hardly aged a day.

Yeah but you need a relatively stable economy to do it we are in some much debt were fucked


>my ..muslim friend

what would be part of that £200m?
HS2 is already underway (in procurement)

>muh experts

don't fucking start

But where will we get the cash, Owen

meant billion

It's blm that calls it 'day of rage'. It's suppsoed to happed today to major american cities

We should just get rid of foreign aid desu

Don't exaggerate, we do have a relatively stable economy

Yeah its not the best but it isn't bad

It depends what time frame this £200 billion is spent over to see how affordable it would be, if it's in a single year then of course that's far too much money


Does literally who have a chance, I get he'd be the 2nd choice of both other camps but don't they divvy up the votes of the bottom guy among those left so how does he plan on getting to round 2?


As long as it generates fuckton of jobs.

>It's blm that calls it 'day of rage'. It's suppsoed to happed today to major american cities
That's my evening sorted. Sat down watching NTA livestreams, sipping a dry white wine and eating slices of Broccoli quiche.

I got some books today too. Take your muslim friend out for a nice grope

Borrowing has never been cheaper than now

Why was Toby Blair bad?
In my opinion he made me admire britain and
he made britain socially progressive and less racist.
Tony blair and Gordon brown also decreased inequality and child poverty.
They also modernized britain and made it great again.
Before Blair and Major britain was the sick man of europe and the garbage of europe

>we don't have enough money because we're paying back too much money because we borrowed too much money before so let's borrow more money so that we owe more money so that we pay more money so that we have more money

Really tired of this meme



>dat opening