Why does everyone hate Sarah Palin?
Why does everyone hate Sarah Palin?
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because she's an idiot. fuck her and her retard makin' cunt.
I REALLY want to FUCK her
Hating Sarah Palin is degenerate, fuck off. she's a qt3.14 and literally nothing is wrong with her.
The media brainwashed them into hating her.
Because she comes off as a bimbo and
She cheated on husband, cocaine parties, dated black guys, took witch rituals, talks kind of funny, was a model. Did i forget something?
She's pretty intelligent considering that she is American
She's milf tier
She said some really retarded shit during McCaine's campaign.
Left hates her for being conservative. Conservatives hate her for being a shitty conservative.
Ah yes: marijuana, shooting animals for fun and retard babies. But she's a Christian so it makes it right.
Left wing media assassinated her character years ago, I love her personally, but she needs a minder, someone to keep her from saying female bush jr tier stupid things.
Wish I had the gif of her dropping down on stage and crossing her legs or w.e
>She cheated on husband, cocaine parties, dated black guys
So the typical American woman... anything else?
Every time I see her,I have to to masturbate.
Her and her sister use to get gang fucked by long dick africans when they were in college.
Don't you mean gilf?
Also, I can see her from my house.
i don't, she's great.
i bet there are faggots on Sup Forums right now who think she actually said "i can see russia from my house"
Matthew 7:16
You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
>In Alaska
These shills arent even trying.
because she's the most dangerous kind of idiot- the idiot who believes she is the smartest person in the room
I think that's her goal.
she named her retarded son Trig, a math class he will never be able to take.
She might be a lot of things, but I don't think she's an academic.
here you go, it's not real though.
she played apehoop in college, rumor has it she fucked Patrick ewing when he was up for a tournament
Except she's a sociopath who will destroy your life when it's politically expedient to do so.
You can't trust her.
the daily show said to
Oh, thats right, its Tiny Fey.
she's a hot conservative woman
Shes a cunt.
Because sometimes it seems like she doesn't take things seriously.
Like running for VP or being on the media alone was a nostalgic reminder that she was back in the Pageant.
I don't see her with passion or with conviction, just a lot of WEEEEEEEEEEEEE YAY!!!
>Assasinated her
Yeah they asked her hard questions like, "What do you like to read?" How dare they.
>I read like, all the newspapers
Tina Fey was how I got through highschool masterbating to her on 30Rock
Me too.
I'm talking a motel room in the middle of nowhere for three days kind of a fuck session.
When leftists admit Michelle is a tranny, they can have their Palin fucking niggers fantasy.
>Why does everyone hate Sarah Palin?
She squires out tard babies and the ones that aren't retarded are degenerate.
She's also a coalburner.
I never said she was an academic or aspired to academia. she seems to sincerely believe that she possesses some backwoods, homespun, hillbilly common sense that makes her smarter than average at least.
But yes she's a milf and would love to do things to her that would make her husband curl up in the fetal position and cry in the corner.
Come on, its 2016.
That was a trap question, do you expect Sarah Palin to say she reads any physical books beyond maybe some kind of romance novels?
How many Americans do you think actually read physical books anymore? I read every day, and I do happen to read actual books too, but most people dont.
For example, ask Sadiq Khan the london mayor what he reads, and dont expect to hear anything outside "The Quran"
"I'm keepin an eye on that maniac putin donchya know"
Alaska doesnt talk like Minnesota except her
She's a coal burner
I wonder what Hillary reads.
Hillary reads books, right guys?
I wonder what Ginsburg reads to expand her knowledge, as a Supreme Court justice. She still reads, right? She expands her horizons and knowledge base, right?
I bet not.
I bet both those cunts assume they know exactly as much as they need to for the rest of their lives, and they are just putting what they know to use.
Thats what women read, even political women.
Palin' hot for her age. How old is she, 50??
Oh, and I forgot the exact perfect meme for that too.
my dick doesn't hate her tbqh
how in fucks name is she the right wing's wet dream?
I'm sure her entire body looks like a shriveled-up orange after pushing out five hillbilly kids, and if ever put the spurs to her you'd probably break her hip
52 now, shes mostly dried up at this point.. now when McCain was running, she was like a 8.5-9/10
>how in fucks name is she the right wing's wet dream?
Well, Reddit, she ran for VP and happens to be pretty attractive.
Its not like shes "the one" or something.
Mika for example, is left wing.
She's my vp of dp
fuck off with your reddit shit leaf
There's nothing wrong with Sarah Palin. Yeah, maybe she said something retarded once or twice, but Obama and Hillary say dumb fucking 100% braindead shit 24/7, and they never get shit for it.
I say stupid shit once in a while too.
The difference is that the media hates republicans. They went after Sarah Palin like predators.
She's a conservative, but she's an attractive woman, so they attack her. She intimidates them.
They assassinated her character. No one has any idea what Sarah Palin is like and what her opinions are, all they know is that she's some ''dumb republican lol amirite??? dumb fucking republicans hahaha :DDDD''. Ask them how she's dumb and they will have no response.
Fuck off with your argument avoidance propaganda tools created on lefty/pol/, Reddit.
Because shes a strong conservative woman and if theres anything liberal women hate more its that
A wild David Carradine appears.
I had a friend like that once. Most bluepilled "man" I ever knew.
If you're conservative you should utterly fucking hate her, because she destroyed the credibility of conservatives in your country.
>Who is your favorite Founding Father?
>All of them.
nah, the (((media))) destroyed the perception of her credibility through alinsky tactics.
it had nothing to do with her actual credibility.
Sarah Palin isn't that intelligent.
Palin's rather hokey and bimbo-ish...but really the left-wing media brainwashed Americans into hating her. She is a fairly smart right-winger (although she's a good goyess for Israel, and her daughter's a whore)
The fake as fuck "Minnesota Nice" accent didn't help at all.
>it's the media's fault
She went to five different schools to get a degree in journalism, and cried and whined about being a victim of a "gotcha" question by being asked WHAT HER FAVOURITE MAGAZINE IS.
That was one of the softest balls she could have been lobbed, and she was too stupid for THAT.
She came here to speak to a group of (actual budget-balancing) conservative, and had absolutely nothing to say, just word salad, it was hilariously useless.
Oh and she created the largest debt-to-gdp ratio in your nation, washingtonindependent.com/80942/palin-left-alaska-with-debts-equal-to-70-percent-of-its-gdp
Until she quit to be on tv of course.
If anything, the media has treated her with kid gloves.
Not that you care about things like facts.
she is very, very dumb.
didnt she fuck some nigger ape hoop player while she was in college? I think it was glen rice
As if that's a negative?
oops, the link's dead. Kinf of odd for that story to be removed, if the media is so set against her.
I can't be assed to find others especially since nobody here gives a shit about reality anyways. But this is sourced,
Sarah Palin should have been a rally call to conservatives.
>Successful Governor
>makes hard choices regarding abortion
>her kid is a fuck up
>seems grounded.
The way she was absolutely crucified by the American media was shameful. Frankly, a few reporters should have been found swinging from trees after the dishonest things they said.
I'm not saying that she is perfect, but she really seems like a decent lady who is generally pretty moral. But, because our media is so in the tank, she was attacked and harassed like no other candidate in my lifetime.
>retard kid attacked
>subject of porn spoofs
To her credit, she's still standing.
Hillary would have eaten a bullet under the same conditions.
You might have made a mistake, family.
They fell for the media/leftist narrative in 2008 that she's stupid. They completely destroyed her. When people think of Palin, they actually think of Tina Fey on SNL. Half the things people make fun of Palin for, she didn't actually say.
The left could not allow a woman to enter the white house BEFORE Hillary because it would derail Hillary's narrative. So they launched a huge attack on her and destroyed her, brainwashing morons. See:
People still fall for the meme. They used Alinsky tactics to isolate a threat and attack their person with ridicule. And these fools STILL fall for it.
Also, I know people who legit believe the things Tina Fey said as her on SNL were actual Palin quotes.
Most people do and don't even know it. The Alinsky attack on Palin was so successful that people ACTUALLY THINK that Tina Fey is Sarah Palin.
They went hardcore with their Alinsky attack because Palin would have upset Hillary's feminist/womyn card for the White House in 2016.
Why is that even a bad thing?
I don't want a woman as leader of this country honestly, regardless of how she was slandered by the media or what her actual positions are/were. They are not fit to lead the United States.
she has one use.
she can see Russia from her house.
when Putin decideds to invade, she'll be the one to sound the alarm.
Palin would have been a female Bush desu
Look, it's not your fault.
You have been raised in a Orwellian* country, that has dedicated itself to turning citizens into subjects.
I know that BBC (the cannel, not your "mum's" favorite thing) is God and the source of all information, but ask yourself this...
What is the news is dishonest? What if they don't tell me the truth?
While as flawed as any human, Palin was really not a bad person. To think that any credibility issues could be blamed on her, and not the dishonest smut peddlers that call themsleves newsmen, is frankly, nonsense.
*George Orwell wrote books about how man is very quick to enslave each other. He was English, and clearly saw what future lay ahead for you.
>le epic SNL may mays XDDDD
Fucking dumbass, falling for Alinsky tactics.
Palin is pretty based. As far as politicians are concerned, she's a good guy. She cares about Alaska and has done a lot for her constituents during her time in office.
What happened to her during the presidential race was sad. As other anons stated, there was a deliberate character assassination done.
Although its slanted to portray Palin in a negative light, the movie Game Change was a good portrayal of how they took this poor woman and forced her into a world she was not comfortable with.
We should judge politicians on their actions in office, not on how the media assassinates them. Alaskans love Palin because she cares about the people of Alaska and that, in turn, makes me like her.
She turned conservatism into a meme
I agree hating Palin is degenerate, but she's better suited as a MILFy talking head on Fox News than as a serious politician.
Not sure if you're saying that as a good or bad thing, though sure as hell would have been better than "HOPE AND CHANGE" for 8 years
I think a woman wouldn't be nearly as respected by leaders of many nations, and with our position as a superpower and the shit going on in the middle east, our relationship with Russia, etc, we'll lose some of our projection of power. Or at least the illusion of it.
No, the leftist's Alinsky attacks did that.
I don't.
Can you not perform simple math? clearly shows that she was objectively a shit governor. She wracked up massive debt, and fucking cut and ran before her term was even finished.
I get it, you're contrarian and you desperately need to twist and contort to always be in opposite to any idea that you think is conventional...but numbers don't lie.
You don't have to like reality, but your feelings can't actually affect change upon it.
She's a fun milf wife
Some more than others
When I feel bad for voting for Obama in 2008, I have to remember that this dumbass was a heartbeat away from the Presidency.
That being said, I don't even think a dumbass could be as destructive as Obama has been, so maybe I was wrong.
(((Mika))) is fucking sexy.
le epic SNL may may XDDDDDD I love Alinsky too!!!!!!!!!!!!