In 8 years of marriage my wife basically went from left to right. I am drinking more, lost ambition...

In 8 years of marriage my wife basically went from left to right. I am drinking more, lost ambition, lust after almost every other halfway attractive woman I this normal marriedbros? Am I midlife crisising?

Should I just accept my fate and live for my children or end it all? A cowardly quick death, or a meaningless drawn out long one?

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Drop some acid with your wife and I guarantee your love will be rekindled for her.

Don't see the difference.

Show nudes to decide.

Some chick look better with meat on their bones. She's one of those bitches that do. I bet the pussy is better. If you don't want it anymore, I bet there's a shit load of dudes out there that would. Me included.

Also dont kill yourself you fucking coward you have kids

Ever hear a married man say their sex life is wonderful and his wife is full of happiness and joy and likes to stay fit? Yeah it doesnt happen. I've been married 15 years. Sure some guys might end up with unicorns but most of us just deal with it. If you have kids you get fucked over if you try to leave her.

Don't kill yourself user

Just be honest with your family and admit to being a massive faggot who wants nothing more than to surgically cut his dick off. Fucking queer

How about you take a step back and be a big boy. Is she a good partner and mother to your children? What do you look like? If you both have let yourselves go, make it a team effort to get back into shape. But I warn you - she’s gonna look a lot better than you after losing a little weight and if you started the conversation with ‘you used to be hawt, hurrrrr’ she will be straddling strange before you realize.

You describe a normal marriage. Stay alive you fucking piece of shit, don't ruin your kids life because you can't get hard with the nasty animal you married.

sounds about right
dont forget when they turn about 50-60 they will retire early and want you to financially support them until you die early

Drop acid with your wife, faggot.
Fix your bullshit.

Good advice dude. Thanks.

Beat the shit out of her for letting herself get so ugly. Dumb slut.

Join the military. When you deploy and she inevitably cheats on you, shes the bad guy and you get out scott free. At least, if you pre-nup'd. If you didn't then you're just a retard.

married and have a job good enough to support children, you are living the dream bro.but hey I guess everyone gets tired of life eventually, im hopefully going to pull the trigger by the end of the year, it might take a while to buy a gun or work up the will to do it manually.

Been married 13 years. Sex life is trash after 3 kids. Wife is like ‘mom hot’, but definitely not the girl I married. And she wants sex about as often as I want cranberry sauce - once a year and just to say I did it.

No, I’ve stayed the same. In fact, I’m in better shape now than before. I Am really disappointed on how she has turned out. I don’t want to be seen with her in public for Christ’s sake. I purposely find activities to do that don’t involve her. I care for her, tried to get her to get back in shape, she went from an 7.5 to a negative 6. I’m really fucking depressed about it.

It’s really pointless, I wish I never would have gone this route. Sorry about your trouble, but at least you don’t have guilt of kids on top of it all.

Well then, friend. I don’t know what to do. But you may need to get a counselor and a divorce lawyer. Either she changes or you bounce. This doesn’t sound like the usual ‘married sex’ problems.

2 kids here. Wants it about once a month, and even then its shit. never gives head unless I beg then maybe she does a ahit job.

Never understood why people were into sports until I reached this stage. Now I’m like at least I can stare at the tv and zone out. Gives me something to talk about with other dudes since none of us are getting pussy.

I think unfortunately a lot of women do this. This doesn't help your current situation, but if you ever move on and get a new woman: get an asian.

I'm currently dating my first asian gf, nearly 6 years. It's like a night and day difference to every other girl I dated. All her asian friends are married, and the ones with "bad sex lives" complain because they fuck once a week after they've been together for like 15 years and have 2-3 kids. They stay hot and young even after kids, and the traditional home values are top notch. In fact, most of the time the sex life sucks is because of the husband not putting out, rather than the woman. It's all so fucking backwards compared to how I grew up - I'm a fucking white male.

Anyway, user, if you love your wife as a person, then all you can do is encourage her to be her best self (work out, eat right, dress nice, etc) - if she doesn't want to do it, you committed to her for life through sickness and health, good and bad. I'd say roll with it. If she's abusive or refuses to even TRY to work on herself, maybe think about ending it because that signals a lack of self respect and that will probably overflow into your childrens' lives which is more important than yours. If it doesn't, then just kick back and enjoy life. Get a sex doll and put it into a storage unit and go fuck it all the time. Ask her if you can jerk off while you rub her asshole or something if she doesn't want to fuck. Ask if you can just jerk it in bed while you watch porn or she shows you her tits or something.

Beauty fades, it's cliche, but really if she's a good person stick with her until the end. That's way harder to find. Plenty of hot girls who are assholes, not many who are nice people regardless of looks.

Fuck that retarded shit

Both of you are bored
Find some way to put some excitement back into life

>Get married, thru sickness and health
>Be good partner, goes both ways in bad and good times
>Be user, "fuck that retarded shit!"
>He posts, from his forever alone basement

Been married 11 years.
>Best shape of our lives
>1 child
>Secure jobs with great income
>Have sex 2-3 times a week
>Sex life is better now than ever. We are comfortable and know how to make each other cum almost instantly
>We are best friends
If you aren't happy user then talk to her (don't blame her) and start working on yourself. You'd be surprised how when one partner is doing well it can bring the other up too.

I don't get this. People like cumming. Do you always make sure she cums? If you aren't doing it for her then I can see why she's not interested.

Been there, tried that. Didn't work out. I was attacked for not supporting her enough. . Yeah must be really hard to sit and watch TV all day while I go to work.

ITT: LARPing and guys who got married solely on the basis of sex and finding a wamen "hot" without giving a fuck as to whether or not they'd be compatible partners years down the road

She always get off, usually multiple times. It just isn't that important to her. Usually she would rather just play on her phone. At some point you just give up begging like a puppy for a little affection.

Seriously. Then he actively looks for activities that exclude his wife. Do people not communicate any more? He basically took his ball and went home on his own marriage.

Why did you marry her?

More like
>Hey wanna play basketball with me like we used to?
>Hey wanna play basketball with me like we used to?
>Im gonna go play basketball with someone else.
OMG you such a jerk.

Jesus Christ I'm glad I'm asexual

Clearly OP fucked up his whole marriage. It's not just her fault. He allowed the entire thing to head a direction he didn't anticipate (want?). The signs were always there - the behaviour, diet, etc. In saying so, genetics, female coding, DOES change post-childbirth. Again, OP should have known what to expect.

OP IF you want to maintain that girl you knew, YOU have to keep her alive inside, or bring her back to life. That's YOUR duty since she's just going to do herself. I digress. Explore kinks, and bounds, not since before children expressed. No need to bring acid or other chemical alterations until you've restabilized your marriage first. My wife is MY 10/10 and she has let herself fall to that trap of motherhood. Doesn't stop me one bit. Be her fucking Knight in shining armour. Do you think this life is entirely her dream job? Man the fuck up, lift your household, put that bitch back on the pedastal, don't fall into your roles expected, be the persons that make your unit amazing.

fucking based user

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Just fucking tell her if she doesn't start to lose weight you'll leave her. I warn my fiance every God damned time she eats like shit, if she gets above a certain weight that I'm gone.

>begging like a puppy

That's part of the problem. Never ask, never beg. Take what you want. She's your wife you homo. I'm not saying rape her, but have you forgotten how to seduce a woman?

This kind of thing is often a power problem in relationships, not just marriage. Women get bored when you stop trying. When I say trying I don't mean trying to wriggle your pleasure noodle into her poop chute, I mean trying to woo her. Be romantic. And no, that doesn't mean doing the errands and chores and then expecting sex.

It means be a fucking man. Do manly shit. On your own, and with her. Make her feel like a woman. How many times do you hear of a woman cheating in a marriage because "the guy made her feel like a woman again" ?

Take her out. Do new shit. Don't just wine and dine her and then get home and be like "well time to fuck" that's a turnoff unless you're 2 weeks into a relationship. Tell her you want to take her to some weird crazy shit like a glass blowing class or bungee jumping or fuck IDK, some crazy shit. If she says no, tell her that's cool and you're heading out to do it without her anyway because you genuinely want to try it and wish she would come with. At some point she'll either come with and you guys will have a good time and maybe end up fucking, other times she'll stay home and wonder what's gotten into you : why are you suddenly mysterious? Where the hell did you get the idea to do woodworking? glass blowing? hang gliding?

The relationship key is always the same user, it's just harder in a marriage. Be your own person first, and she'll love you for it later. Sounds like she's bored as shit. Do you guys still laugh together? You gotta make her laugh and have FUN together. A woman doesn't want to fuck a guy she doesn't have fun with anymore.

She is having an affaire

So basically be gay because women fucking suck. Got it.

Went through that shit with my ex, yep, lived it once, divorced that shit. Costly, but mentally better for it. If you don't mind the loss trash the TV. Current marriage had toddler wreck two displace in two months - August and September this year. Didn't blink once. Let it go because that's less distraction bullshit for the family. TV is pure garbage, anything beyond occasionally droning out is unntural and lowers the entire home's IQ, morale, and no doubt stamina. If you want this chick, be fearless to retake your life.

Found the guy whos never been in a relationship for more than 2 weeks.

Fuck that. Some women are just fucking cancer and at that point you fucking leave her. They aren’t all fucking princesses you fucking moron. Some are just piece of shit human beings that want to get a guy then lay in bed eating chips like the sack of shit they are.

nude pic

Why are so many of you talking as if someone's wife has zero responsibility to making her husband happy? Fuck me, marriage always seems like an awful mistake.

Dude that relationship coaching shit you read in books and on YouTube is good, until you actually start dating for more than a few months. Then it turns into a meme.

Sorry bud, been with my girl 6 years.

>Korean 9/10
>never been heavier than 112lb @ 5'2"
>We have sex minimum 3x a week even when we didn't live together
>Have a literal locking suitcase full of sex toys. Sex life is amazing, literally nothing off limits at any time
>We're both level headed and emotionally intelligent enough to realize when things are getting boring, one of us looks at the other one and talks it out. Identify the problem, and fix it with a solution (i.e. putting excitement back into our lives instead of sitting on our phones or ignoring each other or gaining weight)
>Have a deep connection to the point where we can talk about anything from philosophy to sex to swinging to anything our minds cross and anything we want
>Both work out, best shape we've both ever been in mentally and physically

Sorry man, but just because some people's lives suck doesn't mean everyone's does. There are legit good people out there, find the right ones. I dated plenty of shit birds before I met this one.

Just leave her, many guys can fuck her if you dont want to... Show some nudes and we can see better how she is now

Relationships are a two way road. If one is putting in all of the work that means the relationship is already over. It could be salvageable given serious but sincere communication and proper understanding but that’s not always the case. That doesn’t mean giving an ultimatum or threatening to leave. Just express your unhappiness and unwillingness to continue doing the necessary work of two people alone.

I dont think body pillows count cuck. Imagine being so insecure with your relationship that you put a hard weight limit on your significant other before you ditch them.

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>express your unhappiness and unwillingness to continue doing the necessary work of two people alone.



>Still being married
what are you? a masochist?

It 100% is in western countries. We’ve ‘progressived’ ourselves out of existence.

Got a current pic that's not her making a retarded face?

Clear and concise communication. It doesn’t mean getting all mushy and emotional. It doesn’t mean having to be stern and foreign. It just means addressing the reality of the situation based off of the facts without any sugarcoating

You're going through what they call the "Seven Year Itch". The exact time doesn't matter. Thats when people get sick of each other physically, and it starts to wear on them emotionally, so their sexual appetites wander. People start thinking they have just enough mojo left to re-start the process and maybe be successful in a last ditch effort with a new woman. But that almost never happens, because all the chicks your current age are on their second spin, too. So, both new partners are jaded, and now that they've made the big move of splitting, they'll do it several times trying to jump up a couple levels. People are never satisfied. It doesn't help that you view her so disparagingly. This is when guys buy a fix-up car, or start watching sports (like someone said). Get some hobbies, reconnect with some bros. Splitting is a bad idea unless she really did something unforgivable, because you'll get your shit pushed in. You think the other side is gravy, but it's actually pretty sad, trying to sift through the trash of divorced bitches that are carrying massive baggage.

I rarely do nowadays but I don't care as I'm bi and I have sex regularly with other men

It sucks bro. Been married a few years and my wife definitely put on weight. She wants to fuck all the time but I’m pretty blah about it. I’m used to fucking wild sluts, and I thought it was time to grow up and settle down with a normal good wife. Don’t get me wrong she is an amazing wife but sex is so fucking boring and she has so many rules. Don’t pull my hair, don’t slap my ass to hard, don’t finger me, no anal. Now that she is out of shape she gets tired fast riding. She says she clenches her teeth at night and gets pain from sucking cock to long. Sad thing I make her cum pretty fast then she is done like a dude. I want to cheat but I married into the mob and would rather not lose my life.

Nice bait, faggot, the pics were taken the same day the one on the left with one of those fagchat filters.

>I rarely do nowadays but I don't care as I'm bi and I have sex regularly with other men

I'd probably fuck in her the ass. Women should be nasty. If they can't act how they want they aren't real. Can fuck a dummy in the ass because nothing's real.

Married twice. No kids
Married late both times, 4 years dating. 1 year marriage, then divorce

I get the "7 year itch" right around 5 years. It's quite normal. I don't have kids though, no idea how that changes it, but for me it was easy to just blame all of the problems on simple boredom, and just break it off.
Well... not really easy. This of course crushes the girl, but hey, a few weekends of hookers gets you feeling better pretty damn fast

Well tits or gtfo

So here's what none of these faggots are going to say:

Nobody knows if our actions now affect what happens after we die, and that's really why you're torn on your decision. You want to bounce out of that situation, but you're worried that at the end of everything, you're going to be judged harshly, and end up sucking Hitler's shriveled dick for eternity.

Either man up, realize that you only get one chance at life, and one chance at happiness... or stick it out with your hamplanet because you have a moral obligation.

Choose happiness now, or a potential and unproven eternity of happiness.

Best advice i've seen on Sup Forums maybe ever. Straight and sound.

I would add, save moneysecretly to take trips to countries where you can make your dreams cone true for a week ir two a year. Call it charity work or some bs.

Just go to marriage counseling

Nice answer

Tough answer but true

Talk talk talk talk talk. All you motherfuckers need to communicate. It sounds suspiciously easy but there it is. Fucking talk to your god damn wife. If your mad, tired, bored, frustrated, happy, excited, what the fuck ever. Women love to talk about all that shit.

It dawned on me a could years ago. We were in a rut and I was getting really fed up with it. I got some advice by an old man married twice as long as I've been alive. Communicate. You don't say shit nothing happens and the same shit keeps happening.

I used fucking hate and suck at talking. Jump in the cold deep end and grab her sit down and start talking. I guarantee even if you don't really know how to start or what to say exactly, if you just start a discussion it will flow naturally. Most of the time after a good chat she can't wait to fuck.

Bitches like to talk.

Good on you man. I do the same shit with my girl and she loves the shit out of me. I guarantee the guys bitching about their wives losing all motivation to be attractive in this thread are all guys that lost any motivation to be attractive as well.

Just putting in effort into how you look, getting fashionable, and investing interests into your own hobbies and passions does wonders for making your sig other want you. What woman doesn't want to have the handsome or fashionable or passionate husband? If you make yourself so good she shows you off then you're doing the right shit.

It’s easy to blame the guys when you think woman can do no wrong. I try to wine and dine the wife taker her on trips around the world and shit. Still doesn’t make sex any less boring. I don’t have a sex problem I have a boring wife problem.

>At least, if you pre-nup'd. If you didn't then you're just a retard.

LOL this guy thinks a prenup means anything.
You do know a judge can just throw that out the window right?

Or be in my case where the wife’s family is loaded but also mobbed up and she tells me WE WILL NEVER BE DIVORCED. I DON’T CARE YOUR NEVER LEAVING ME....

i have the opposite problem, my crazy asian wife disturbs me so much, i barely can be on the internetz.

thats what they do friendo wait till they think you're blackmailed in with their share of your money and dont even put the effort in till youve divorced and shes got fucking disgusting to you.

just cheat on her and encourage her to do the same who cares anymore then just seperate with your own bank account across the country or even move countries i dont envy your choice and i wouldnt envy your choice then but fuck it OP your life.

Pics of said wife or gtfo.

lost mine recently, hopeing that day would come now that it has it sucks. do a flip 4 me faggot

I dunno. I'm married. 13 years now. 3 kids.

Been a couple for almost 25 (since we were 15/16).

I guess we're just best friends.

I'd be lying if I said it had all been perfect, but overall we've had a good solid marriage.

Fucking idiot.

We generally have sex 3 to 4 times a week. Fun.

My asian gf makes me go balls deep I her ass every Saturday on MDMA. WE GO FOR HOURS.


Thanks, and yeah basically agree. Sure, life has it's ups and downs and it's important to be there for eachother through that. But overall, it's a win-win.

Ironically, being your own man and doing things YOU like (like you said, investing your time into passions and hobbies and whatnot) will not only be enriching for yourself, but your chick will be more attracted to you for it.

The best way I can describe a long term relationship to another guy is this:
Women spend their entire lives and the entire relationship unconsciously trying to whittle you down, settle you down, and make you one unit rather than two separate people who love each other. If you give them what they want and allow that to happen, they get bored and don't find you attractive anymore. Ironically, continuing to do the things you love and enjoy, even if it "pisses her off" in the long run will keep her by your side, and she'll respect you more for it.

Fuck her
Dont impregnate her
She was hot
You fucked up
You deserve the hell you will endure