Americans don't like eating fish

Can someone explain why?

Fish tastes amazing and it's healthy too.

low quality fish in first experience, and not grown up in a culture that appreciate's it, is all I can guess. I'm an american who likes fish, however I will concede that many here don't

you literally have 2 oceans full of healthy fish that cant wait to be devoured to extinction by amerilards
cant any of you do some marketing for it and become filthy rich

What are you talking about?

never met someone who doesn't like fish

>it's healthy too
that's the problem

Because of their Irish heritage

Do European Catholics eat fish on Fridays?

not enough fat

they do

Poles are good Catholics so I expect they would, I was more thinking French or other heathens. Here it's not uncommon for people to have fish on Fridays even if they don't take Catholicism seriously.

>Poles are good Catholics

>Here it's not uncommon for people to have fish on Fridays even if they don't take Catholicism seriously.
same here, for dietetic reasons I guess

Never met someone who did, not even my religious grandmothers

Every canteen will offer fish on fridays, therefore many people do, but not for religious reasons

Yeah that's more what I mean

Maybe it's partly because all the fish yall get up there are big fish (e.g. salmon, cod)

Where I live, the fish we eat tend to be smaller, such that a person can easily eat 1 or more fish in a sitting. Because of that we're better at picking out bones and we also eat a lot more seafood overall

they're not fed fish in school so they don't learn to eat it.

The fish in my schools cafeteria was so shit the opposite happened, it disgusted people and drove them away from sea food
I'm pretty young and almost the only one my age I know who enjoy fish, despite living near the sea

Americans outside of rural fishing towns and places like Boston probably aren't really exposed to seafood culture. If you don't grow up with it then the taste needs to be acquired. Lots of Americans live inland or in big cities that might as well be.

But there are river fishes as well

What the Swedish government added these two dishes as obligatory dishes to trick kids into liking fish.
The trick is to serve it with sauce that kids like and breading the fish. After a while kids start to like the fish.

You can't live off of it, though. More of a hobby

yes but not really

>what is pisciculture

Where I live even the Protestants eat fish on Fridays, simply because the fish is so good. I think that a love is seafood is simply a taste based thing.

yeah but not really