How Do We Fight Back Against Islam?

Since we are not yet allowed to kill them in the streets how do we make the Muslim scum pay?

We need to ostracize them, harass, bankrupt them and shun them. We need to invade their safe spaces and treat them like trash We need to make their lives in the West a living hell.

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Pepe spray


Stop supporting things like restaurants, shops, stores that sell halal food, etc.. That said, they'll eventually get "diversity welfare" or some such nonsense to buy their votes, but that's another story for another day.

What for? Attack leftists, beat up twitter and tumblr activists, burn their useless social studies universities, break into left media outlets and break up server rooms. When you get rid of left you'll get rid of immigrant problem and ton of others.

Russiabro knows what's best for the west.

There won't be any change until people make it change.

Drop the bomb. The big one. Glass the place. Fuck it.


that pepe is fucking terrifying

Ivan gets it.

I wish we did too...

Do not hire them
Do not patronise their business
Do not sell your house to them
Do not buy a house from them
Do not buy product or services from Muslim countries
Do not donate to charities which benefit Muslims

I could go on, the list is endless

Have a better security apparatus in place than the French.

There's more refugees in Germany, yet no attacks there. Britain just had a vote to leave the EU that was hyped up as an anti-immigration (and we all know which immigrants they are) yet no attacks there. The US has been waging war on the middle east, and any attack is committed by lone wolf terrorists.

After Charlie Hebdo the French did nothing. After the Paris attacks, they did nothing. After the Bastille attack, they will still do nothing.

Yep I've read stuff about their security and it is complete joke. Their secret services literally only do selling drugs.

Pork grease dipped .556 armor piercing.

>Do not hire them
Literally illegal to not hire someone based on race/religion
>Do not patronise their business
Fair enough
>Do not sell your house to them
Don't know about UK, but in America the fair housing act says that if they can afford the house, you can't not sell it because of race/religion
>Do not buy a house from them
Fair enough
>Do not buy product or services from Muslim countries
So I guess just walk everywhere because otherwise you'll be needing gas.
>Do not donate to charities which benefit Muslims
Unless it's specifically Muslim oriented, you have no idea which charities will benefit muslims. With a population comprising a third of the world, mostly in the third world, it's damn near impossible to do this.

I mean there have been attacks in America since 9/11 but it took 11 years to do it.

It's nearly a goddamned bimonthly thing in France.

Nuke Mecca, find out of the sand glows or turns to glass.

Organics are weak

Dude I know people who complained they saw niggers shit in open on paris streets.


red pilled af

Well it is France.

Stop using oil.

spread rumours that they are gay and eat pork

they all hate that shit

My gas stations are owned by old muslim men. Sorry Sup Forums but I need gas.
And coffee.

start burying them in hog carcasses

moslems are triggered even easier than liberal arts students

Pray the rosary.

Are you familiar with the battle of Lepanto? Europe was outnumbered by the Muslims and ready to fall. The pope called for a campaign to pray the rosary for victory. The two navies met in battle and in the sky -- and this is recorded by muslim historians! -- there appeared an angry woman, and the muslims were so frightened of this that their forces collapsed and they were turned back at the gates.

Abandon not the faith of your fathers, Sup Forums. It may be infiltrated by modernism and leftism, but there is still power to it. Why do you think the leftists and modernists are so desparate to destroy it?

Anyone here visit the gates of Vienna site?

That'll give you some ideas

Kill them

muslim here, i dont get it why dont you just go fight isis with the kurds or some shit?

Well, I haven't gone out and physically attacked anyone but I basically broke up the philosophy club at my high school during my last year by throwing my 13 inch rectangular dog cock opinions around in the feminists faces so guess that helps. Oh yeah, and I'll probably stop by every now and then next year to see friends and to tear up feminists.

Thanks for showing me this.


Good lad.

>Oh yeah, and I'll probably stop by every now and then next year to see friends and to tear up feminists.

Holy shit this is easily the saddest thing I've ever read. Who the fuck visits their high school after they've graduated?

What a fucking faggot.

Because you are the enemy and you are right here. We are waiting for you to slip up so we can give you the necktie that you ordered from sears

>We need to ostracize them, harass, bankrupt them and shun them. We need to invade their safe spaces and treat them like trash We need to make their lives in the West a living hell.

And now you've just given every Muslim a reason to radicalize because you just proved Isis right, you fucking dipshit

>ostracize them, harass, bankrupt them and shun them

Done, Done, Can't they have their own 0% interest banks its how they accumulate wealth while we pay the slave rate to the IMF and done.

no, isis is the enemy

most muslims dont practice islam remember?

>Well, I haven't gone out and physically attacked anyone but I basically broke up the philosophy club at my high school during my last year by throwing my 13 inch rectangular dog cock opinions around in the feminists faces so guess that helps. Oh yeah, and I'll probably stop by every now and then next year to see friends and to tear up feminists.
This whole fucking post is just incredibly sad
>pssh yeah bro I wreck feminists with my hot opinions and visit my highschool every year

someone needs to meme diy instructions for an aerosol can that sprays pig blood

maybe take a 500ml wide mouth coke bottle, cut a hole near the top under the cap and epoxy a bike tire nozzle in; cut the top off a spray can, cut spray can tube to length and epoxy it into the coke cap, fill with misc pork offal, screw coke cap on and pressurize with bike tire pump

call it diy shitskin-away, post to twitter, get comfy

If your into matt brackens stuff he often posts there.
Great fiction piece:

Then how about leaving the ideology that teaches 'death to apostates' ?

Do all those things to jews. You see the way it goes is jews rally liberals to let in muslims to destroy white society. Kill the jew and the muslim ceases to be a problem, since it would be left to fuck goats in the middle east.

I already boycott their shit.

What you need to do is spread their own literature, because that's where the terrible stuff is.

Realistically you can't rely on violence to defeat the left you so gotta use the same tactics they use against the right. Be as subversive as possible. Point out every inconsistency at every opportunity. Give them no ideological safe spaces or echo chambers. Undermine the institutions that produce the leftists like academia, hollywood, MSM, and mainstream political groups.

Red pill as many normies as possible so they lose trust in these institutions.


I don't think nationalist pro-European/white parties will win in the West.
I think the best they can do is form regional strongholds and launch independence movements to form new European nations.

Cut off foreign aid and/or economic ties to predominately Muslim countries that do not ratify laws that ultimately work against Islam, such as equality/ equal protection for women under the law and separation of church and state.

I would also export various feminist academics from the West to do public speeches in Islamic cities, as well as export American entertainment in order to further subvert Islamic culture in their women and children.

you see ivan, if you destroy sjw

muslims not aceptable and scared of going out

Nuclear warfare. It made Japan stop and now we are allies. Only I suggest multiple bombs be dropped in middleeastern countries. It really takes the fight out when your next generation looks like fucking jimminy crickett.

Holy shit trips again for me. Im telling truths

People like to talk big about killing muslims, but how do you actually distinguish muslims from non-muslims?

There's many european ,and other, ethnicities that are as dark as the average person that practises Islam, nor can you explicitly tell from skin colour whether they practise or not.

>inb4 hurr durr we kill them all
yeah no

>Since we are not yet allowed to kill them in the streets how do we make the Muslim scum pay?
They arent allowed to kill us either, but they still do it

Start with mosques. Also, use social media to profile people before any happenings that would make them hide their power level.

Don't lie to yourself, you just hate people with brown eyes and black hair. Even if he told you he's not muslim anymore you'll label him as using taqila.

You're dead right.
Japan and Poland treat Muslims badly, and look at the hundreds of Islamic terrorist attacks in those countries.
Oh wait.

You dumb fuck.
You'd also have said that the USA shouldn't have declared war on Japan in WWII because doing so would make Japanese people dislike America.

You are so fucking dumb.
Your argument is essentially: "Don't hit the bully back, because he might continue to bully you." You have to have such a weak mental state to accept that logic; like, born to be cucked.

Remove your custom from their businesses

>american entertainment
woah mate, don't make them watch friends or something, that's fucking inhumane

>the globalist shill in power says I can't so I guess I won't even though I'm literally about to die


I fucking love Russians.

> And now you've just given every Muslim a reason to radicalize because you just proved Isis right, you fucking dipshit

Hi Schlomo.

ISIS is right, we are at war with Islam. they are all fifth column cultural destroyers. Just like you.

Haven't the radicals realized that if they kill us we win?

It's easy to know when someone truly stops being a Muslim or Jew ... they stop cutting their sons.]