>all those dead qt's and children
kek will bring us justice
>all those dead qt's and children
kek will bring us justice
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If there were no whites there nobody would care.
Whites only empathetic race confirmed
and what exactly is wrong about that?
what a multicultural bunch, they all came together to enjoy the universal experience of being killed by a muslim
We are all children of God Paulo
french fries exercising surrendering again kek
There's a surprising number of black people there
sauce? :( i never heard about this
>half of them are nonwhites
lel, france is fucking shithole
watch my youtube vid above for extrakek
> 7 brownies dead
Well, I suppose there's a light at the end of every tunnel.
>meanwhile whites are subsidizing shitskins for trillions of dollar via charity due to misplaced guilt for lifting them out of goatfucking savagery 200 years ago
Fuck off Pablo
Faggot, niggers and sluts. What's wrong with France?
All those kings and queens
Own group preference is a reality. BLM shows that, they care more when black thugs die than when white law abiding citizens die.
Well it happened in France
okay, i know pol is not all that serious but fuck off. fuck off, edgy fucking teen you must be over 18 to post here.
why cant we just fucking nuke isis already.
Whites only race people care about confirmed
>hfw his leaders say they want to import more Muslims
Whites are guilty for black violence.
white people invented the hydrogen bomb over 70 years ago, they could have wiped out any ethnic group if they wanted to, but they don't. if niggers or muslims had that kind of tech they would have wiped eachother out already.