>trump picks a shitty neocon cuckservative as VP and France gets allahu snackbar'd again
Is this the worst 24 hours in Sup Forums history?
>trump picks a shitty neocon cuckservative as VP and France gets allahu snackbar'd again
Is this the worst 24 hours in Sup Forums history?
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>european capital of socialist degeneracy and multiculturalism gets some Religion of Peace.
>worst thing ever.
How is this bad again? Its like being surprised when a drug user overdoses.
VP doesn't matter. I bet you less than 20% of the german population could name the current one.
More so that it was juxtaposed with Pence being confirmed as Trump's VP. It just feels like everything is crumbling all at once. Trump is a sellout. Feels like there is no hope, nothing to rally behind. The france attack just adds insult to injury
It matters a lot to the voters because it signifies the candidate's values. Good luck pulling former Bernie voters, swing voters, and anti establishment independents now that Trump has picked a religious zealot cuckservative establishment neocon
>VP doesn't matter
before him Bush
Biden probably has a lot more power than he lets on as well
It also shows a direct sellout to the GOP establishment
Fuck you, if your country were relevant maybe you'd get some attention from muzzies too.
80+ people died and you feel happy about it? Hitler was right, Slavs are worse than dogs
Terrorist attacks are great for the right, what are you talking about?
70 nobodies die in france, we gain inarguable justification in our outrage at outrageous things that leftists deny are outrageous.
Its inarguable, border controls just went up. Best 70 people ever lost, millions saved due to border controls with france.
Pic related, anyone can become french, blocking french travel is blocking white genocide at this point.
But what does it even matter if we don't have political power to act with? Trump is a sellout and is going to lose in november. Nobody to rally behind
whaddaya mean? i am celebrating bro
>feels everything is crumbling
>has been for a while
Why does it take someone like Trump for us to realize?
Well, hitler was right in that part. And i am not happy, i just am not surprised.
No fucking shit. But Trump was at least a hope
>How is this bad again?
Fuck you Ivan
either a shill or a maple nigger looking for (you)s
ignore the worthless cunt
Heartless piece of shit.
Its nothing unusal, honestly. What, its only been like 2 months since last attack like this? It honestly happens often enough to be considered normal at this point.
Just follow what your PM said: "France has to get used to terrorism"
Ah yes, 2 attacks is a good sample size, 2 attacks means that France is now a third world country, 2 attacks means that the muzzies won.
Has a Slav ever reached triple digits iq?
Plus Charlie Hebdo, lets not forget that as well. I wonder if you will reuse the #JeSuis once more, before it is buried once more by your media.
And the funniest thing about it, is that you get more angry at a foreigner pointing out your flaws, than about the flaws themselves.
You really are a piece of shit.
>Lol u guise deserved it. France? More liek Francistan amirite xDD
>A foreigner pointing the flaw
I'm fucking mad at lot of thing right now, and I don't need to read the smugness of human garbage from a country no one knows shit about besides it being full of mentally challenged Slavs.
Most mammals feel emotions but I guess Lithuanians are closer to insects than they are to dogs
Nice dubs, stay strong baguette. Also change your god damn government.
Oh, sorry. You made me change my ways.
I will now pray for the victims of this terrible tragedy. Truly, this was an unforseen act, but we must not forget that calm, cool heads must prevail, and we cant let this act of a single lone madman marr the relations the french people have with their newly arrived immigrants. Especially we must be considerate of the muslim community, who are the true victims of this tradgedy.
well i don't care about the election now.
it's all shit either way.
>trump picks a far right winger
>guy doesn't want abortions
>doesn't believe in evolution
>doesn't think smoking leads to cancer
>thinks global warming is made up by democrats
he won't appeal to anyone but far right, bible thumpers. trump already has those votes. He dun goofed
you can't make this shit up. hillary won
this. that abortion law pence passed.
lol top kek. can't wait for hilldog to bring that up in debates. among everything else that fucker stands for. i mean, global warming and smoking are bad mmk
There is a difference between instructing good actions (aka close your borders France) and laughing at innocent deaths. Dickhead.
Trips of truth. On est avec vous aujourd'hui et pour toujours Francebro. And yes, get Hollande and all his sniveling shit friends out of office ASAP
Weather he closes it out of rage or regret, all that matters that he closes it.
If Romney was anything to go by, the more Sup Forums is convinced Trump is finished the better. You guys are fucking awful analysts.
The Estonian has a point. Lets keep aside the victims for a moment. There are always victims.
This is another lesson for France. But will they learn this time? I wonder
Litterally no one says that anymore in France.I know there nothing to do in Lithuania but you should leave your moms basement some day and see how the world really is.
But hey keep laughing at us, I know I felt sorry for you when I visited your """""country""""" and could by 1 week worth of food for 5 euros. Hell, I could probably fuck your sister for 1.5euro
We will cunt, last election the FN had the most votes of any other party.
You can't have a 100% Sup Forums approved candidacy if you want even a chance at winning the election.
Cheney is probably the most powerful and influential vp in history
Most vp's are basically pointless
At least the Lithuanians aren't absolute cucks who mass import mudslimes and niggers and share their wives with them. French cock sucking faggot
You cant honor dead Frenchmen by abusing everyone m8. Calm down and take a deep breath
What a spicy meme burger
The Slav made fun of the death of my countrymen, I have every right to remind him how much of a vermin he is
They will. They will regurgitate the same memes that he was not a true muslim. They will probably find a few shitskins he ran over along the bloodsplatter, dig out their baby pictures, and parade it around as proof that this was the work of a madman, a love-struck psycho, wholy unrelated to whatever religious organization a person with the name Muhhamed might belong to.
They will never question where he got the grenades and rifles from. They will bury any discussion in "respect for the dead", and fake outrage at any implications that are not PC.
And when you go to the streets, mussulmans and antifa, both supported by your police will beat you down once again, all to the cheers of paid counterprotesters as they cheer on the death of islamophobia.
Prove me wrong in the coming days, heh, and i wont even charge the 1.5 Euros.
Exactly. Picking an anti-gay, anti-abortion, pro-open borders neo-con appeals to literally no one.
He needs to start pandering to the Dems, but he seems to be wanting to solidify a far-right base which would already vote for him anyways
Trump literally gained nothing from picking Pence besides appealing to Cruzlims. He can't win the election with cruzlims. He needs swing voters, women, minorities, independents, former bernie voters. Pence alienates all of those
Am circumstantially BTFO op.
Feels bad man
I think he picked a neocon so he wouldn't get assassinated. Maybe that was his strategy in pandering to the lowest element of the GOP.
No you are just a worthless shill
No but enjoy your (you).
That's how I know he's a plant.
He and Hillary were really close before, it doesn't surprise me if he is controlled opposition but Trump sells people that he is the greater of evil.
fuck off mohammed, nobody cares on this board
It's better than some of the other candidates:
+Newt Gingrich has been hated since the '90s by both parties. He is remembered as a Congressional Stall.
+Chris Christie is an unlikable mobster. He will be remembered as a corrupted, fat businessman caricature.
It could be worse. I'm confident this pick was a "deal" made with Coke brothers.
>will they learn this time
The short answer is no.
The long answer is also no.
The west is cucked. We all know this.
The weapons were fake, only one gun was real.
And no, while they used to say terrorists are not Muslims, they don't because they realised how retarded and people can't stand it anymore.
Shut the fuck up Boris, I think I know my country better than you do, I'm not ever sure you saw a plane before and your unemployed mom certainly can't afford to visit the most beautiful country of the world.
The US liberal twittosphere doesnt reflect what our people believe. The FN got 40% of the votes last election, more than any other party and you believe trust me when I say that next time it will ever more
FN was blocked wholly out of the government, with every party coming together to stop their access that your people voted for.
Heh, and thats your solution? Vote for a party?
Besides all that, I'm hungover two days straight and didn't have a decent meal all this week.
I agree it was a shit choice. You gotta pander but he's pandering to the wrong side.
What's yours? Behead those who defend Islam? Are you actually clinically retarded?
We must stand strong, show how government how it is and vote for change, that's the only way. Violence would have the opposite effect, do they even teach history in ex-USSR?
Eh, if you say so. How long is it until the next elections? Can we squeeze in a few more massacres before your people actually do anything, or would that not be halal?
Once again, if you country were'nt worse that Syria, you'd be getting them too
I wonder is Switzerland has the same problem.
>he won't appeal to anyone but far right
Not even them! Let me explain:
>>guy doesn't want abortions
= More blacks for white women to virtue signal with
>>doesn't believe in evolution
= Everyone is equal, we need affirmative action to allow anyone to realize his potential
>>doesn't think smoking leads to cancer
Paid Koch brothers shill
>>thinks global warming is made up by democrats
Paid shill
Seriously, this dude is only attractive to Neocons!
It's winter here.
>current year
>thinking orange nigger is anything other than a standard establishment shill
you blue pills are the cutest things. Its like a zoo, just watch how clueless and easily manipulated you are.
Actually they do, Albanian muslims are a problem in Switzerland. They do not have any attacks because 1) they're much smaller so it's less likely to happen
2) ISIS targets strategic places. Do you think am Qaeda picked the WTC randomly?
>But but, muh cucks, muh based Russia!!!
Get off the internet, your drunken father is coming home soon
He's right. France wont do shit. I know because America also wont do shit.
Muslims won. Our countries are theirs and we didnt even fight to defend it.
It's rigged. That's the problem. We have puppet governments.
RIP Faguettes
Aah, of course. I forgot that this attack was jointly co-ordinated by Al Quaeda, Al Nusra, ISIL and ISIS over a Skype, not done by a shitskin who saw an opportunity for mayhem and took it.
Weakened society is what attracts attacks. A nation so overwhelmed by migration that even its, honestly quite competent internal services are so overwhelmed they have no chance in stopping anything.
Perhaps you should suggest "delete your account" as a more valid counter?
lol eat shit french cuck. im so glad i was born a slav rather than a fucking french cuckold. je suis cuckold
Day of rage
It isn't over, and we have so much to look forward too.
>A picture from when he was businessman and bought influence
One out of the three attacks was a lone wolf. You can't say something is systematic when it happened once.
But yeah, you should delete your account, you 250Mo/month internet deal is almost consumed
Do you really care?
What has changed in your life because of this?
What difference does it make regarding your plans for today?
Get real. Yeah, it's sad, but it literally has no impact on my life or yours. You get 2 hours to be "shocked" and dismayed, but you are on Sup Forums, so lets not forget the countless laughs had at the other mass murders this year.
Fucking virtue signalers....
>I'm so glad I was born as leech hated by the people of my country
Quentensessially british
Truly, i have been humbled by your wit, oh modern day Voltaire.
Seems the next french election is in 23´rd of April, 2017. Gosh, you guys sure act fast when lives are on the line. Thank god terrorist attacks surely will never repeat when 40% of french elect for FN once again.
i dont give a fuck about what western eurocucks think about me. im just here to make money and watch you fuckers drown. you cucks deserve it.
>40% results
>no matter if everyone in the country votrd the same way
B-b-but democracy... surely the vote is real.
I don't post on Facebook to say I'm shocked, I dont want attention, but if you thinks it's okay to say that the death of your countrymen isn't bad, then you are the polar opposite of a nationalist and you should leave Sup Forums and kill yourself on the way out
Is Lithuania a democrat? I'm legit wondering. Do you guys have a government or is it all tribes?
>Some men want to watch Le world burn.jpg
Wow, an edgy slav. Are you 12? What rank are you at csgo?
Heh, no solutions. Just clinging in panic to your fleeting, broken institutions as you beg for 5 more minutes of peace.
This sort of thing will repeat itself again and again. And nothing will change. Another month, another massacre, another hollow outrage and anguish done by your leaders, and another hollow promise that this will surely be the worst that ever has happened.
>Is this the worst 24 hours in Sup Forums history?
Are you kidding me? This is fuckkin great!
I hope there is a terrorist attack here in the olympics, and I hope the body count is higher than in france!
Seriously, this PC dictatorship needs to end, and the only way for that to happen is for the people to wake up to the horrors that are being caused by it. This world needs to get far more violent before the pendant of power stops moving left and swings to the right in such a violent way that it will break and be stuck on the extreme right forever!
What is your solution, wise Lithuanian diplomat?
nah, it's made for some great threads
We're building a wall in Calais to keep the ficki ficki out.
So, silver lining and all?
French cuck kek
Never head of your country.
Nothing. Just virtue signal this massacre away, then go elect in an year a candidate that wins the majority votes, but gets shut down by a coalition.
And smile as your entire culture, country and ideals are left hollowed out and rotting, worn like a mask by people not your own, serving interests not your own.
Yea because mine doesn't get shot up by muslims every second month
Ah yes, you have no solution.
I asked a serious question Vladimir and you couldn't answer it even though you spent the last hour acting like a smug political genius.
Face it, if your country had clean water in every home, you'd have the same issue. And between us, Id much rather leave in France with my top notch education and gorgeous gf than in ex USSR
As you say, frank. I thought you were still going on about the whole "lala, le tradgedy!" route of not really hearing anything other than a chance to be outraged about anything but your own miserable situation.
My suggestion is active, constant pressure on government by beginning a series of protests against the state. Dont endorse any candidate, just endorce a policy of shutting down any immigration, even from ex-colonies. Leave the free-movement zone even, if necessary. Often exaggerating extremes are needed so that the ruling party is forced to compromise at least half-way.
But luckily for you, your media is leftist controlled, and you will get no coverage. Or if you do, its only images of you being beaten down by antifa, or of some false-flaggers assaulting tiny old muslim ladies.
You dont want me to link you the rate crimes of your shithole.
I'll give you a hint : your population is 99% spics
The 28 pages came put and they dodnt even implicate israel or even saudi arabia for that matter. No real smoking gun, just jew legalese about nothing important
That's what I thought, no reasonable solution. You're a joke
Eh, if you think actively campaigning against your own demise is not a reasonable solution, i suggest you then instead keep quiet and express your opinion on voting patterns then.
Because french government is so, so good at reading your thoughts and desires through such subtle clues.
Still, speaking of jokes, do you know whats flat, bloody, and stinks of wine?
Keep on paying those high taxes to fund terrorists that destroy your own culture and population. Wait a year or two and France will be the biggest shithole in the world, oh wait it already is.
He tweeted it. It's ogre.
You said yourself that your solution wouldn't work and would have the opposite effect. Can we all agree than the Balkans are less human than abos?
I said that the solutions will generate opposition. But as of today, its quite evident that a frenchman will be flattened by any opposition.
Yeah sure, keep telling yourself that paco. France destroyed, Ecuador great, viva el Dictator!!
Now back to the poppy fields
I'll still be alive in 5 years, unlike you who might just fall under a truck. Keep funding the religion of peace, it's great cultural enrichment!
I'm not wasting anymore time on a uneducated slavic basement dweller. You made me really fucking mad
>Inb4 "he left I won!! First time estonia wins something, great success!
No you dumb Untermensch, I debunked one by one all your argument using logic, reason and well timed insults
I made you mad, that means i win.
Welcome to Sup Forums. Dont forget to vote for FN in an year, like that would change anything.