Why are Americans against abortion?

Why are Americans against abortion?

Otherwise They'd run out of people in a generation

are they? it's been legal for over 40 years.

Most of them are catholic

white retards are very like Asians

Me on the far left.

really estimulates my prefrontal cortex

americans are weird and stupid, they even sterilise needles for lethal injections.

>tfw the lethal injection goes wrong and you get sued for getting the person sick because you didn't sterilize the needle
Always be prepared that something can go wrong.

>the lethal injection goes wrong

so, you immediately assume it will go wrong and that's why you fail.

Always have an hammer next to the inmate getting the lethal injection and if anything goes wrong you just finish the job the old fashion way, sometimes you need to get your hands dirty.

You would still get sued for the procedure going wrong in the first place, you dumb faggit. How incompetent do you have to be to fuck up such a simple thing?

Protestant actually

Most abortions happen because the involved couple was too fucking stupid to use protection in the first place. It's an unnecessary drain on hospital resources.

I only support abortion if it's because the mother was raped, or for eugenic purposes.

IIRC there have been executions that are called off by the governor or whoever when the needle is in the arm but they haven't injected yet

Because it's immoral

>Why are Americans against abortion?
it's legal in every state lol.

>unnecessary drain on hospital recources
Kek are you retarded. Hospitals don't really have a problem with lack of recources.

because we are an abortion

who gives a shit?

Don't bring babies with down syndrome into this world

>who gives a shit?

you don't matter.

Down syndrome is getting extremely rare. Isn't that everywhere?