I hope you don't actually believe in "Christian morality" or morality at all. Such thing is weakness.
I hope you don't actually believe in "Christian morality" or morality at all. Such thing is weakness
The Egyptians where right.
Save yourselfs, embrace the Gods or die to the hands of Islam.
>b-but life would be bleaker!
Literally tumblr, throwing common sense to wind in exchange for muh feelings
>morality is an obsolete concept, a leftover relic from barbaric, semitic desert religions. I base all of my actions on logical, pragmatic reasoning.
Stirnerfags are worse than Hitlerboos I swear
Is this some kind of joke. Only a fool would think morality is subjective. Adhering to strict objective morality is probably the strongest thing a man could do considering you need to have complete control over all of your emotions and actions. It would be weak to just take the easy way in life and just do whatever you want.
Wow you sure showed me, I'm athiest now
>Moral relativism
>Society not collapsing
Pick one
wtf i hate logic now
>society collapsing is not a subjectively moral view
Poverty, abuse, crime and mental illness are objectively measurable. and result from the collapse of structures previously bound my moral standards, ie the family
I could say the same about caring for other races or nationalities or even other species but I'd be called out on being too "soft". Where do you draw the line without making up arbitrary rules?
See that's the difference, those rules are not arbitrary. When you accept that there is an order to the universe it gives a whole new perspective on existence. It leads towards a deeper humility and a sense of purpose. Lastly, when the idea of morality is no longer subjective you no longer have to make up arbitrary rules
You're everywhere, stop this pollution you zealot sperg.
Moral relativism is a self defeating argument
This post makes absolutely no sense, it sounds like religious mumbo jumbo meant to persuade through emotions that there's some greater meaning.
You realize the liberals actually like living in the world that is the picture on the right? It's another point for morality being subjective.
I know they like it, they're depraved and amoral
According to your rules given to you by a magical sky fairy, gotcha.
Nice appeal to emotion, I like it, at least you're being honest.
moral relativism is intellectual laziness
According to rules set by successful and prosperous civilisations, whose downfall was the malignant spread of what they constituted to be degenerate or immoral.
Christian values is what made us such great countries. The decline of the Western world correlated with the decline of Christianity.
This. A fine and necessary realization in itself, but not the end goal by any means. Just one step
>Christian values is what made us such great countries.
How? pls explain.
'Spook' is merely a spook.
Spook spook spook spook.
Daily reminder that before Christianity Europeans were essentially wood niggers
Christ is Europa
Without Jesus Europe reverts back to hedonistic paganism
God is currently punishing Europe for being faithless cucks
>*checks flag*
Yet another traitor to his nation's identity