The only acceptable punishment for this degenerate filth is general population with no guards...

The only acceptable punishment for this degenerate filth is general population with no guards. I hope they bury him under the jail when he dies so that his body can be close to his new home in Hell.

in your head
rent free

Chomo's always get fucked in prison.

They should skin him alive.

What the actual fuck is wrong with you people who cheer on the idea of retributive prison violence? I understand that your anger and bloodthirst, but can any one of you contain your emotions for long enough to understand why celebrating the idea of extrajudicial punishment is complete lunacy? Why are you all such self righteous sadists? The man is already locked up.

This shit is why victims aren't allowed to decide laws and punishments.

>boo hoo you're hurting my feelings why are you so mean to the child molester boo hoo

Pedophiles waive their rights to human decency. Fuck em.

You can't reason with animals user

i want to rape him

You cucks can whine about "vigilante justice" all you want, but this shit wouldn't happen if we still had lynch mobs to take care of this kind of thing.

This isn't about the pedophile here, it's about the general principle of humanity in justice systems. Relishing (let alone allowing) that kind of violence in the justice system is a massive indictment of that particular part of American culture. I get the feeling that you live in some shithole state where the death penalty is still applicable.

I find it strange that i'm being somewhat of a preachy humanist SJW ITT, since i'd normally be in other threads needless provoking and bullying non-Americans with ironic racism, but this a genuinely serious matter.

Nothing cringier than being in a prison full of of murderers, arsonists, gang members who hook countless people on hard drugs, etc. and listening to all of them talk as if they have some moral superiority over sexual predators, and then often becomes sexual predators in there to men. It's fucking laughible. Kys

it's not so much "moral superiority," though that's their subjective in-world rationale, as much as it is that every community forms its own hierarchy. in prison, sex offenders are at the bottom

Those people have a code.

Pedophiles have no code, and don't tend to last long in prison.

Now, here's the thing: Same with cops in prison. Discuss.

No they don't they just need something justify that they're not the actual bottom of the barrel scum and that someone's actually worse than them to justify the continuation of still acting like scumbags. Then pedophilia has been conflated with hebephilia so the next thing you know being say a 28yo dude boinking a 17yo which I admit ain't a good look but something that wasn't even frowned upon two generations ago now has you in the crosshairs of a concentrated zone of the worst of the worst society has to offer.

dudes that do hard time in prison often haven children, its not hard to understand why they might not like pedophiles

killing and torture seems kind of worse than just touching someone's erogenous zones without their permission, don't you think?

maybe it's because I'm not a woman but I don't understand why it's even that bad like why would you want to kill yourself over it. No I don't want him to touch my balls or make me touch his weiner, but if he did I don't think it would ruin my life, even if I was a child.

someone explain how anyone can have a moral code where this is worse than brutally murdering someone.

>soyboys triggered over a little finger pokey

I've been there, I know how their thinking works
>guy gets 5 years for trafficking heroin
>by his admission 3 people die on his shit
>God knows how many countless more destroyed and the exponential amount of collateral damage, including kids from having fucked mom's and dad's
>b-b-but my pedophiles because muh kids!
You're correct insofar as to that being their reasoning but to me just shows a complete lack of humanity and it always being about them in some form or fashion

I think more than anything it shows the alarming emotional fragility of women

Imagine if this guy was from Brazil. He would be off after 5 years or something, scot free. Or in Norway, he'd have a luxury 3 star prison cell, fitted with a TV and xbox, internet access, a libray, and would be allowed to walk outside and swim in a lake. While taking mental rehabilitative classes on the side. But here? he's going to rot in hell for the rest of his life.

nigga had like 37 thousand child porn files though

I've never understood why emotions are such a big deal. Am I autistic?

That's what happens when you introduce feral animals into your society and can't discriminate against them. The only way to keep them in check is harsh punishment for all

Tbh an execution that happens in a year or so would suffice.

No youre a dude, I've had dudes try to suck me off twice drunk as shit. I look back on it and go "damn that was fucking ghey as shit lmao you're kind of a fag". A women and it ruins her mental state

Usually I'd say he'd die horribly in prison, but any case with that much international coverage either ends in an alright prison or scot free.

Didn't the Subway guy get his shit pushed in day 1?

Which one is that? The dude that pushed that girl in front of the train? I think he said he was retarded or something.


>ywn smell his fingers

We're programmed to be protective of children because they need our help to survive. People who harm children violate that evolutionary imperative. They have to be culled to satisfy our instincts.

i would understand the desperation and the thirst for revenge from the victims or their families as it's probably really hard to handle, but a regular citizen should only care that he'll be locked outside of society and possibly rehabilitated if possible

Being from Brazil is a far worse sentence than even the longest stay in an American prison.

We're programmed to take women yet we aren't supposed to do it. Society is a fight against our instincts.

He's guilty of not taking pictures.

Tbh if it was little boys he molested I would be angry as hell, but I have no fucks to give about females or cunt larvae.

Is it true or did the government just put it on there as an excuse to destroy him?

The government probably filmed it

nonsense. they're in prison to be punished. allowing them to have pleasure by killing someone is against the nature of prison.

>there are people who unironically want to pay so he can continue to live instead of putting him to the firing line immidetly

I think it would have been smart of him to say that he downloaded CP to vent off his sexual nature and that since he downloaded CT it helped him deal with his urges during work.

What would be the response of the justice regarding it? they would have to involve psychologists and shit and the doubt would have been instated

Did he even fuck any of the girls? It just sounds like he copped a feel on them.

>people didn't touch kids back when extrajudicial execution was fairly frequent in the United States.

>We're programmed to be protective of children because they need our help to survive.

Soon we will be free of that there's a way to shut off our programmed minds.

>We're programmed to take women yet we aren't supposed to do it

If women don't need our help then that's fine. We are programmed with free will and not give a damn what everyone thinks.

Prison rape is mostly a meme.

High profile child molesters like him will never be around regular prison niggers.

Humanity has no code or honor

You will understand this

>ywn finger athletic cunnys

>A segregated society is a very possible outcome where males and female are separated countries.
>You will witness to see a Gender War known as WW3 where men and women fight each for power and control.
>Yfw women will end up winning the war


>Yfw women will end up winning the war
literally impossible

>president of MSU loses job due to this man

>not being an absolute anarchist
what a bunch of cowards

imagine if they just made men into sex slaves whose only purpose is to breed haha

>We are programmed with free will

this guy is my hero, come on Nassar

>supporting the existence of laws, rules or leaders event on a tribal level
absolute cowards don't respond no one cares you weak willed zeroes

Are you the judge? You sound like the judge.

the problem here is that he didn't harm any children

don't forget USA Gymnastics is about to get hit hard with a ton of lawsuits and sponsorship because of this.

this. were the genders reversed no one would care. if i was an underage boy who got a free handy every time i went to practice i would be ecstatic

Although I agree in this case, you didn't make a single argument in your rant


the emotional scarring these children have to deal with the rest of their lives is literally on par with ptsd you savage

For now user, were talking about the next 100 years or so when men are already extinct.