Is it time?

>be me
>working as bus driver
>served in military 10 years ago
>had a phonecall today
>"Good day! Is this %anonname%?"
>Uhm... Yes.
>"This is military commissariat of %cityname%"
>Look, I served already long time ago.
>We know that. We're calling you to ask few simple questions.
>Um, okay.
>Tell us your sizes of vest, boots, headwear and gas mask.
>*telling dat shit*
>Then come in 3 weeks, we'll send you summons later. Have a nice day.


Are we preparing for something? I'm really curious now.

Other urls found in this thread:

I think everyone keeps feeling like something huge is coming. Not sure how things are going in Russia, though.

The great 2016 Russian kebab removal?

yeah WW3

see you in Warsaw

You do realize that they do this routinely in most countries with conscription? I get some sort of reminders from the military every year, sometimes even calls for a week or two training exercise. Usually it's optional though.

The military is always planning according to the worst case scenario. It's unlikely that anything will actually happen.

>this time next summer we'll be shooting at each other across some godforsaken field in Poland

I think my stupid cunt leader and King Nigger want war with you

I didn't ask for this

>tfw this generation's draft dodgers will all be nationalists who don't want to die in globalist jew wars

It's nothing citizen. Nothing is happening. Nothing will. Go back to your business.

It's fucking nothing.
Пocидишь мecяцoк пapтизaнoм, нихyя нe дeлaя. Oбычныe cбopы.

I wish we'd all just head over to Paris and remove kebab.

>Пocидишь мecяцoк пapтизaнoм, нихyя нe дeлaя. Oбычныe cбopы.
Is this some sort of coded message?

We just need another crusades desu senpai

>be me
>finished high school last year
>taking a gap year before uni
>currently listed as unemployed-non student
>halfway through the gap year
>get a letter asking me to consider the Bundeswehr
>ignore it
>move on
>walking around town one day
>Bundeswehr advertisement posters everywhere
>every bus stop has a poster
>saw a recruiting office for the first time in my life open up
>recently got a phone call asking me to consider again
>told him my plans for uni
>he immediately sounded worried and told me to double think
Something is going on. I can feel it and so can the elite.

>trust me westerner, it's nothing...

Yeah what's going on is that they're trying to expand the Bundeswehr after driving it to the ground for decades, because the Americans don't tolerate freeriders in NATO any longer. And they can't get anyone interested in joining, especially now that the traitorous government has flooded the country with mudslimes. That's what's going on. Rofl

Also why in the fuck do they have your number?

Considering the US military just quietly pulled 48 B-52Hs from mothballs, re-installed the PALs (nuclear controllers) on all of them, called up reservists to pilot them, and is giving special training in LABS ("Idiot's Loop") to Viper and Eagle drivers, something is fishy.

The Jews are trying to start WW3 between Europe and Russia to exterminate white people.

Good to know Paris is safe, then.

Yeah, they need more patsies to protect them and their belongings against the lower class hordes when the eventual race war breaks out.


They called the house phone and I'm guessing it's public data or whatever because my former school and a bunch of other organizations used to call it

Unless we learn some morals and rise to action, we could all be heading for disaster.

>implying I'll protect and slave away to people filth that created this mess

They still have commissars? What kind of mission do you tinker you'll go on?


Russian military keeps tabs that closely to ex soldiers?
I had 3 mail letters sent.
First one said
>1. We can call you in if we like
>2. You've been discharged
>3. You've been discharged but we're gonna call you in whenever we want

Like I'm gonna defend Cuckistan.

>woman sniping

Anyone have that webm of the girl shooting a rifle and crying the whole time?

>Also why in the fuck do they have your number?
Are you asking why the military, and thus the government, has his phone number?

>this user just single handedly ruined Russia's element of surprise to a bunch of memesters on a Hawaiian rock painting board

Just like my dad almost did in 83 with Abel archer.

The multiculti race mixer party is losing its glamour.

Sorry, you signed a lifetime contract. Best of luck to you!

You are the nuber 200

itt: roleplaying fags

The only answer here is to refuse to fight. All of this, the rise of terrorism, the tensions between our nations, it's all the result of the people in power. Its time every nation goes through a purge, not a change to the system necessarily, just a complete change in the people who are running things. Even allowing 1 senator/rep/etc to stay in power is risking corruption of the new blood.

More likely in a Baltic State of Kaliningrad.

Also that guy sniper looks like the dude dating the tranny in the "W-w-well This is Me" meme comic.

>gubmint will force me to shoot Ivans

You're preparing for something since 2004

Drafts are weird. I avoided it here thanks to being in Medical school, but all that does is postpone it. Every year they check in with my University if I'm still enrolled.
>tfw I graduate in 2018 and probably am drafted to officer preparatory school and become 2nd Lieutenant
>tfw I graduate just in time to die for a shitskin country in WWIII
>iwn fight and die for Europa

> yfw you're wrong, it's going to be the SJWs again not wanting to fight for "Wallstreet"
> tfw you go to war and see your buddies die just to come home and trigger lurburals by talking about what you did

that's why I left the army reserve organization

>Tfw just turned 27 and I can stop worrying about being drafted

> we can call you in if we like
What is this? The mafia?

>tfw too old for 1st round of the draft
>tfw I do get drafted in the second round, I'll be in the medical corps because of my surgical and paramedic experience
>tfw I will never get to shoot an Ivan before I am vaporized in nuclear hellfire

Faggot I'm 21 and 2nd in line

>tfw wanted to join army
>legs got fucked up 8 years ago

not sure if i should be happy or sad, still if push come to shove i'll shoot sum mussies with my almost crippled arse.

ps. if SHTF pls sent guns america


blyat', local bus driver who listens russian blatnyak posts on Sup Forums

If SHTF you will be renamed Airstrip One.

>mfw I already did four years of active and just finished up my four years on inactive service

Don't worry guys, I'll keep your girlfriends safe at home when you get drafted.

Seems like a normal day in Russia to me.


>tfw no gf
Not the feel I was expecting this time.

>Пocидишь мecяцoк пapтизaнoм, нихyя нe дeлaя. Oбычныe cбopы.
You will sit for a month as a partisan while doing nothing. Regular drilling

Two can play at this game, Mr Lukashenko

>that feel when got medboarded out of the army
>can't get drafted cause prior service.


I know Lukashenko and Putin have kinda fallen out lately, so what if Russia is invading their puppet state of Belarus for total control?

Goodluck OP

Kek is with you

georgian minister of defence disbanded drafting in the army, we are fucked kek gg.
why don't you try to attack finnland again instead...

I won't shoot at my Russian brothers. In the event of a draft, I will sabotage our war effort from the inside.

If they even take my fat-can't-run-30-seconds-without-vomiting ass

Tfw have engineering degree and cushy 80k salary IT job but will likely enlist if it's WW3.

Enjoy being shot for treason.

>mfw even our army is recruiting tons of people and recalling vets nowadays, despite our economical mess


Christ alone will judge me.

>Brazilian shitskins

pick one

I like getting mail from the Army, they're usually very polite and nice, telling me that I'm still a valued member of the Armed Forces and that I have expertise that is crucial to national security.

Also, they make it abundantly clear that they own my ass and can make me die for them at a moment's notice and for any reason.

Needless to say, it gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. :)


Honestly with Internet sites like Sup Forums I kind of think this won't happen again. We all actually like posters from other countries on here and can have some sympathy for our friends.

I couldn't kill another person I knew was browsing Sup Forums with me.

t4 fag reporting in

You're set to attack Argentina in October.

the Christ cucks the hebes and the muslins are preparing for WWIII / Armageddon

>They will not wake up even as commissar kicks their behind and stomp on their balls
He could not have been more correct, just replace commissar with Islamist

unless they are canadian

>applied for SAS Reserves
>not entirely sure what i have got myself into

I hope it's comfy

I only hope that Trump wins so I can be drafted to remove some kebabs

>tfw they probably won't care about my bullshit diagnosis if there's an all out war

You are a reservist and they've probably called you for military trainings, my dad also got these summoning long after he served


EXT. DAY. Tannenberg II Line

user sits in his trench in Eastern Estonia. Bodies and broken tools of war litter the field in front of him. The war is calm right now. Neither side advancing. A stalemate.

In the lull, user is shitposting on the Infamous Sup Forums via his phone.

He scrolls through Sup Forums and notices a Russian Flag post. A picture of the Tannenberg II line from the opposite side of the Front. It says: "I am a Russian Conscript on the Front AMA."

user responds: "Hey Russiabro, I am on the other side. I want to be friends." He quickly snaps a pic from his trench as proof and posts it.

Russia responds. "Meet me by the burned APC!"

user smiles, gets up and out of the trench. A sniper's round splits his skull before the report is heard. He dead.

His phone refreshes the Sup Forums post. Russia says "Other user is here with me! Anyone else want to join us for vodka?"


Another user in the trenches. He smiles and starts typing, "Sure! Coming over!"

I'd have some problems with it but in the end if my country went to war it's your people you can't really question if you would fight or not

My boyfriend is an ex-USMC and he just told me that they called him because they might still need him or something. Some re enrollment bullshit.

Is it happening? I don't want my future husband to die for Israel.

>Mfw Autism and Asthma


This. OP is a faggot.

See ya in the Baltic countries. You gonna fight Americans son

Nice attempt to hide the truth, Propagandanon.

Tits or gtfo

>1 post by this ID

Nice argument you have there.

But we like them...

To Ukraine it is.
Watch out for snipers.
and GRADs.

Even Montenegro, little Montenegro down on the Adriatic.


Remember anons, if captured, start spouting Chan memes to get a swift painless death.

The most popular two are a 4 of clubs playing card worn on the helmet or person, and the phrase "you're a big guy"

They never sent me my card. All I have is the print-out from the internet.

I so edge, I burn my at bonfire years ago.

>tfw trump wont win and ally with putin to destroy the globalists

combined with
Byzantium restoration soon?

Yeah well, if something went wrong and I somehow am not part of the draft, I'm going to be FUCKED next month when I turn 26.
Do you know the punishment for not registering for the draft? It ain't good bro.
I didn't even know the draft was still a thing until last month, literally nobody ever told me.

Russian user was just briefed to get ready to mobilize