Ok, faggots...

Ok, faggots. Why is it fine to abandon our Kurdish allies in Syria after they fought ISIS for us with the understanding that we would protect them from Turkey. How is it fine to keep telling the world that the American electorate won't support deals we've made in trade, climate, war, nukes, etc..

Show me your best Trumpfag logic. Wow me.

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but Hillary's emails!

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I don't dislike the Kurds anymore than I dislike the Turks, they're both our regional allies and for that reason especially we should not be involved in any conflict between them. Why should the US and the American taxpayers be responsible for settling every disputed border in the Middle East?

Because trump likes pleasing people who suck his dick. He say something nice to him he'll let you do anything you want which is a sign of autism and an egomaniac.

>I don't dislike the Kurds anymore than I dislike the Turks
One of these groups fought ISIS for us, numbnutz. Who's ever gonna fight terrorists for us if they already know they can't trust us, moron.

The people that have no choice. The United States always abandons the people who actually fight our wars for us, even our own troops. This is SOP for the American government; nothing has changed.

Hold on, the Kurds are just an ethnic minority in Syria, and we're going to go to war with them AGAINST OUR NATO ALLY? Keep in mind Turkey did a lot in preventing the spread of the Islamic State into Europe. They are also hosting the most refugees in the world, many of ethnic Syrian descent hoping to return to Syria.

They helped us fight against ISIS, but we paid them money and equipment for their help, and now our interests are diverging. It's not the responsibility of the US to "liberate" Kurdistan from Syria, Turkey, and Iraq. It will only serve to cost the US trillions more dollars in another protracted and ultimately fruitless war.

how dare you badmouth orange man. everything he does is above reproach

kek, "did a lot in preventing the spread of the Islamic State into Europe."

I don't know what you heard, but there are strong leads that Turkey has in fact supported ISIS in order to destabilize the region in order to wipeout the Kurds in the process.

Who cares what a bunch of sandnigs do in their sandbox?
As long as those roaches stay in roachville its all fine.
Besides, the EU didn't send in any back up when Trump asked them to.
Of course, I do hate turkroaches with a burning passion like any dutchman, and would rather just have their sandbox nation glassed altogether.

>Why is it fine to abandon our Kurdish allies in Syria after they fought ISIS for us with the understanding that we would protect them from Turkey
Fuck your feelings Trump is a alpha male who can't read

>we're going to go to war with them
Nobody said anything about going to war with a NATO ally. As long as we hang out with the Kurds though, we provide cover. Turkey, our NATO ally can not attack the Kurds without attacking us.

Why is it fine that no one can trust us to keep our word anymore? Why is it fine that people can't fight for us without expecting us to be full of shit? Why is it fine that private sector institutions can't make long term business decisions without wondering if the electorate is gonna welch on another trade deal? Why do you think the economy is slowing down? All of the CEO's on the business shows say its the trade war and the erratic president tearing up trade deals.

WTF are you faggots really thinking?

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The American right worships the politicians they're told to with all their little hearts. That means that if Daddy says it's best for them if he hurts them, they will thank Daddy for the pain. That goes for every single aspect of their lives and of the actions of our nation at home and abroad. Jesus only hurts you because he loves you, and every GOP president is the second coming until Fox says they aren't.

This is just going to continue the cycle of bullshit over there, honestly. We abadoned the Kurds, Turks are going to fuck them up, so what are they going to do now? They probably REALLY don't like the US anymore, so there is a good chance they're going to become radicalized against us and become terrorists. Or perhaps even worse, they're going to be forced to turn to their only other nearby neighbor...Russia. Then Russia can use the Kurds to do all their dirty work and expand their interests as a proxy through the Middle East. Trump is fucking stupid as hell, man.

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and how long do you propose we "hang out with the Kurds"?

Are they our 'allies' or just the enemies of our enemies????

They're legit our allies. Unfortunately we've been using them a lot since their people of 30million don't have a country of their own, so when we provide them a lot of shit they do a lot of work for us. But now Trump is just leaving them to a genocide by the Turks for...no reason. Like, our troops there were really just chilling there to protect them with their presence.

>Are they our 'allies'
IDK, but the Kurds bled and died on the balltefield in our place. Does that answer your moronic fucking question?

Well, it WAS their blood; not ours. So, pretty much as long as it takes.

None of those agreements were made in perpetuity, and several of them, especially the one with Iran, were bad. Iran was still enriching uranium, and they were using our bribe money to do so. Furthermore, the UN and NATO seem to have this idea that we're their piggy bank. So, we ultimately fund their armies and whatever bogus international policies that they concoct. If we don't agree with it, if it doesn't suit our interests, we don't pay for it. It's that simple.

Except we're still paying for it. Those troops are still in Syria, all Trump did was move them from North to South to allow Turkey to begin murdering the Kurds. And who knows, maybe we'll be paying for it more in the future when all those extra enemies we're creating decide to hit us where it hurts.

So … they're idiots then.

Iran does whatever they want now with no deal no checks and no consequences. There are a few sanctions that they just ignore.

You Trumpfag geniuses really solved that one good. Thanks a lot, cocksucker.

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>Anyone who helps us must be an idiot.

Aaaand THERE it IS.

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oooh nooooo, they're going to nuke israel noooooo

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>help the us
Yeah, no. They are used by the us, which makes them fucking idiots.

>Our well thought out Trumpfag policies have turned our allies into idiots. This was the plan all along.

Gold star Trumpfag logic.

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Keep who's word?


Its COUNTRY first. Then party, moron

>our allies
Well, first of all, I'm not an USfag, so they aren't "our" allies. Second, they are not allies, they are puppets. Third, they don't help you, they help Israel. So your hard earned taxes are sent to Israel, so they can in turn tell your government where to send their cannon fodder to so that they aren't wiped out by angry Arabs. None of this is in your interest, none of this should concern you.
You are an idiot for supporting the lies, they are idiots for dying for Israel.

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It's not ok. Another dunderheaded move by POTUS. Hopefully he walks that shit back after all the flack he's getting

They were already doing whatever they wanted thats why there is no deal and with the deal we couldnt attack them if they fucked up because Obama sided with all terrorist controlled countries and the deal protected them brainchild.

>Third, they don't help you,
Those idiots bled and died on our battlefield for us. Those fools believed we would protect them from Turkey.

We really tricked 'em good. Way to go Trumpfags.

>we need to stop foreign intervention wars

All Americans for the last 30 years. A president actually acts in that way:

>no!!!!! We must stay involved with foreign wars!!!

The Kurds are an ethnic minority we used for our goals, we’d never under any circumstances fight for them to have a state as it would be a big problem for our literal nato ally Turkey

You should kill your self for being stupid as fuck. Kurds have nothing of value for the USA. “Muh values and honor” is bullshit politicians use to war to idiots like you.

Grow up

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>They were already doing whatever they wanted
Just makin shit up is standard Tumpfag playbook at best.

So we should just occupy the middle easy forever because maybe a terror attack might happen?

Arguing with what no one said. Typical Trumpfag logic.

You dumb niggers need to realize that allies are bullshit.

We went to war in 1939 to save Poland and were allies with the soviets against our former allies Germany and Japan only then turn them into allies and abandon Poland to Soviet occupation who became our enemy.

Literally get some perspective the Kurds are irrelevant


>People that fight and die alongside the US aren't relevant

Congratulations, comrade. You're a gigantic piece of shit.

>allies are bullshit.
There's that big Trumpfag WOW. Fuck allies! Right? Lemme vape to that shit.

PLZ, don't ever fucking vote though.

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Liberal logic: Keeping troops in the middle east is wrong! Obama was pulling troops out and Trump is a warmongering facist!
Also liberal logic: Trump pulling out of the middle east is abandoning the people who need us!
Just tell me one thing you think has Trump has done well because it is my opinion that anti-Trump people, will hate ANYTHING he does, whether it's good or bad, and twist it to be negative, so please name one positive to prove you're not mindlessly following your anti trump doctrine.

Obama pulled a fraction of the troops and established a plan to completely vacate over time.

Trump pulls all troops and less than 24 hours later his Turkish friends start attacking civilians.

Your whataboutism skills need some work, faggot. You fuckers have no sense of duty and you claim to be patriots? Fuck off.

You fucking kids are retarded

Geopolitics is cold hard national self interest if you put any emotional interest in our alliances and think they are anything other than total self interest you are being an idiot child

This isn’t a fantasy novel or an anime there is not any nation would would step in to help the Kurds in this situation

But the truth is you just don’t like trump so fuck off kiddo these kind of matters don’t concern partisan sheep voters like yourselves

Go away Russia

if you want a fucking safezone, build it in your own country. its not that hard

I never said I supported Trump. I asked you to say one good thing he has done to prove you're not just a dogmatic follower of liberal ideas, that you think for yourself and can name ONE good thing he did, president or otherwise. If you can't even accept a possibility that he can do good, why even have a discussion about it?

>being concerned about the damage that Trump is doing to America's credibility makes you antifa

untwist you're POV a little

Partisan rhetoric is all these dense fucks know. It's like they WANT to be distracted.

Never mentioned antifa, or America's credibility.

I'm sure you were just as worried when Obama or Clinton were fucking shit up.

This whole thread is about the damage that Trump is doing to America's credibility and integrity, and the easily foreseeable consequences of that damage. Being able to hold this thought in your head does not make you a liberal.


Because the US basically started the whole fucking mess.

If disliking Trump is partisan, what do you call it when you purposefully ignore the evidence in front of your eyes, ears, and nose?

It's retarded, that's what it is. You idiots are so blinded by hatred that you're willing to see American Democracy fail.

Treason isn't a fucking joke, but all you dipshits seem to do is find the lulz in every criminal act.

Fuck you.

>Implying any country takes America seriously

America's credibility doesn't exist. You signed that away when Obama started doing memes and selling the last available natural water reserves to Nestle. Don't try to drag the conversation to a topic you think you're more educated on, or you have an argument for. Because even if you want to talk about "Americas credibility" there isn't any.

>Trump is just as normal as any recent democrat president

Mundane tier Trumpfag logic. I've been hearing this one ever since the inauguration.

redrawing borders in the middle east is a surefire way to a war. You either redo the entire region in one go or you don't touch it at all. Also, fuck the kurds. Why should I feel sorry for the most sandniggerish people in the sand nigger world.

Because we are tired of liberating idiots who just turn power over to corrupt tyrants. Not our fight. Would live to see turkey get pounded though.

>I-impeach trump... He's getting impeached this time g-guys... H-he's a criminal... I'll show you! My wives boyfriend left his copy of a CNN tape under my soy latte, this time you're screwed!

We helped them fight isis. Isis was slaughtering them.

That isn’t what I said you stupid faggot


Fuck off, comrade. You know I'm right so you revert to the same fucking pathetic memery.

No, I know that you're a fucking incel who thinks that by pretending to be alpha and defend the girl you orbits political ideas is going to get you laid.

>partisan sheep voters like yourself
>that isn't what I said

Uh yes, yes it is. You're spewing the bullshit propaganda of "oh our allies don't matter" and claiming anyone who disagrees is a partisan sheep.

Suck a dick.

If it wasn't for us, isis would have killed all the men and enslaved the women and children dumbass. We helped them more then they helped us.

Well unfortunately people are going to get fucked if we pulled out of anywhere. Name a strategic location in a combat zone where the United States pulls out and the locals dont get screwed.

There's literally no way you could know that even if it were true. Do you have anything to say about the actual point I made, or was it just a little too on the money? I know the truth makes you guys super triggered these days.

I've been hearing "hes going to jail for conspiracy X Y or Z" since before inauguration.
You wanna be against corrupt politicians, fine I'm with you. But if you're a dumbfuck partisan regurgitator that only dislikes professional liars from "the other side", you should kill yourself.

They didn't die for us. They died protecting themselves with our help.

What truth? That he's a criminal? Get some evidence. You guys have only been trying to impeach him for 3 years, what is this, the 18th time you niggers ree impeachment? The only reason you'd seriously stick to this idea is either you're trying to get laid, or you actually think the 19th time will do it, because you're literally stuck in a dogmatic thought process of us vs them, sorry I gave you the benefit of the doubt bro.

>Sleeping don't come very easy in a straight white vest.

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It is not fucking okay to leave our allies to die.

>No public evidence
>Hur hur he's going down, u mad right-wing?
The right
>Let's listen to testimony then decide.

>Trump is going to be impeached on a whistleblower
>Nyeh heh, what now u mad right?!
>Well let's verify it as a legal document first, and see if this is legitimate

Why are liberals so fast to just jump to defend or attack based on if it helps or hurts them instead of looking at any evidence?

>get some evidence

Open your eyes and get the fox news dick out of your mouth

>trying to impeach for 3 years
demonstrably false, he has been covering up crimes for 3 years and is now admitting to committing them. Impeachment inquiry started in the last 60 days, with ample evidence provided, as well as Trump obstructing justice by refusing to comply with Congress' right to oversight.
>trying to get laid
If the only reason you can justify giving a fuck about having a treasonous president is pussy, then you shouldn't vote.
>sorry I gave you the benefit of the doubt
you clearly didn't, and that's your prerogative, but do yourself a favor and quit lying.

Gosh dang you're dumb dude. I feel sorry for your parents.

>spewing bullshit propaganda

The USA leaving the Middle was is unequivocally a good thing. I don’t care who did it.

You can hate trump for lots of shit but this is not one

Deflect some more, refute fewer points.

The good old "I'm wrong but that makes me uncomfortable so fuck whoever made me feel this way" defense

It's not new, faggot. We know the game by now.

>Can't hate Trump for leaving allies that fought and died beside us to get slaughtered.

Yes I fucking can. I'm as sick of conflict in the middle east as anyone but abandoning people that supported us is fucking reprehensible.

"Who gives a fuck about Middle East?"

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>I’m a fucking immature easily manipulated child who just learned how he world works

Literally the post

It’s not ok.

>Why is it fine to abandon our Kurdish allies in Syria after they fought ISIS for us with the understanding that we would protect them from Turkey.

Because they're brown, and trumptards don't even know they are Christians.

Great ad hominem. Totally makes me side with your Swiss cheese argument.

>muh allies
>muh allies

Alllies exist because the offer us something there is no situation where the USA is going to turn on fucking turkey to help the goddamn Kurds

You are being a puppet for neocons like bush and Cheney hilariously

It’s a bad decision no matter how you slice it.

I kinda think Trump’s losing it mentally. His dad died of Alzheimer’s. There’s a genetic predisposition to the disease.,he’s about the age where symptoms start kicking in. Poor decision making is one of the warning signs.

Not saying anything for sure, but I think it deserves being looked into.

yeah he doesnt give a fuck about the oil reserves yet

By the time Regan left office it was obvious

>I'm a fucking egotistical piece of shit that thinks it's fine to use people and then leave them to die, because that's how I want the world to work

Literally the post. Jesus Christ dude, get help.

Who think was him...?

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>Fighting in the middle east is good, until daddy trump decides to abandon the only secular force in the region
>Then it's bad

why must USA the only country in the world to spend its blood and money to fight other people war?

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because thats what a big part of the american prosperity is built on

its called the petrodollar

No it isn’t you ignorant nigger.

Our entire economy is the biggest in the world and 92% of it is just internal

Fully half of our foreign trade is to Canada and Mexico, trade to Europe and South America makes up another 2% with China and Japan/korea accounting for the rest

The whole rest of the word is so small to us trade wise that they could not exist and Americans economically wouldn’t notice.

We supported global trade and the global system like the UN as a tool to fight the Cold War, our prosperity was never dependent on it which is why no matter who became president the wars in the Middle East were going to end and the Kurds were going to get left to die