Good luck white man. You took in parasites and stabbed your own body. Ching Chong, China's gonna win.
They're all coming for you white man
no one is going for the white man, retard. stop indiscriminately killing people and they'll stop throwing a fit.
im latino and i can say most of us dont like blacks
>fueling the race war
Are they really this retarded?
Hispanics are White.
I'll be there in line to shoot these cucks along with whitey. Why is it always these retards that have never even lived in their shithole that they are so proud of that they think they are oppressed?
The niggers and spics are too afraid to start a race war after they saw what we did to Harambe.
>Juan, Julio got frozen by the police ese
>He was a imbecil ese
t.Latinos when someone died to a police officee.
More bodies to the pile.
Good. I want to kill some niggers and spics. I really hope those niggers try to block a highway I'm on. I will plow through those fucks as fast as possible, pull over and call 911 saying I was z changing my radio station so I didn't see them. If I see the jigs running after me I'll just pull further ahead. I won't go to jail because the niggers shouldn't have been on the highway, cops can't prove I purposely didn't stop and my insurance company will sue the niggers for damages.
No shit, do black americans really believe asian and hispanic-american activists didn't exist before them? Cesar fucking Chavez?
>we need change
nice bait m8
Also....did they just Insult all Hispanics by saying they are all Nigger tier?
has reddit gone too far?
They are too busy working & raising their 10 kids to go block some highway
Try learning English before you post, Pablo.
No theyre not. The ones in the US are Amerindians.
this isn't the time for jokes, faggot
We are already aligned. Angelos in America who oppose us are on the wrong side of history.
Mind if we borrow some kangaroos and use them to beat the shit out of niggers? I would love to see a kangaroo with its baby beating niggers