What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

Other urls found in this thread:


>his problem
>implying there weren't multiple problems

Everyone was a dick to him. His dad, his brother, and especially Dr. Now

Too many Krabby Patties

Steven a good boy
he dindu nuffin

nothing wrong with a pizza every couple hours

i love princess

Short answer? Hes a selfish prick

This episode was just depressing.

If you want to see people be dicks, watch Erica's story in season 5. Her sister is a fucking bitch and a half and her brother is only slightly better.

So if he can't move... can't people just not give him food?

He can move


Imagine what it'd be like for that massive lardass to decompose after he dies.

IIRC, most people that size get cremated


Imagine being the pizza guy who has to supply him.

Must feel awful

He is a large but patient predator. He waits for his prey. And when a lesser human wanders into his vision, he pounces, with surprising ferocity and speed. By the time the prey realizes what is happening, it is already pinned, its life force being suffocated by the sheer weight upon its body.

Hes a physical manifestation of gluttony whose only purpose to is feed off the kindness and generosity of those unlucky enough to be around him. With wanton disregard for others and an utter lack of humanity he exists solely as a conduit for which basic human decency can be contorted into something horribly grotesque. Without the active care and aid of others he would simply expire, in this way he literally depends on goodwill yet he makes a mockery of it at the same time. Demons exist on this earth and you are looking at one.

Thankfully he isn't mobile so he's severely limited in the harm he can bring to this world.

It's all genetic, the problem was just a few genes, really thats all

Oh god I remember him from Phil and youtube, was he just on my 600 lb life? I figured he was gonna die soon.

Just imagine a time when technology will allow this monstrosity to simply transplant his brain or mind into another body when he's done ruining it.

You know if there was any validity to Dante's depiction of hell, Id imagine Steven would fit right in circle 3.


He doesn't fit in anything

They need to get rid of both legs and give him robot spider legs like Mojo from X men.


they are the space people of tomorrow

Yup on March 29th. It was a pretty hilarious episode


Please spoonfeed me, I can't find this episode on youtube.

6 of these a day

Bravo sir
I thought he was being casted as The Blob?

What the fuck is with his foot? Getting fat just makes your feet bulbous, it doesn't make them grow 10 fucking sizes.

stunted mental development, extreme behavioral problems, mental health issues, drug addiction, 700 pounds, just take your pick man.


Above you

They never address it, but they gloss over what it's called. I think it's extremely swollen lymph nodes.


this is the best way to bulk fuck GOMAD


You know the biggest insult is it being Dominos. If I'm going to slowly kill myself on pizza, its going to be from a local Italian family restaurant. Also doesnt he get sick of eating it? You would think he would rotate fatty foods like KFC and Taco Bell or something


Sad little boy in the body of a big fat narcissistic man who only knows how to gain negative attention by acting out and can fill the hole in his soul with food and morphine.

Swollen lymph nodes wouldn't actually make the whole foot grow, would they? They'd just make it puff up.

>"Steven's call light is blinking again"

>doesnt he get sick of eating it?
This, I admit I occasionally binge on fast food, but I quickly get fucking sick of it and stop eating it. Like after 2 or 3 days. How on Earth you could just keep that up forever is beyond me.

Eating is more a compulsion for these people than anything involving actual pleasure.

It's called lymphedema

someone post the webm of the nurse sweeping up the hair he ripped out

It's called lymphedema

It occurs to me that Steven is something quite like a vampire. Or perhaps an overgrown leech. A parasitic creature who slowly sucks the life out of his host, whether it be his family, the medical system or the government services on which he is dependent, and like a parasite, he does not give thanks to his host but rather sees everything he takes from it as his due, his only regret being that the limits in his host's resources cannot provide him with even more.

>If I'm going to slowly kill myself on pizza, its going to be from a local Italian family restaurant
In all fairness since Steven lives his whole life in the hospital and studio apartment he has a pretty good excuse for not knowing the local pizza joints.

So that means you'll never get sick right? You have turbo lymph

>watching Steve's episode
>That childhood room
>His dad's voice about to crack when he speaks about all the pizza boxes he found in his closet
I never asked for this

Why didn't the dad just take a slice of the pizza if he was that hungry?

I think a tick is the most appropriate analogy for Steven.
Or maybe its because they dont deliver

He's a fat bastard

when this nigga could stand

Because he didnt want to get another assault charge

I don't got a webm but...

He's from Rhode Island, I'm from CT but I can guarantee you that there's at least five pizza joints per town and pizza is more common than eating burgs up here


So what's stopping them from simply closing his room and not giving him any food?

what the fuck?


>tfw no local Italian restaurant

I ain't is no doctor, but I don't think his lymph nodes are like that because they are working better.

The way he stares at her while she's sweeping it gets me every time

he'll call the police and fabricate an assault charge or negligence or anything he can conjure up. This is a man lacking ANY kind of scruples or possessing a modicum of self-restraint. He feels no shame and will lie, cry and bully to get whatever he wants.

He's addicted to pain meds and its common for druggies to develop OCD habits like plucking hairs

What the fuck is that weird black shit on his legs?

reminder that part 2 is on next week

the kino will be off the charts


that cameraman has good zoom instincts

It's because he's tripping balls on painkillers.

Is that Steven? I can't even tell.




Oops sorry, that's incorrect.

It's just hemosiderin staining.

He was knocked back by the force of the impact.