so i guess there are upsides of living in a shitty country
So i guess there are upsides of living in a shitty country
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>Tourist hotspot
Maybe bavaria, and even then only in winter
Because you are gonna go crazy and bomb something sooner or later Mark
Switzerland... white...
BS. Switzerland is probably right in line after France and the UK for terror threat.
What the fuck is this?
Of course. lol
>All the Dutch/French people who raid shopping malls and brothels.
Ever been on the Autobahn near Düsseldorf on the weekend? There are so many Dutch drivers that they suspend basic traffic rules with their mere presence
a hero Sup Forums deserves, but doesn't need right now
some Aussie reported a tripfag who spammed IS propaganda to local authorities and they raided his home, found some Djihadi magazines and sued him for terrorism.
He literally avoided jail with the autism card.
Pic related is what some other aussie send to his cell during custody.
Maybe someone has the collage, I don't. Sadly the last time Sup Forums was good.
Threat from whom? I thought the Swiss were as uncucked as can be. I've heard they're even xenophobic (sorry or the buzzword) against Germans and Austrians.
>tfw country isn't shit
>no muslims either
Get on my level plebs
Those muslims get buttfucked by the cartles right away.
>terrorists blow up something in Spain
>"well that's the Iberian Peninsula done then."
Just according to keikaku
We just fucking love your Roads Germany.
>not shit
Don't know how to break it to you, pal...
Swiss have bunch of guns though. Like 50guns per 100ppl. So basically every adult have a gun. Few terrorist would be gunned down pretty fast.
We know. But srsly pls don't overtake with your caravan
>avoided jail
he still spent months in prison awaiting trial just because he posted made up stories on japanese pokemon-catching forum
>Slovakia higher threat than Czechia
map discarded
I'm sorry, we just fucking love camping when we get some time off.
Also your roads are perfect since German laws aren't as strict.
What shitty country? Poland, Czechoslovakia and Baltic countries are fucking beautiful and well developed. It's not 1970.
This looks so cute.
>North europe same as north africa...lmao
>Maybe bavaria, and even then only in winter
Well i live in bavaria and we get several hundred thousand chinks during summer.
Would be funny if ISIS blows up some chinks and China declares war on them
We based user :)
i think what he meant is not as wealthy as the west, which is true - but i bet it will change in the next 20 years or so when civil wars will break in the France/Sweden/UK/Germany
>terror threat on tourist hotspots
>serbia yellow
Isn't Bratislava within commuting distance of the muslim shithole known as Vienna?
Czechs have always been Überslavs. That line didn't apply to you.
>well developed
Only in few big cities. Warsaw, Cracow, Breslau, Poznan or Danzig are more-or-less on the same level as an average West European city. Smaller Polish cities are crap, towns are shit and many villages are pure diarrhea.
Residual kebab still unremoved.
please list all the bombings on tourist hotspots in serbia
this should be quick
>tfw underlying threat
Guys, I'm scared. About a year ago, some weirdo killed some people in my hometown, by driving over them with his car. He was supposedly suffering from schizophrenia, but I just don't believe that. What if he really was a terrorist, and the government is just keeping information from reaching the public?
yeah that means we are even safer, who would bother even lbowing something up here when they could do that in vienna
Theres zero attentats in Serbia and almost 4% of the popolation is muslim. Am i right?
Living in a small, irrelevant country that no one gives a shit about does have it's perks.
4% is a hella good score for our history, not to mention those 4% aren't allowed to be vocal because we have 0 tollerance for jihad
Please borrow me some industry
If intolerance and hatred of Muslims caused terrorism than the Eastern Europeans should have the greatest levels of terrorism.
The more France and the UK have kowtowed to and catered to Muslims the more they've been attacked.
>>They are just slavs mixed with germans
Well, that'd be a really hilarious plot twist
LOl @ northern ireland and ireland being so high.
Literally hardly any chance anything will ever happen in northern ireland. There is virtually no muslim population, the ones that are there are p practically irish and they have enough terrorist already to keep new ones out.
My fucking god do you really believe that?
They have done nothing but conquer and kill in this region and yet we still tried to coexist.
And then they (bosnia) declare muslim rule and essentially jihad on us... Yeah we are so hateful
Slavshits I need your advice, want to take my girlfriend on a city break to Eastern Europe this year and I'm trying to decide between:
Czech Republic (Prague)
Slovakia (Bratislava)
Possibly Budapest, Ljubljana or any of the baltic states capital cities. Based on prices for food, alcohol etc, things to do, tourist sites and likelihood of people speaking English which should I go for? Lowest # of mudslimes is a plus but it would always be lower than it is here lel
committing a terrorist attack in eastern europe to defile europe is like shitting in a toilet to defile a house
London sounds like the deal you are looking for
The Swiss are as cucked as any other westerners and are _exclusively_ xenophobic against Germans - they love Muslims and the cultural enrichment they bring.
Czechia is beautiful and friendly but Prague is horribly touristy.
Germany and Austria have just as many guns. Know what? It doesn't make a difference if you are too weak to kill Muslims with them.
>my girlfriend
Well, the shizophrenic guy did it after the IS called Muslims to run over infidels with their car and he shouted Allahusnackbar. What a coincidence, really makes you think.
Go to Croatia you fucking prick.
Mehiko literally has a higher crime rate than Iraq. The cartels protect you from ISIS so they can behead you themselves.
Cities are like breeding grounds for degeneracy and Muslims.
Holy shit I live in a city.
What do I do dude help me
Based Serb you know what to do
Not saying they aren't coalburners but at least there isn't as much coal around. Here in Vienna you almost exlusively see "cute 16 year old blonde girl with inbred looking turk/arab manlet or musclebound nigger"-couples.
I'm gonna need the source on that.
>tfw based poland doesnt have to worry about Muhammad
I visited France and Italy in 1999. Saw a lot of gypsies but not that many mud people.
consideing north africa and the midle east is red I don't see your point
What is this?
Number of times each country landed on the moons
>women are the niggers of gender
in related news, water is wet.
Oh please. We're the safest place in Europe, probably. Unless you're Chinese.
you mean unless your roommate is an american who dates somalis
Come so Obzor, clean, beautiful, cheap.
You'll like it here mate. And if you do come look for "Kanadeza", I'll give you rooms for 10 lev a night. ;)
I'm not even autistic, but why does everybody use this word wrong in 2016?
you know well, they want to be politically correct even in their grave