Hi 40+ anons

Hi 40+ anons,
provide some useful insight about life that might help your 20+ fellows. Shit that would have helped youself if someone told you when you were ~20
(thread from 1-2 days ago was so awesome that I thought why not start it again!)

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I start myself: always mind that there is a "you", a "me" and an "us"in every relationship and it's very important not to forget that they all must stay alive and must strive to gain happyness!

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Between hard work a collage degree a couple sound invests you can retire for a career after collage collage in your mid 30's then you can choose to start another career or a family it's just better

try to learn/study something that can be used in any field like law or business. It will help you keep your options open for way longer and you can there won't be a single company you couldn't contribute somehow.

Learn what thrives you as a second field.

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I just had a similar conversation with my son about this today. Don’t be scared to learn how to do something. If you are, then you’re going to waste time being able to do it while you’re young and healthy.

Always remember: she’s probably just as nervous to talk to you as you are to her.

>what thrives you
>porn accompanying every picture
I'm sure your advice is amazing and you're not just some sad loser desperate to look wise in front of internet strangers.

I brought something like this up to my two boys I told them with hard work in the right fields you can retire by like 35-40

The problem is 20 somethings know it all and wont listen to good advice from those old guys. I know i didnt. Wish i had.

Biggest lesson was that I need to work for good things. Be it job/money, health, friendship or love, nothing good comes to someone who's not putting in an effort, even though some may be lucky in one area. Actually being lucky usually gets people particularly lazy in the other areas, which makes it even worse.

Don't get married and have kids.
You'll go into your 40s and 50s with lots of money and you'll be able to fuck girls half your age and a lot more attractive than you could ever pull before

Life doesn't always get better. In fact it usually gets worse but live for the little pleasures in life.

Karma is real. You get back what you put out. Don't be afraid to move to a different state. See the county, don't live in the same place you were born and die their. That's boring and you get no life perspective. Don't judge people by their color, you judge them on how they treat you. Not every friend, is your friend. People are assholes by nature. Honestly, don't trust anyone.

That you need to work on yourself first: physically, mentally, financially; learn to be happy with your own company, before expecting to make anyone else happy. Life is all about learning and growing as a person, each experience you have, good or bad, should help you grow. Most importantly: Nobody owes you jack shit; God bless the child who has his own.

Take your time trying to own nice things. It will come in time. You will have have more discretionary income layer. If your bad at saving for retirement, just put a higher percentage of your paycheck into your 401k. You wont miss the little extra you put in

I'm 47, a few things.

1. Live far below your means, you need to be saving 30-50% of your income. If I had done that from 21 I'd be retired in a nice paid off house right now, instead I'm saving 50% and I'll barely scrape by in retirement at 67 because I started so late.
2. If you don't want kids, don't get married. period.
3. If you are ABSOLUTELY sure don't want kids, wait until you're 30, then get a vasectomy.

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True if someone sat me down and said life is shit you'll probably work well into your 60's you should listen to me now boy for I know what I'm talking about

4. Dump the bad habits. Smoking more than a cigar every once in a while, drinking more than once in a while, smoking weed all day, that shit takes it's toll. My mind isn't sharp like it was at 30, some of that might be old age but I think the 20 years of drinking smoking and drugs hurt a lot too.
5. Stay fit, start with walks and light weights, move up to intense cardio 2x a week and weights 2-3x a week, it makes a world of difference. I'm in better shape now closing in on 50 than I was at 35.
6. Fuck finding your passion make money for 10-15 years so you can live a good life and then do whatever your passion is.


Get rid of your opinions about stupid shit that doesn't impact your life directly. They're a distraction, and only make you miserable.

If you find yourself arguing about old movies, who makes the best burger in town, or if girls pubes offend you, you're living a shit life.

Get to work, master yourself, and no matter what it is: get over it.


Dont be intimidated by anyone professionally. 99% of the people out there are hardcore professional bullshitters.

Also, happiness isnt a thing. Life is more misery in shades of gray. Make yours as light as possible, but never expect happiness to last at most a couple hours. If its more than that you're either a heroin addict or a retard.


Everyone you love is going to die, or otherwise leave you. Do everything in your power to make your time with them count.


- Enjoy life when chance gives out to you, don't hesitate
- trust no one, only yourself. EVERYONE has their OWN agenda
- there is ALWAYS a way around a road block, find it, use it.
- sex is fun, but not the end all be all
- you don't have to be a health-wizard living off grass & flowers, but your body will 'remember' what you've done to yourself 50 years ago
- at the end, we all die alone, prepare for it

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Get rid of all the hollywood induced ilusions early in life. You are no hero, you are not important, thus there is no need to have anxiety or anything.

Important stuff happens, and its usually outside of your control. Skills and knowledge reduce the scope of stuff that is outside of your control.

Expect society to break down- this whole machine of comfort is two weeks of standstill away from tearing itself apart. Be prepared, but do not be paranoid or preachy.

Corporations are irrational like humans. You can milk them, by hypnotizing the processes that run them. They do not learn- as in people who make bad decisions will get replaced with dumb new people who will repeat the cycle all over. Do not be a cog, be a farmer.

Many things are made to fall apart, do not throw away fast, but disassemble and learn to repair the parts made to fall apart. Thus you get a water-heater lasting for 20 years for the price of a water heater expected to last for 3 years.

Woman do not love you. They love reliable emotions they can produce inside of you. So if you get the usual evening TV-Talk about her gay coworker- or the towns priest or whatever, show the expected emotions. Yes, we all live in a surveillance utopia, where the bad actors can not go anywhere, but this need for you to reliably produce the same emotions is real. Just fulfill it.
Marry for love not sex. That will be there naturally.
Wait 5 years or so after marriage to start having kids. Enjoy each other first because it all changes after kids.
A job is something to pay you bills. Do it, do it the best you can, but don’t make it you life.
Buy a good used car. Don’t waste money on fancy, get dependable transportation.
Sex with your wife gets even better after menopause. Yeah. And use lube .
Quit spending time on Sup Forums and get a life before it passes you by.

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Wildcatting, Wall Street, and professional sports are the only professions that come to mind.

I've found the secret to happiness is spending most of your time with your wife and kids and working as little as possible. I took a demotion to make sure I had time to go to all of my kids soccer games and school functions and my co workers didn't. My daughter's got straight A's and full ride scholarships to college. My coworkers' kids are all pregnant. We didn't have a ton of money but it's amazing how much just being there makes kids lives better plus you will be happier too.
Don’t buy new cars. Buy used. Don’t get married until you are at least 35. Learn to play an instrument. Learn a second language. Don’t think education is a waste of time. If someone doesn’t want to be with you, that is a golden opportunity for new pussy. Never stay with someone that doesn’t satisfy your sexual needs just because you thInk they will suddenly change.

>>live way below your means

Easier said than done, especially if you’re married. Wives don’t want to scrape by like penny pinching college kids.

Don't drink. Holy fuck it's the easy button for being healthier and wealthier.

While you are in your 20s never pass up on sex without attachment...even if its not the supermodel you want to marry.

Loose the dumbasses. Dumbassess appeal to younger people because if the foolhardy shit they do but they usually break down later on in life from drugs and general fuckery. Surround yourself with progress oriented people while your young

Wielding , construction, most anything in the oil field , if you really wanna bank with wielding you get your diving licences and do underwater wielding granted all these professions are very intense with risk to life or body so they pay very high and generally have a short period for which one can work them

do research on "art of memory"/mnemonic principles. It is a system how can learn/remember everything - even if you are a low iq idiot. It's a technique everybody can learn and is basically the knowledge how you can learn anything!
Won't help in field with logic (like thermo dynamics) but will make everything easy what need you to remember any kind of information.

If you have children, start to teach them early as a game. They will have no effort to learn.

If you have relatives or friends sons/daughters that will soon will turn 11 years, inform yourself about CISV (childrens international summer villages). It's the best non-brainwash expierience you can have at that age. You will benefit from it for your whole life + you make friends all over the world!

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once you learned mnemo technique, there are many, many other easy tweaks that make life easier. For example: there is a number you need to remember (144025036146) that helps you to calculate the day of the week for any given date without effort! :)

Look for "day of the week" technique or domething.

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That's cute. If being able to memorize a number or calculating the day of the week from a date makes a difference in your life, then your life is pretty much useless.

i didn't say that particular small tweak makes difference. But I said the many, many little things do!
If you can remember all names of people at a party you just met for the first time, it can be helpful and outstandingly polite. Or if you can remember a phone number without taking a note. Hell! Some people even have problems remembering the e-banking pin and have to double-check when they do online money transfers!

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The cup is already broken. Rhat is all you really need to realise

wtf... is that all you'd say to your younger self? Money, skills, investments and "DON'T DRINK"???
Is that a cultural thing? living in liberal capitalism and shit?
I'm 42, and all I'd say to 20yo me would be: care less what other ppl may think about you.
Of course, adolescent me would just nod, think "yeah, he's right", and than carry on as before. But that's all normal.

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Two 5s equal a 10. I had high demands for bangability. Mistake. All young weight/proportionate girls are hot.