Allowing women to vote was a mistake

Allowing women to vote was a mistake.
Prove me wrong.

Western values are inheritly weak. And inferior
this is why it's failing

But u aren't wrong.

>not adding Pro Tip: you can't

You literally can't

Protip: I can't

Prove yourself right first

I'll agree with you on some of that list, but how the fuck is "freedom" an inferior and inherently weak value?

No you are right

But you are right.

You can move to Arabia if you don't like our values.

You not wrong at all. Many women are too emotional to pick a candidate based on evidence or what's best for the country. Most single women vote liberal, it was a huge mistake.

No arguments here.


You are correct

Completely correct.

It was literally the biggest mistake that the west ever made


Women had a capacity to vote when it was given to them.
The world has regressed mentally, but I find this is just reactionary now. Wait 15-20 years (if that, maybe even 1-5) and you'll see a complete resurgence of intellectualism. Morals/ethics have not risen to coincide with the huge technology boom. We have the tech of a near scifi setting, but still are fucking tribal humans moralistics.

>but how the fuck is "freedom" an inferior and inherently weak value?

It gives bad and stupid people a platform to ruin society.

Cant prove you wrong there.

Can't prove you wrong.
Sorry, not sorry.

>le neckbeard MRA bitching about equality again
you dudebros crack me up

>Prove me wrong.

Can't, although as a libertarian I feel bad for it.

But then what's the better solution? Giving even worse and dumber people a platform to have control over others? Mind you, the only reason "cultural Marxism" became popular is because of government education in the first place.

my woman is extremely redpilled. Even more than me. But I don't trust 99.9% of women to have the capacity to think.

>women are notorious for making excuses for the men who beat them
>not long after women become a major independent voting bloc the nations they reside in begin to tolerate and excuse the behavior of the foreign terrorists that attack them


Woman much as I hate to admit it I think you might be right. The political discussions I've heard among females are disgustingly illogical. I would be willing to sacrifice my own right to vote to keep them from voting based on emotional arguments.

Show me your tits, BB Poison.


Not an argument.

( . ) ( . )



My bad. I shall remove myself from said family board and go back to my rightful place in the kitchen.

Good shit.

This is basically true.
I think women should be treated equally before the law (god knows they already get away with so much murder and rape by virtue of their sex as it is), but voting is a definite no. Women are not intelligent enough to vote. I know there are exceptions, but they are just that. They are unintelligent, and disloyal to their own countries, they are overly emotional, and especially volatile and irresponsible at young ages. I would compromise and say women should be allowed to vote at a much later age than men, i.e. 30 instead of 18, but even that's giving them too much of a voice.

Women don't need to be heard, we tolerate them because some of them make themselves pretty for us to look at, and because they take care for the house and children, which they exist to create. That's it.

>expecting a debate on Sup Forums

I wish there were more women introspective enough to understand this. I hope you find a good man user.

No they shouldn't be able to vote at all even if they are an exception. Their social role/strength simply lies elsewhere.

You all American can't talk about Democracy as you think that there are only 2 political sides. I don't understand how you believe you are somehow politicaly superior to any other country.

I can't because you're correct

its not wrong tho senpai desu

Well, compared to you burgers we don't give regressive little shits the time of day. Sure they try here, a lot actually, but literally nobody takes those fuckers seriously.

>yfw no-one realizes women were the biggest captive demographic for fascist parties in the early 20th century

Spain, Italy and Germany. Women overwhelmingly voted center-right pre-1940s. The 1960s ruined female voters, only then did they start overwhelmingly voting left.

I was in agreement with you until I read up on the foundations of fascist movements. Now I #Ruse4Duce.

A government based on buying votes by any means possible.

You think an authoritarian with a vested interested in his country and people would let this shit happen?

I'm prepared to surrender freedom for a stop to this madness.

>inb4 Franklin quote

The Founding Fathers never intended for this.

It may not sound fair but yes.

The founding father never meant for the government to have so much power in the first place.

>You think an authoritarian with a vested interested in his country and people would let this shit happen?

What would that matter? You think the average authoritarian would allow any dissenting opinion against him? You don't think that he, like any other man, wouldn't just get easily corrupted and use his position to his self-interest? You use this almost as an excuse to strip you of your liberties when the reason we've been collapsing has been the demise of liberty in the first place. If you're convinced that this has been the fault of liberty then shouldn't you take side with the millennials on the college grounds who demand that Freedom of speech should be banned due to it's allowance of any and all offensive speech?

Id suspect their are some woman out their that are red pilled But the fact is that woman do tend to become more emotional when it comes to politics. If only the the media didn't have a good grip on the majority of woman Id say it wasn't a mistake.

Women voting is fine as long as they are married, they will 90% vote for whatever their husband wants because women take no interest in politics.

Now that women are unfaithful and liberated they vote for faggots like pic related

It's a Tragedy of the Commons phenomenon.

Our countries belong to no one and everyone and so no one truly gives a shit as long as they get theirs. It takes a lot of 'give a fuck' people to make a country work with the system we have now and there simply aren't enough.

It takes fewer 'give a fuck' people to run a country under authoritarianism.

We need an entirely new paradigm. I don't know what it is. There needs to be a barrier to political activity. We need to introduce hardships; manufacture them somehow, if necessary. People need to learn values.

We need to stop this death by a thousand cuts that we're experiencing now and I don't see how we can without some, hopefully brief, suspension of liberties.

>implying freedom is bad

Fucking faggot pic!
Who is this Justin fag some French Jew?

The jews did it.

Yeah, fuck it, I agree with them about the free speech too. I want those lefty fucks silenced. The internet has removed all barrier of entry to communication. There was a time where one had to be of some sort of proven value to be able to get their shit together enough to have their words printed and available to the masses. Not anymore. The internet has rendered freedom of speech obsolete. Certainly without some sort of barrier of entry to prove that they should be given the right to the audiences the internet allows for.

>Our countries belong to no one and everyone and so no one truly gives a shit as long as they get theirs

To be fair that has more to do with our decisions to include 'diversity' in our countries. I think it's common sense that if you import a bunch of low IQ immigrants, they will not have much alliegence to anything but themselves.

> It takes a lot of 'give a fuck' people to make a country work with the system we have now and there simply aren't enough.

Which is why most people would suggest making the government as small as humanely possible, so that no one needs to give that much of a fuck and so that the government isn't such a mangled mess.

>We need to stop this death by a thousand cuts that we're experiencing now and I don't see how we can without some, hopefully brief, suspension of liberties.

This death is being caused by the suspension of liberties and it is being medicated by the importation of liberty hating mongrels who wish to destroy Western civilization and the freedoms that it has manufactured.

> I want those lefty fucks silenced.

So essentially, because they say things you don't like, they must be dispersed of? That logic works in a war, but we're trying to maintain a civilization here.

>The internet has removed all barrier of entry to communication. There was a time where one had to be of some sort of proven value to be able to get their shit together enough to have their words printed and available to the masses.

There was never such a barrier, and the internet never killed it. Just look at Karl Marx if you want a good example. Stupid men will always exist and it's up to those who are intelligent enough to disprove their myths. Would you rather we live in an age in which a king decides what is spoken and what is not? That's the very definition of tyranny.

The internet isn't a problem because it works both ways. The problem is organized media. Every other article is clickbait.

Fuhrer dubbs confirm.

OP is not a faggot.

>Freedom of speech

Look at how easy it is to make up lies and have them spread by (((people of influence with a certain agenda))), influencing millions while there's no feasible way to combat that.

It always takes more effort to disprove bullshit than to make it up - and that's assuming you have a platform that would make you heard. That's assuming that people will listen. That's assuming that people will understand, assuming that they even have the mental capabilities to understand it. That's assuming that they don't suffer from cognitive dissonance, or conflict of interest.

Couple that with universal suffrage and you have the current shitstorm brewing. It'll happen everytime, inevitably: there will always be greaty people and there will always be stupid people.

So you'd rather have only 1 person deciding? It's the same coin flip man.

The democratic system used to work just fine until women started voting en mass. Simply put, women have a herd mentality and are way too easy to manipulate. Democracy works for men, authoritarianism works for women. Unwittingly you are supporting a gynocentric system.

>Look at how easy it is to make up lies and have them spread by (((people of influence with a certain agenda))), influencing millions while there's no feasible way to combat that.

A lie is always killed by the truth. This board and forums like it are (Somewhat) proof of that.

>It always takes more effort to disprove bullshit than to make it up - and that's assuming you have a platform that would make you heard.

True, but that just makes our case stronger. If a lie is made that bananas are actually orange and all the evidence for it is pseudo non-sense, then there will be people who believe them, however when the truth comes (that it is yellow), it will prevail. Humans' denial of reality doesn't last forever, especially when faced up against the truth.

> That's assuming that people will listen. That's assuming that people will understand, assuming that they even have the mental capabilities to understand it.

If they're intelligent enough to understand the lie, then they will most definitely be intelligent enough to understand the truth. The number of people who grow out of Marxism is proof of that.

> That's assuming that they don't suffer from cognitive dissonance, or conflict of interest.

So we shouldn't have freedom of speech because people act in their self interest? Don't get me wrong, this would make a great argument against the system of democracy, but this in of itself is flawed in terms of 'speech'. Due to the fact that this is embedded within all humans. You can't really get away from stupidity, you can only fight against it with logic. Making stupidity (not actual mental retardation, but having political or economic opinions that are considered "Stupid") illegal by law is subject to extreme manipulation by the positions in government.

They are right, you know

Not wrong.

Also never should let niggers vote.

Look at nigger countries

What were we thinking?

I agree. All the stress of choosing who to vote for is giving me premature wrinkles and causing my cortisol levels to increase, which negatively impacts my ability to reproduce. :/ I just wanna be a trophy wife who doesn't have to think desu

>Candian pretending to be a girl

We were forced by Jews, violence and lack of sex.
I suppose we're just going to have to show them the result of their actions. Not much we can do, unless we just want to weather the storm and tell them to go to another country if they want to vote and don't deserve it

why would i want to prove something wrong that happens to be obviously, entirely true?

