Non-whites of Sup Forums, enter in this thread and let talk shit about white people.
Non-whites of Sup Forums, enter in this thread and let talk shit about white people
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Stupid-ass fucking white people I hate how they have money and an education and their parents love them why can't they be in the ghetto like me black lives matter okay peace
>be cracker
>invade arab countries
>destroy their infrastructure and kill their children
>one of our Abduls goes mad and kill some people in France
>"Why are sandniggers so violent omg, they hate us because we drink beer and we don't worship their pedo God"
White people baka
This. If you stay out of the middle east, we'll stay away from you.
Also what gets me is when they say "Go back to your own country". I mean I was born here, so where the fuck am I suppose to go? I'm as British as you pal.
>be a saud
>be desert warlord
>have no claim to mohammed's lineage
>maintain power by supporting radical islam
>discover oil
>western goys throw money at you
>be rich now
>9/11 happens
>western goys still throwing money at you
Why are white people such a meme?
Wtf i hate whites now
That feel
>go back to your country
"1: This is my country, I was born here,
2; You guys are supporting rebels that are destabilizing my country so I couldn't move even if I wanted.
>well.........DUDE. ISLAM. LMAO!"
Must be their cuck fetish
You must be asian I see
>I'm as British as you pal.
Except you aren't desended from England Wales Scotland or northern ireland so no you're not "as British as they are" they're roots on that island go back as far as fucking time. Yours go back how many generations? Get fucked
Its funny when they say Islam doesn't belong here too. Neither does Christianity, they both came from the same areas. Only reason one is fine is that its been here for centuries.
Christians were persecuted in Europe at first, same as Muslims now. Europe will adapt eventually though.
muh nigga
>Europe will adapt eventually though.
>Europe will have another crusade eventually
When Muslims prefer sharia to the magna Carta they don't fucking belong in Britain kill yourself Ahmed
Islam is as British as the Queen((not really)).
haha yes hello my non-white friends
>Neither does Christianity, they both came from the same areas.
No it didn't. Christianity came from the mediterranean, islam comes from the arabian peninsula
'English' are pretty much Germans, Dutch and Danes - so not British. There have been 'immigrants' in Britain since 1700, most have Indian or Jamaican or some other colonies blood in them. Being British means being born here.
You aren't a native American yourself, you are an immigrant and if I have no right here, nor do you.
Allahu akbar my friend
How should we punish the infidels?
>Neither does Christianity
Catholism and Protestant sects are uniquely European you retarded roach
I fucking love their women.
mashetani nyeupe kwamba harufu ya mbwa na watu kijinga sana
same now shills bringing you turd worlders over... thought you would like them more
>'English' are pretty much Germans, Dutch and Danes
Holy shit are you autistic? >You aren't a native American yourself, you are an immigrant and if I have no right here, nor do you
The difference is the native populace of here is gone. There is not native population. This land has not ethnicity to it. Britain does. And your shitty ideology is ruining it
>what is Rotherham
fucking cumskins
I'm sure the Anglo-Saxons preferred their law to the Magna Carta
Christianity came from modern day Palestine. Right above the Arabian Peninsula.
Uncultured savages belong in the desert
>the anglos were mad that a king gave them basic human rights
This is why you don't belong in the west
The English are not Britons. They are invaders and immigrants from Saxony, Jutland and Angleland.
>This land has not ethnicity to it. Britain does.
Well I guess like you, we must genocide the natives here and take it. The strong survive. And the west is dying. If not for us it would have collapsed long ago into its own decadence and decay.
>le every muslims secretly want sharia law
>tfw you probably don't even know what sharia is
Not sure what you meant, rephrase it please.
no my friend they belong in the ground
the earth belong to us
>be venezuelan with light skin
>one of my shirts happens to be some random beach shirt with the Goya logo and some spanish on it
>be walking down the university part of town with all the hipster college kids
>this tubby white chick with rainbow hair looks st my shirt and, I shit you not, says "u mmmmm excuse me sir but tags uhh.... that's cultural appropriation...
>I'm from caracas
>she looks like she has no idea what that even is
>tell her that means I'm venezuelan, south american
> she just goes "oh" and walks away
Why are gringos so rude, bros?
So you admit to what you savages are doing?
Coming from a race that literally can't stop committing genocide.
The Saxons had their own law before the Normans that went back before they even arrived on this island. They brought that culture with them and changed this isle. Yet somehow no one complains about this, but only the current culture change as Islam grows and grows. You are losing, now fuck off to your own thread.
In the last two weeks we have seen whites get utterly BTFO and rekt by people that were always considered "sub-humans" etc...
Where is all that "Muh Aryan IQ", " Muh Superior Lifeform" BS now? I thought you guys were supposed to be the ideal form of humanity, yet it seems like you guys are easily cucked and weak minded.
You talk shit, and quite literally get hit.
I mean shit at least Canadians know their best bet is shitposting and posing as White Supremacists on the web, but the rest of you, sheesh what irredeemable cucks you are
the second video is Norway
>If you stay out of the middle east, we'll stay away from you.
> I'm as British as you pal.
So are you middle eastern or British? You seem confused.
You mean what you are doing. Its whites that keep inviting the poor of us, the ones who keep getting bombed by you so they can't stay where they lived so they have no choice but to move to safe Europe where no one is bombing because somehow white life is worth more.
American grape-nigger here.
Pls explain Finn meme. I thought Finland was in the super white category of Swedes, and Norwegians.
>You are losing,
So are you admitting that you are trying to concour the west?
Also europe will only take so much before it snaps. They're not known to go down without a fight
>see every global conflict ever
>non-whites taking over Sup Forums
what do i need to do in order to permanently move to your country?
i heard it's hard to get a citizenship if you're slavnigger
I feel a stronger connection with my people in Pakistan and the Middle East more than Britons BUT I was born here thus I am British.
To the eternal void from whence you came after you kill yourself you ignorant scum
>the ones who keep getting bombed by you
>implying Asad isn't bombing his own people too
Top kek
>white life is worth more
Now you're getting it
I think you're a little bit deluded.
You say we, as in other, you try to define yourself as British while simultaneously identifying yourself as an outsider, what do you hold loyalty to? The British flag or alah? If the latter then fuck off you're no brit and your a traitor, if the former then you're alright.
We would be fine without you, like we were for thousands of years you pleb, while the middle east remains the shit hole it has always been, you seem to forget that your family migrated here for a better life, and instead worked towards making some parts of my country almost uninhabitable, just a very slightly better verson of the shit hole they came from and the only things stopping it become exactly the same is our climate and British law.
Sorry for the bad English, I'm on my mobile
>I feel a stronger connection with my people in Pakistan and the Middle East more than Britons
That's why you don't belong in the west you fucking retard. You won't ever assimilate.
No we aren't conquering, but its a consequence of your negligence. Its going to happen regardless and that's why you babies get mad, you are losing yet too scared to fight back. You know that most of us are regular Joes so there the individual isn't your enemy.
>let me link you a video from a salafist(look it up if you don't understand the word) youth group to prove my point which is that all muslims secretly want sharia
Or put in other words
Can you tell me what you think Sharia law is just so I know what it is you think muslims want?
They call themselves
>good normal SUNNI Muslims
OR in other words
>dude that isn't my sect of Islam that's the bad sect bro dude seriously its them not me
>hey lets move to countries full of people we hate and reap every benefit of doing so
>lets say we're doing it because america killed several dictators, several of which used chemical weapons in the middle east. this is a good enough reason apparently
not even mad, i just don't see the point? in moving to our countries you've literally accepted we are better otherwise you'd stay home
>implying Asad isn't bombing his own people too
Gee I wonder why, could it be that you guys give weapons and training to rebels so the conflict is prolonged? Nah ofc not.
>what it is you think muslims want?
Muslim majority countries outside the middle east
How exactly are we losing? We have torn apart multiple Arab countries, ISIS and killed less that a thousand westerners... I don't see how you think that's a victory or in anyway a win state
If your country is in the schengen union you can move here and get free citizenship.. we are not fond of rude slavs though.
Probably all true. English always rolled over for their overlords. Enjoy your island, muslimbro.
i'm slav, can i stay
fuck white people desu
The victory of the cradle. They'll outbreed you by the mid century.
>be half-Persian
>father fled Iran during the Islamic Revolution since he knew mudslimes would fuck up the country
>eating dinner in public, topic of Islam comes up
>he says that practicing Islam should be considered a hate crime
>all the white people in the restaurant look at him in horror
Why are white people such wimps?
Yeah, an entire war that lasted over 10 years didn't happen in Iraq and Iran by French, British, USA and other European powers. Then the same powers funded rebels that have led to this conflict.
I am Muslim first, I hold no loyalty to Britain, but I am British as I was born here. This is a fact, it cant be disputed. Yeah my family came here but there are Britons who don't give a shit about this isle too.
Why? Don't you Americans constantly talk about your Irish or German heritage, drink in Irish bars etc?
>what do you hold loyalty to? The British flag or alah? If the latter then fuck off you're no brit and your a traitor
It's the latter see
Anybody else here look Arab even though you're technically caucasian?
I even have a islamic last name.
I am pretty concerned tbqh, I don't want to be associated with this filth
>Be Arabscum
>Kill everyone in a radius of 100 miles for around a thousand years
>Your lands have been a fuck toy of Mongols, Turks and other invaders for 1000 years
>Europeans colonise you and then set you free
>America stops Russians from invading and removes dictators, tries to show your dumb ass that Democracy is the best solution
>"wtf I hate the West now"
>Act as though the West is the reason for the shit state of affairs your country is in.
Not saying the West has really solved anything but you can't damage something that was completely destroyed to begin with. Middel East has been shit and unstable since the Caliphate began to collapse.
>I am Muslim first, I hold no loyalty to Britain, but I am British as I was born here. This is a fact, it cant be disputed.
That's it, fuck this country, I'm gonna go burn down a mosque.
Europe as you experience it now is a byproduct of a dialetic relation of roman law with christianity and enlightment values. How it does not belong in it?
Ahmed, you're dumb.
It's merely a meme, Finns have the most blondes and light-colored eyes in the world. Source: my ass. Whitest genes in Europe etc.
But it's true that some Finns do look more Asian compared to our western neighbors Swedes. Probably some ancient Sami blood working its magic.
Anyway, the origin of the Finns=Mongols meme is an old-ass Swedish book on anthropology or something like it that called Finns Mongols.
>Why? Don't you Americans constantly talk about your Irish or German heritage, drink in Irish bars etc?
The difference being America is made up of several different European backgrounds and Britain is fucking Britain. Also not a single irish/German/whatever American would put the countries of their ancestors above America.
Islam is gay.
>If your country is in the schengen union you can move here and get free citizenship
does that mean ahmeds with German citizenship can do it too?
i also heard that Iceland has the least amount ahmeds in europe, that's partially due to strict immigration policies, is that also wrong?
and i'm not rude when i'm outside of this shithole of a country
>be Honduran
>have light skin
>be on vacation at France
>call another honduran "mi negro" when he told me he's from Honduras too
>everybody in the bar looks me weird
>he calls me "indio" when i tell him im not from the caribean part of honduras
>everybody watch us like we're about to start a fight
>tfw you're white but not really
>Stay out of the Middle East and we'll stay away from you
So you'll leave this country if we pull out of the Middle East (we basically have)?
No. Kill yourself shitskin.
T. Pooinloo who sides with non degenerates
No, you're a brown shitskin paki, who is probably inbred and you're not my pal.
Fuck off.
Humans should be able to live where they want. Someone living on the French/German border but is French will be closer genetically, culturally and traditionally to Germans than those that live on the French/Spanish border.
You point makes no sense. Why shouldn't I live in England? If by democracy this countries laws change that thats democracy. Deal with it.
Demographics, you refuse to have kids, your women prefer us, especially young ones, and there is no way to stop the immigration crisis, especially not when Hillary wins, she won't allow it. Britain may be leaving the EU but humanitarian thoughts in government aren't going anyway and they will continue to allow in refugees as well as immigrants anyway since Pakistan was a former colony.
The people in this country are jumping to our support from yesterdays attack, saying you can't blame Islam (which is true, but it's the opposite of what you hope will happen - every terror attack more people join OUR side and not the hate side. The liberals, the Muslims of the west etc make great points to not hate Muslims due to it and it converts more people than yelling "LOOK AT THIS ONE ATTACK. EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THIS REGION IS RESPONSIBLE!")
We'll get more than this island due to lack of European tribalism. A shame, but its the nature of humanity.
Whatever nationality you want to disguise yourself under you are still a muslim which means and enemy to everything Europe used to stand for. Thanks for being here murderer. Every time the weak hearted people in Europe forgive you, you people you murder more. Isn't that a bit inhuman?
>tfw you are actually white and Sup Forums thinks you are a nigger becaus of your flag
>Implying I won't be praising the Roman Gods by then.
>that mestizo feeling
No, you are just visiting. You are just as I described, a shitskin who is most likely inclined to be inbred.
Are you trying to gulag me, OP?
ehehe white "people" triggered hard
Murican who's read "Os Lusiadas" here. I reckon y'all are alright.
What does "non-white" mean? Is that like Poles?
this thread is like kicking some dude on the ground, just let them self destruct with dignity
>implying thats possible
>caring about memes on a Siberian Disc Golf appreciation forum
black lives matter. that is all
i've heard that you've a pole inmigration problem, is it true or just memes of poland's persecution complex?
Damn don't you white boys understand the notion of Non-white thread only? fuckin faggot
>Humans should be able to live where they want
Because reasons. Fuck having borders and laws and shit
Are Poles white?
>we must genocide the natives here and take it
That's right. Poke the lion. Wake him up. Try it. I dare you. I double dare you. DO IT.
>Humans should be able to live where they want
>Why shouldn't I live in England
if you're going to you shouldn't talk shit, ingrate
also your overconfidence in your religion is hilarious
No experience of the real world, they have lived in a little bubble for their entire ilves.
There was a guy on here the other day answering questions about his 6 month trip through Africa with his white libtard friend. Said by the end of the trip his friend was basically a racist after seeing first hand just how shit Africa is, and how it is entirely the fault of the African people.
Why? Because I was born here and so were millions of other Muslims so your fee fees get hurt. Jesus.
It adapted to Christianity, as it will to Islam eventually.
Because its been 300 years for some of you guys. Islam has been here prominently for 50 or so years. In a few years Islam will be dominant here and we can be proud to be Muslim and British as being British will mean being Muslim.
No, its in ruins due to you. There is nothing to go back to but ruins. Did Saxons go back to Germany when the Huns left?
Chora mais, crioulinho. (Cry me a river, niglet)