Why are there so many nice posters from russia here

why are there so many nice posters from russia here

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You need to ascend to a new level of consciousness to endure all selfhating churkas and nikitas with russian flag and westerners who dislike us on this site

Fucking communist kys

I am one with universe

what. where. they are self hating and kinda naive if not dumb.

They used to be. Lately there’s been one autistic faggot that calls everyone “mongrel kikes”, calls Putin a mongrel and says he’ll be out soon, and says that Russia is “pure white” and that they “lynch non whites”, or something along those lines. He’s here literally 24/7 and tries to derail every thread even tangentially related to race.

Because learning English is hard. Only smart people can learn a foreign language.

>Only smart people can learn a foreign language

t. Ivan Ivanoff

Nyet, you are

>even clicking on race threads

Why do you use this word? Proxy Dane or what?

I don’t mean autistic Sup Forums race threads, I mean he even goes into threads about attractive women that aren’t white and starts trying to derail as hard as he can.

Take off your proxy

And you're kind of a kike amirite m8

Currenty it's 7th layer of ironic post-irony shitposting and proxyshitting so you might as well not bother even looking at flags

nej Nej neJJJJJJJ

a вoт хyй тeбe

The only good Russian poster is me. Others are not so good.

t.closet gomopidor

But I have a gf, so what is your point?

russians are either chill posters or autistically aggressive racists

And it's usually the same people. In one thread they are aggressive autists, in other they are perfectly reasonable and chill.

Autismus maximus

They're also weird as fuck.

If I had a dollar for every time some anime posting Russian unironically asked for boipucci then showed his shaved legs I'd have like 18 dollars

No , there clearly is Sup Forumstard who spams his jew infographics everywhere

I mean overall, same people behave differently in each thread. Of course there are certain autists

They r scum really.

If only I had 140 mln bullets and free pass to cleanse planet from russian vermin...

Vermin are those that take it upon themselves to be judge, jury and executioner.

kys commie

I would murder babies if russia gave me the order

Ivan in sweden? How cute?

Ask Baltic nations, poles, hungarians what was their experience with russians.

Russians robbed my family and wanted to eradicate national culture of my nation.

They are subhumans.

Yeah, Russian collective hive mind wanted to eradicate your nation, that's amazing.

Aй пиcc ин йop пoдъeзд эвpи дэй

>eradicate national culture of my nation
Are you a yakut?

You're just deluded because you spend too much time on Sup Forums talking about muh degeneracy and swallowing Russian propaganda so you started associating that shithole with nice things.

You can't claim the moral high-ground while at the same time advocating for the punishment of 140 million people of which 99.9% had nothing to do with the unfortunate treatment of your family.

I assure you that at least half of the times it was me. I just liek to pretend that I'm a cute feminine trap.

Bisexual is still a pidor.

>said the russian proxy

>anti self-determination: the country
a curious coincidence

>a dumb minority cannot realize that communists =/=Russians.
Commieshits revived culture of all peoples who later joined ussr. Get your facts straight before spewing bullshit.

Because the bear don't care about his prey's opinion.

>Tfw no Russian gf

Я нe зaпoминaю пacты, пoэтoмy этy нaпишy caм. Кoгдa мнe былo 9 лeт, я мeчтaл o тoм, чтoбы былo тaкoe мecтo, кyдa я мoг бы пpиглaшaть интepecных peбят из шкoлы, cлyшaть их, и гдe oни мoгли бы ocтaвaтьcя нa нoчь. Ecтecтвeннo, живя в oднyшкe c poдитeлями и бpaтoм, я никaк нe мoг пpeдпoлaгaть, чтo тaким мecтoм мoжeт быть coбcтвeннaя квapтиpa. Ho вpeмя шлo, квapтиpa мы пepeeхaли, нo oщyщeниe дaвящeй нecвoбoды никyдa нe дeлocь. Oбщeниe co cвepcтникaми тoжe кaк-тo paзлaдилocь, нo в мoeй жизни пoявилcя кoмпьютep и интepнeт. Лoкaльныe фopyмы, чaтики, двaчики — you name it. Кaзaлocь, чтo дeтcкaя мeчтa cбывaeтcя. Чepeз дecятoк лeт, кoнeчнo, я пoймy, чтo вcё этo иллюзopнoe гoвнo нeизбeжнo cкaтывaeтcя, нo дpyгaя мыcль тoжe зaceлa в гoлoвe: чтo пoкa вcё нe cкaтилocь, мoжнo и лaмпoвo пoхиккoвaть - discord.gg/recursion