Did Sup Forums know that black on black murder isnt a thing ?
Did Sup Forums know that black on black murder isnt a thing ?
wow I hate white people now
>Music TV
the guilt is too much
MTV really should just die at this point, it's too late to fix it, since people are just going to get music videos on youtube, and music news (That isn't dumb celebrity gossip and is actually about music artists, tech, instruments, industry and whatnot), It's pretty much gone full SJW
Since facts aren't real I'm now #InTheBackWithTheBlacks
>mtv decoded
ugh unfactual and biased much?
This roleplaying fedora just covered that video pretty nicely
I really wonder where she got those stats. Surely her ass cant fit shit that large...
go away sargon
The video is moronic. It addresses the side point that most crime is of course intra-racial without acknowledging the elephant in the room which is the actual crime RATES.
Sure most blacks are killed by blacks and most whites are killed by whites, but blacks commit murder at VASTLY higher rate than whites.
Despite being just 13% of the population they manage to commit just over HALF of all murders in the United States.
And the Negress doesn't address that fact at all.
I don't even anymore. Did I ever?
You mean wtf you fucking retard
Does user know that Sup Forums couldn't care less about dead niggers?
>black people are not more violent or more likely to commit crime than anyone else
Except it's been proven they are and they do by FBI statistics.
Even the """""educated"""" ones like marc lamont hill Chimp Out when things don't go their way.
literally straight-up lying into our faces
its only called murder when humans kill one another. animals dont murder anything. a black person is a animal. a lower life form. them killing each other is part of the natural order
They make a shit load from their early pregnancy/getting wasted shows though
They adapted by giving teen sluts something to watch before they go out clubbing
If one monkey kills another monkey, can we really call it murder or is it monkey business?
wow I hate anglos now
And fucking crime statistics say otherwise
Classic lying nigger.
Fuck white people, I am now a #CruzMissile
This Orwellian cunt needs to be destroyed. She makes a living indoctrinating children with radical far-left propaganda and all the while retains this smug, unberable air of superiority.
I want her fucking gone. No more job, no more public image, stuck in a shitty low-rent apartment in a poor, crime-ridden black community where she has to work at a convenience store that gets robbed every other day. I want her forced to coexist with the mongrels she's defending so smugly. With luck, she'll even get enriched by one of them.
But that's the point.
WE know it's not news, but the kids nowadays (millennials) will eat this turd right out of that lying cunt's ass
who are you quoting?
>black people are not more violent or more likely to commit crime
Then why is a disproportionate amount of black people in jail? Shouldn't the prison population mirror actual population or is it just racism?
Well how many white people are in prison in South Africa?
>Despite being just 13% of the population they manage to commit just over HALF of all murders in the United States.
What I remember from the FBI statistics its that blacks represent 50% of all juvenile murder arrests.
Where is the Moonman Reply?
It's that black bitch from the "Uhh racist and sexist much?" gif isn't i?
Fuck I hate that horse-faced uppity nigger so much...
who is this semen demon ?
Now that's just a fucking lie if I've ever seen one.
Mtv used to play music videos, now they play reality TV shows and shit. They still call it Mtv though.
Marsha Marsha Marsha!
Christine Taylor
So we should look at statistics to disprove whites are killed more by the police but not that blacks commit substantially commit more crimes
fuck I hate this world
Is this woman capable of a facial expression that isn't condescending and obnoxious?
In the past MTV News were about music or music related stuff, at least in Germany. Are MTV News like this shit all the time now?
I had to Google that one.
MTV turned to shit a long, LONG time ago. Back in the day it was all music and fucked up animation.
Shit was cash.
Could we get the Hillary H on here somewhere
take a quick look at their youtube channel and feel the bluepill.
>Headbangers Ball
Dude that was our Saturday night when we were teenagers
Also Liquid Television was awesome.
MTV decided people didn't want music anymore and decided to just do reality shows, and then they were so fucked up that they later transitioned to SJW bullshit to get the Tumblr audience.
It's beyond fixing at this point, considering music videos are on the internet and there are better sources for music news. I just want it to meet the same fate as G4TV already and die off, and maybe bring TLC with it to hell
Holy fuck I almost forgot about all that shit. Holy fuck MTV has been shit for so long.
Also nice double dubs.
When did MTV just turn into a brainwashing station
this picture triggered me
when everyone moved to adult swim
Wow! Racist and sexist much?!
What's the link for this picture? Reverse image search isn't giving me shit
Someone post an mp4 I'm not giving them clicks.
it always was
Really makes you think
>the truth is black people are not more violent or more likely to commit crime than anyone else
This nigger is SO GOOD at using the wrong reference point for her statistics. She is the Michael Jordan of bad statistics.
when a channel dedicated to music videos was no longer needed after youtube
kek its almost like some butthurt blm nigger runs this channel
wow, niggers lie
more news at 10
> all those views are just in the thousands
> Not even ten thousands or anything
Just let it die. We shouldn't even be paying attention to it.
It's incredible the amount of lies these people can tell in such a short time frame.
It gives me a headache to listen to. I could easily write a 5 page essay explain how wrong she is, and I'm not even going to finish the video.
They shat on our aesthetics
Lost if here
These stats aren't that useful because it only focuses on one terrible city.
If you want to argue with facts they need to be irrefutable.
NTC is an objectively bad choice for crime stats because it's one of the only areas in the US with Asian criminals.
>MTV news
I am now black
So? The reality shows have soundtracks. That counts too.
She looks like one of those people that just walks around and looks for things that are sexist and racist, in her point of view.
>Blacks are MORE LIKELY to be shot by police
That is one big implications.
I love their use of english.
They state implications, hypothetical situations and unlikely scenarios are facts.
Yet facts prove it wrong in almost every case
Blacks are MORE LIKELY to be violent because they live in poor and violent conditions.
That's not even true either since low income towns with majority of white population don't have high crime rate. Blacks have violence embedded into their very culture, that's the issue.
What the fuck happened to MTV? It's like when G4 threw out all the video game programming and brought in shit like this.