And fuck the French
Honestly they deserve it for "intervening" in Muslim countries (Libya, Sudan, etc) and fucking them up even worse than they already are
Fuck France
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If Kek gives me the digits you are a fool and a coward.
Looks like you're the faggot today
Nice Truck Ahmed
says the muzzie living in britain.
They deserve it much like the UK, US and rest of Europe for being race traitors and cucks.
Look at the genius who worked it out. Get killed by your puppet president more, Mazin.
I would like nothing more than to personally slay ever degenerate french bastard in existence
I agree, fuck france.
try again you islamic faggot, leave the infidel country and don't be such a fucking hypocrite.
|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
Bin that knife you paki filth! Then go jump in front of a moving train, please take your family with you.
Hello Abdul. I see you found the hole in the wall of Calais.
>The (((French))) bombed the muslims
Sure thing Shlomo its all white people's fault
You just replied to me, dipshit
by posting this you just deliver more evidence that you sub humans really need to be killed en masse
its no use, by the time they get to the train they wouldve bred 10 children, theres no way to get rid of them.
hay user you dropped these dubs, here you go.
The only mistake of france and europe in general with colonization was when they started thinking the colonized people actually had any rights.
>says that from a Muslim majority country
You're probably too much of a retarded cunt to see the irony. The funny part is whenever we get told to go home we can point at cunts like you and say we'll go when you leave our lands.
Nice truck, genghis.
The only mistake they made there was not completely exterminating them.
Bet OP fucks goats for a living.
The only thing wrong with intervention in the middle east is that people don't intervene enough
Allahu akbar, my friend.
Go back to the middle east, where you belong, goat fucker.
You don't want to get caught up in the coming purge.
>they deserve it
>for "intervening" in Muslim countries
Sauce on girl in op ?
This. Africa, the Caribbean and the Middle East would be white paradises today if the Europeans didn't only care about profit and cheap labor and consumer markets, but actually acted united and racially.
Rights didn't become a thing even for a nations own citizens until relatively recently you dumb baboon
Nobody else has asked it, so I'll take the lead here.
Who is this semen demon?
We will clean the world of your kind of filth Ahmed, God wills it, DEUS VULT
jesus christ source needed
funny, brits conquered more muslim countries.
Dakota Skye?
Why were they so intent on taking out Gaddafi anyway
But I do, I'm hoping to beat breviks high score when the happening comes, only the target will be native whites and I will have a much larger sample set to "pick" from.
all copts should be killed
>waging jihad from britain.
>is a smelly pakistani immigrant
>I'm the one who doesnt see the irony.
Im glad I got to you tho, not every one here is a clueless westerner :')
go for it man. target americans if you can
Looks like God also willed for Carmageddon night in France yesterday
You don't get the irony of hating on Muslims from a Muslim majority country. Why don't you go to Israel, its not far from you?
> implying that the Crusades won't be the happening
pic related
Nah I actually like most Americans I come across IRL, we get along well.
suck those dicks british faggot
of course, to remove kebab popular support is needed, you should know all about that ahmed, you're going to be run out of your country before long after Brexit
Maybe because I live among you that I see your cancer and mind numbing hypocrisy first hand?
You're wanted in Egypt as much as Muslims are wanted here
Singles confirm OP sucks dick on a daily basis.
Fuck France and fuck the French because they are autistic arrogant mongrels who think they are some big deal but they aren't, refusing to speak English, hahaha fucking faggots, get shit on.
Check out these dubs faggot
One thing I love about this board is that people will consistently reply to a bait thread, even when its so damn obvious what it is, its like there is an innate urge to reply to bait in Sup Forumstards
I think you dropped these