Are you proud of your country Sup Forums? Motive your response

Are you proud of your country Sup Forums? Motive your response.

Other urls found in this thread:,152121,22555719,polek-opiekunki-osob-starszych-w-niemczech-decyduja-sie-na.html#TRwknd

Best cunt in the world
We control the world

No. It's a capitalist, imperialist piece of shit. It doesn't take care of its own people let alone the people of the world.

No, it's a shithole filled with shit people.



shit govt shit ppl shit everything

It's Norway.

this and this

I love the American like you.

Yes, I'm proud of Mexico.


not really.
it's shit desu. 70 years of socialism destroyed our nation and i'm afraid that we'll recover.

Yeah, love it. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

yes , its such a comfy country

hit and miss

OP here

Fuggen yes, anyone living in a country with dignified standards of living has no decent reasons to despise the luck they've had being born there and those who argumentate the people being shitty either have no friends or are toxic themselves. Fug, even if your country isn't that good of a place hating on it would still mean being self-hating since it's part of your persona

No, my country can be much better. But it's still my homeland.

this tbqh

Nope.if you don't like the count where you are borned you have to go elsewhere

t. africa

You don't like Spain?

No. It is a shithole without future, ruled by relatives of stalinist kikes, who sell us to foreign powers all the time. As long as this system based on dollar: the USA, EU, Russia, as long as this triangle is alive and strong, we have no future, only suffering, humiliation, growing debts, growing exploitation...

I comunisti al governo hanno ridotto questo paese al collasso senza possibilità di risorgere.

>I comunisti al governo
Dai torna nella paginetta di Salvini,da bravo.

That's why I know what I'm talking about having seen the shit that goes down there

Half million of Polish women work as personal nurses of old German SS dogs,152121,22555719,polek-opiekunki-osob-starszych-w-niemczech-decyduja-sie-na.html#TRwknd

This extreme level of humiliation tells the best about condition of our country and nation.

No, it's not a real country
Also it's becoming a Chinese puppet
I would fight for a worthy country but joining the PLA just seems silly

I guess I'm a leech

è inutile negare l'evidenza che il partito al governo ha la più alta concentrazione di comunisti o gente che simpatizza per la sinistra.
Si direbbe lo stesso se la lega (o al limite la coalizione di centro destra) fosse al governo dove si parlerebbe di fascisti al comando.

shit sux
government = jews
people = trash

Perchè viviamo in un'epoca di ignoranza politica: PD =/= comunismo e Lega =/= fascismo. Il PDe poi è l'evoluzione della DC e mi fa schifo. Io sono di sinistra ma condivido molto di più le idee di Salvini che del PD in generale.

Why? I visited Russia is a beautiful place

Completely fucked up government, the rest is ok except for the people being a bit too individualistic

We are such a shit, because the West and kikes fucked us up and now they are additionally trying to make us butcher each other. Would be cool to establish alliance of all postcommie countries and butcher all kikes and westerners, take their wealth and expensive cars, just for lulz.

Learn to control your appetite first

Wouldn't say I'm proud, but I like it

I think we're one of the best countries in the world by many standards, but everything's so fucked even in here so can't say I'm really all that proud. Our justice system taking ages to handle things, politicians making shitty decisions like the ongoing change of street signs to be more gender neutral, taking money out of education which is supposed to be our strong suite, the danger of immigrants forming dangerous neighbourhoods and acknowledging that being considered "racist", etc.

In the 80s Poland produced __annually__ 300 tanks (T-72), nearly 160 transport and combat aircrafts, about 350 helicopters, about 600 AFVs, 700 anti-aircraft systems, 250 self-propelled guns and 9 thousand. radios and radar equipment. In 1987 the Polish armaments industry employed about 250 thousand people. people. In 1985, Poland was ranked 5th in the world in arms exports according to ACDA.

Today we have no army at all and buy ridiculously expensive weapon from murrican kikes.

How are we supposed to be proud of such country?

No, I wish I was born in an Anglo country.

>too individualistic

it's the best country but it has huge problems
also our president is an idiot

I have nothing to do with my county. Its there and I was just born on it. I can't control it in anyway. I think it is an OK country to live, but I have no reason to be proud of it

>I comunisti al governo

Yes. We have rich culture, proud people and a high standard of living. Those that aren't cooperating in the maintenance of this paradise by not serving in the armed forces deserve to be shot.

>rich culture
70% of it is Swedish culture

yess it starts again

It's corrupt af, but it still has food, clean water, shelter and internet so i'm doing better than 80% on the planet.
It does have many downsides and faults, but no other nation would have me, so...
love it or leave it!... simple as that...

Home to the biggest catholic population of the world
Catholic values everywhere to the point of being ingrained in our culture
People don't give a shit about race
Beautiful nature everywhere

spain does not have decent standard of living lol 17 percent unemployment

Proud of my country but not its (((current ruling class)))

This way some of your culture will keep on living in the future.