Man fuck this guy am i right

Man fuck this guy am i right

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he is idiot

The World needs more Canada.....Barack Obama

miss the fuck out of him

he is black

is that right?

Yes, a man did fuck this guy. Michael (Michelle) Obama.

he's not really black.
he's not really american (even if he was really born in fucking hawaii).
he was never elected to senate; winning by default because his opponent dropped due to a sex scandal.
he was set up against a woman who also dropped out, dumped by her party.

he never made it anywhere as a black man who became the most powerful man in the world. he proves the farce of this nation's presidency and can, in no way, ever be emulated. there is nothing to learn from him. no way to be him. he was a designer "not really a heroic black american" decoy while the nation went down hard after the 2008 economic collapse the government orchestrated.


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Sure is assmad conservative boomer in here

The nation was doing p fucking great when Trump got elected.

Why are conservatives so obsessed with liberals? If they hate liberals so much, why do they talk about them so much?

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one nigger wins two elections in a row and y'all lose your goddamn minds. imagine what happens when your boy Trump can't even make it four years.

sure is libtard bait in here

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Sup Forums really is a cesspool.

inb4 my political beliefs are assumed.

Please go back

You still had a black American president. Try not to cry about it, faggot

He was a decent president

But the media was sucking his cock so hard to the point that he was praised with a Peace Nobel Price and for the militar actios that find Osama Bin Laden

Everytime he did something good, he was the hero, everytime he did something bad, someone on his team get fired

I hope this is bait.

They’re just mad that his administration was fucking glorious compared to the current shot show. Obama had one of the cleanest and most well oiled administrations of our country. Trump is nothing more than a stain with an asterisk in our future history books. My favorite part about Trumps administration is how Pelosi has been spanking that spoiled fucking brat around Washington all fucking year.

Sup Forums has never been a conservative or right wing site, YOU go back

Because conservatives have inferiority complexes and they need to vent to someone. They project all their insecurities at liberals when in reality it’s conservatives who are the pussified snowflakes.

Fox spent the better part of tucker carlsons show bashing him for picking dijon mustard at a hamburger joint... seriously... that’s how fucking hard it was to dig up negative talking points against Obama. He really was that clean.

Impeach him! Am I rite?

Which is why liberals blames whites and anyone who makes over 40k a year for all their problems....because conservatives have inferiority complexes

He presided over the expansion of the war on terror by at least 5 countries.
He authorized a gun running operation to Mexican cartels
He order the IRS to target political opponents
He signed a law which legalized government propaganda to be presented as fact on US media.
Yeah, great guy

According to literally every metric that matters to people who pay taxes, it's doing even better since he got elected

>blame anyone making over 40 grand a year
Name 10 liberals that own a net with of 1 billion plus.

Decent president:

+ The ACA helped outlaw some of the very worst practices of health insurers. Unfortunately the R's and Joe Lieberman teamed up to make sure it was shittier than it should have been by shooting down the Public Option, failing to do any advertising/outreach in recent years, suing over mandatory state adoption of Medicaid expansion, refusing to negotiate drug prices for Medicare/Medicaid, and axing the Individual Mandate. Even with all that, it is STILL better than switching jobs and losing your insurance because you have diabeetus or cancer.

+ Helped reverse The Great Recession with experimental monetary policy (remember "quantitative easing?") and bailed out the American auto industry, and then got paid back for it. Thanks to Obama we had the longest period of continuous economic growth in history.

+ Didn't make any huge foreign policy mistakes.

+ No indictments, little if any corruption. No drama Obama.

On the other hand

- Expanded the surveillance state

- Harsh on whistleblowers

- Deported more people than anyone in history in an attempt to work with R's on immigration reform.

- Naively tried to work with Republicunts and McConnell, the man who filibustered his own bill.

- Drone bombings in the Middle East.

History will remember that Obama was black, and just about nothing else about his presidency. That's probably not a bad thing.

25 billionaires aren't enough votes.

As much as I hated him... Yeah he's gold compared to what we're stuck with

He created the "Ministry of Truth", on his last week in office.
Look it up and the implications.

Fuck him and the faggot he rode in.

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The worst part about Trump is that he makes the Warcriminal Obama look like an angel. I fucking hate this country so god damn much.

You are free to leave at any time. if you stay in a place you claim to hate you're either an idiot or a hypocrite

You need to be killed, not me leave. The constitution has been spit on, everything this fat fuck country pretends to believe in they do the 100% opposite, and the blatant stupidity of everyone is beyond human comprehension. I'm not gonna lave behind my property and my country because you are too fat and fucking stupid to ever once in your life think for yourself or act with an ounce of honor. I genuinely hope I get to see this place burn.

>you're either an idiot or a hypocrite
Why not both?

I hate Nobama for pissing his administration away and leaving us vulnerable to Trump.

>Why not both?

lol nigger was more trump then trump

Who iz dis niggia?