Why do jews make the best sandwiches?
Why do jews make the best sandwiches?
No ovens required.
you call that a fucking sandwich?
Man v. Food is fucking grotesque
Top kek.
Jews are filth. They must all die for flooding muslism into our nations. FUCKING BURN ALIVE JEW
Because they are tricky sand witches maybe
That's not a sandwich, that is literally just a pile of meat and bread and some condiments.
>Not superior pao com mortadela from the old market.
Looks awful.
How retarded do you have to be to make a sandwich that bad?
if cant fit it into your mouth to take a bite of it you are literally just eating the ingredients individually.
>British """""""""""education"""""""""""""
Why do you hate freedom?
Best sandwich is cuban but its actually italian
H-how do you even eat that?
Wish we had a jewish community here, Their delis look great and they were nice people when I was in new york
>killing animals and piling them impractically high in a sandwich so you can increase your chances of getting heart disease and becoming obese
Does anyone else get triggered when someone makes an argumentative or redundant post replying to some one who agrees with them?
Because there isn't one of the Seven Sins unmastered by Jews.
>Slabs of ham and slice of bread is "cousine" now
Pornografy is art and deviancy a norm. What an amazing world did the kike overlords prepare for us.
(pic related)
fucking kek, nice.
Because they culturally appropriated European cuisine.
We hate freedom because freedom gave you ARYANS a chance to breed and spread forth across the nations of the Earth.
The ANGLO Will end you.
More importantly, are hot dogs sandwiches?
Keked hard
is it a big pile of fresh foreskins ?