Quick reminder who is REALLY at fault of all these attacks: Not the muds who carry them out. That's just mud nature but the cuckstains who invite these subhumans in because Jeebus told them to spread the other cheek. X-tianity IS white genocide.
Nature is harsh. Many people went extinct. God only admires the strong. If you want to drive out Pisslam and other immigrants from Europe you have to also drive out the weakness and numale faggotry that steem from Cuckstainity. Or in 20 years there will be another immigrant crisis. ALL MUDS, ALL KIKES, ALL KEKSTAINS have to leave
Quick reminder who is REALLY at fault of all these attacks: Not the muds who carry them out...
Germany please, don't be so autistic.
You have no idea what you are talking about. This has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard on this board and that is saying something. Jesus was talking about not retaliating against personal insults, not pacifism. If you think Christians are the problem you are a weak minded fool. Atheists are the real problem considering almost all of them are the leftists letting Muslims in. Us Christians want to drive out and kill the Jihadists. You are literally biting the hand that feeds you right now. Christians are your only hope of survival, not your dumb pagan idols like Thor.
Did you pray for the victims of Islamophobia already? Do you hold your girlfriends cheeks for Abdul Abdullamad?
Germany reaches Australia levels of shitposting
just an autist sperging out
It is people like you that are the problem. Atheist leftists are the ones that have been bringing Muslims in, not Christians. Your ideas make no sense, you should probably take a break from the Internet for a while.
The poop literally said Europe needs migrants to breed with their women. You only hide behind your epin crusade meme because your too beta to do anything
I'm neither atheist nor leftist. Cuckstains rally all the time for more immigrants and "refugees". Denial doesn't solve anything. You are on the cuck team cause you are a cuck. Meanwhile the poop keeps on raging who bad Trump is and not saying a single word how bad Islam is. I guess cuckstains are just too deluded to see why their the problem
>"we are all god's children and equal in sin before god xD"
>"let's syncretize with every local pagan tradition so they can be easily absorbed xD"
>"if you would be perfect give away all your possessions and follow me xD"
>"it is more difficult for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven xD"
You show your stupidity yet again by grouping all Christians together as Catholics. Guess what buddy? The Catholic Church has been corrupt for hundreds of years and this new Pope is a fool and a communist. Most Christians are not Catholics and there are well over 100 million Evangelical Christians in America, many of which are arming up and are ready to go to war with Islam. Your false pagan religion will lead you straight to hell, and the false god idol of Thor won't save you.
You have done a very nice job showcasing how stupid you are. I am not a Catholic and the Catholic Church is very corrupt and has been for a very long time. You are also taking scripture way out of context. Jesus wanted his disciples and apostles to be non materialistic people, that is not even close to communism you fool.
As cucked just with scientific retardation. Take your wife's sons with you to lick your enemies feet. It's what Chr*st did ;)
Whatever you buttmad faggot. The book is schizo and Jesus was a hippie cultist. The world needs something better than that crap.
>That's just mud nature but the cuckstains who invite these subhumans in because Jeebus told them to spread the other cheek.
This desu. Christianity is a jewish religion and incompatible with the European spirit. It's just an invader and foreign to Europe as Islam is. Both need to leave.
Paganism is dead
Europe under the pagans gods…white people were basically niggers
I would rather live in Detroit than with a bunch of savage woodnigger pagans
Ah, so you believe in "science" don't you? I have generally noticed that people who try to display themselves as intellectual often are some of the dumbest people. Now instead of having a polite conversation you have decided to use fancy buzzwords to try to insult me. Take comfort though in the fact that your country is losing hope and your false pagan religion which is based on worldly concepts will not save you. You can say what you want and try to post pictures of anecdotes but at the end of the day you coward Europeans will do nothing to save yourselves against Jihad. And, as usual us Christians will have to come and help you because you were too weak to do so yourself. Now stop acting like a tough guy on the Internet and go do something about these Muslims you coward.
Nothing in this world will save you. If you keep living your life the way you are right now you will forever be a sad fool with no hope. I pity people like you actually, you are completely hopeless.
Well I live south of Detroit and to be honest it is not so bad.
Jizzus wuz a radical socialist hippie. If he lived today he would be praising Bernie. Thats why pro-establishment free market capitalist kikes crucified him. In mediaval times Christianity was a shitty backwards ideology that destroyed everything true Europeans (Romans, Greeks) created. Nowadays its straight up hippie bullshit promoting multi-kulti and the 'Village Earth' project.
Cool, enjoy your slave morality. Paganism built the greatest civilizations in history. Christianity destroyed them.
Right? All that toxic masculinity and not even diversity. If we don't prep the bull for Jeebus surely Europe will magically turn into an ancient shithole again.
That's all christcucks can do. Spout retarded fallacies
>And, as usual us Christians will have to come and help you
>Now stop acting like a tough guy on the Internet
How fat are you?
>Legendary Drinkers for $200
>This OG protestant told both the Pope and the Kikes to kiss his ass.
Who is Martin Luther?
No, it did not. Are you seriously arguing that Ancient Greece and Rome were more powerful than modern day U.S.? That is foolish. Enjoy your sin slavery which will make you feel disgusting and hopeless for all of eternity. Adhering to strict objective morality is one of the strongest things a man could do considering you must have complete control over all of your emotions and actions, something that very few accomplish.
I completely agree with you. Christianity is the big disease of the white man.
No one can disagree that this semitic cult came from the desert, which is not where our genetic and cultural roots are. Also, why did this reiligion came to us? Because the ruling class needed something to keep the people servile.
My fellow white friends, please don't follow shit like Jesus was an aryan and he was sent to punish the jews and so forth.
Dump Christianity and start behaving like a true aryan.
>Nu-male/Stronk Wumns
pick one. Christianity had perfected the Aryan race, especially Prussian Lutheranism.
Paganism made us bubbling barbarians living among rat feces.
You do realize that Jesus called out the Jewish elites of his day right? You've never heard of the Pharisees? He called them out on their father being the devil, and he was right.
Like a true Aryan? You sound so pathetic, this world will rot along with everything in, and the "Aryan Race" will not save you.
This says it all.
>Christianity had perfected the Aryan race
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Prussians were merely cultural christian. Look at their ceremonious religion.
>The God who grew iron does not want servants
How does that fit your spread the other cheek shit from the b*ble.
I'm going to repeat myself again. In that passage, in Matthew, Jesus was talking about not retaliating when someone insults you. He in no way was implying pacifism. All you are doing is further proving your stupidity. I think it's time for Mommy and Daddy to take away your internet for a while.
YOU do realise Jeebus was a kike right? Born to a kike mother he was the initial subverter to take down the roman empire
>Europe was savage before cuckstains
Literally no. Rome was more advanced than every Cuckstain nation before enlightenment (aka throwing Cuckstainity into the garbage bin where it belongs)
>Who draws the sword will die by the sword
Jeebus was a pacifist cuck. Because the semites lost against Rome so they came up with cuckstainity to destroy it from within
>Be a pagan
>Get my ass kicked by Christianity
>"Hurr Christians are too soft"
Then what does that make you?
We Wuz viKANGZ
>Believing in 70 year old propaganda made by a dead regime
Under the law but he was the Messiah and fulfilled the law. Since you are unwilling to listen I will repeat myself: Jesus called out the Jewish elites of his day, called the Pharisees, on their father being the devil. He was correct and the Pharisees were evil people who were only concerned about greed and control.
No he was not, and again you are taking things way out of context. Jesus is not against self defense or driving out a false religion who wants to rape, enslave, and murder your people.
Alright, let me put it this way okay you filthy little kraut cuck.
>Only ONE objective, guided by the will of MATAMOROS (That means muslim killer, you heretics), the destruction of the moorish menace
>Be kraut, filthy, ugly, dumb and generally undesirable
>Be jealous of glorious PIOUS and SACRED empire
>Commit arch-heresy
>Force Spain to split forces into defeting your satanism and arabs
There is a reason why Spain is NOT attacked but other countries that betrayed GLORIOUS Spanish empire are.
Protip, it starts with H and ends with eresy.
>Jesus is not against self defense or driving out a false religion who wants to rape, enslave, and murder you
Yes he literally was. And all cuckstains are. That's just how the facts are.
Why do you never see a big cuckstains against Pisslam demo? Because they are more worried about keeping paying members than their countries or people. X-tianity is a egalitarian globalist cult and needs to go
>Force Spain to split forces into defeting your satanism and arabs
Why didn't Jahwe help you you retard? Didn't spread your cheeks enough?
No, he literally was not. You have shown me that you grossly misinterpret Scripture so you have no credibility. You have no proof to back up your claims. The point of Jesus saying that was the warning that if you live your life by a violent manor, than you can expect the same to happen to you. He is not against self defense at all. You need to just stop posting because with each post you show yourself to be even more dumb than the last.
>believing in 2000 year old propaganda made by a dead kike
Scripture supports self defense
>More worried about keeping paying members
And that is exactly why the CATHOLIC church is corrupt. How many times do I have to say I'm not Catholic?
Off with the desert goat fucker cancer in all it's forms, jew, muslim , christian. Different shades of the same sand.
Because our "allies" (ie, sissies) were subhuman germans.
IF spain had twice as much spaniards we'd have genocided EVERY SINGLE MOOR and protestant in less than 50 years. Again, the forces of satan are too big even for the most pious to fight, now vindication comes.
Enjoy the muslimification, pagans are weak and krauts are extra weak sissies.
Do you have a missing chromosome buddy? Us Christians sanctioned entire crusades to fight against Islam and you try to compare us to those filth?
No Jeebus did NOT defend himself. And on dozens of occasions it talks about spreading the other cheek pray for your enememes etc. It is cuck: the religion so I see why you defend it.
Hey God: If cuckstains aren't cucks kill me with thunder right now. Nope still alive
Agreed brother. Christianity is just as bad as Islam. Both of them are desert religions and belong in the desert. We must return to our traditional practices and beliefs as Europeans, it is in our blood. I returned about a month ago and my life has changed for the better in so many ways.
>Europe is Christian for centuries
>Has sensible immigration policy, wages literal crusades, provides strong social democratic states
>Europe becomes post-Christian
>Within single generation Europe is run by godless feminists who overrun the continent with third-world human garbage.
>EU is forcing V4 to build concentration camps to keep rapefugees from running towards the largest handout check
Yeah sure, Christianity is the problem here.
Don't forget to adopt a refugee like the poop told you. Your epic rant here means nothing. Your still the cuck from the cuckreligion who pretends to be a virgin out of piety cause you can't get some.
Paganism is in our BLOOD
Great job. Seems like Jahwe isn't with the cuckstains.
god created muslims.
he gave them oil.
he allows them to exist.
because of the faggot rainbow promise he made. he refuses to purge the world as he once did.
God is a leftist
>spread the other cheek
that sir, is one quality analogy
Saged, Opinion discarded
No cuckstains help the feminists to destroy the continent. And Europe wasn't cuckstain in the 18-20th century. Cultural cuckstain at best to seem humble while building their unchristian empires
>Paganism is Redpilled
I feel as if I am arguing against a brick wall. Jesus didn't "defend" himself because his mission was to be a sacrifice for sin and to fulfill the law. He was not against self defense you fool. What did the pagans ever do to drive out Islam? Nothing. They are weak minded pathetic worldly people. Meanwhile Christians sanctioned Crusades to drive Islam out of Europe. Your absolute stupidity amazes me. Why don't you just go get a juice box or something and leave the adults be. I am pretty sure my IQ has dropped to by about 10 points just by listening to you.
>Protestanshit dared to speak about Christianity
>And Europe wasn't cuckstain in the 18-20th century.
What religion did Europe practice between 1700 and 2000, exactly? The kings and queens of Northern Europe ran literal Christian churches during that period.
>Cultural cuckstain at best to seem humble while building their unchristian empires
This sentence is complete gibberish.
The utmost stupidity in this thread amazes me. Christians have sanctioned whole Crusades with the sole purpose of driving out and killing Muslims, and you pathetic atheists and pagans sit here on your computer trash talking us. You people have no hope and your lives are meaningless. Continue typing away while at the same time doing nothing to combat the jihadist invasion occurring in your countries. But just remember, it has been us Christains who were the first and only ones to drive Islam out on a mass scale.
>What religion did Europe practice between 1700 and 2000, exactly
None. The rulers were all secular. You think the british Kings gave a damn what Jeebus thought about them killing a couple million nigs? Fucking retard
>Christians sanctioned entire crusades to fight against Islam
And pagan europeans. Too bad Christianity didn't stay in the Middle East, where it and Islam could have at each other without killing white europeans.
Pagan Europeans did nothing. Stop pretending. Pagans follow pathetic worldly idols who will not save you. They are weak minded people who, like you, have not contributed to keeping out false religions like Islam.
>be neo-"""pagan"""
>claim xtians are barbaric
>proclaim muslim as sort-of-allies against the evil xtian or tolerate muslims even
>do shitty larp-tier rituals at stonehenge
>wonder why youre a fringe group
the pagans of old would have been ashamed to take you within their circles
shameful thing since european paganism is interesting but has to live with """practicioners" like you fringe fucks
Where did I any of this you butthurt cuckstain?
It's not like I encountered threads like this before, browsed /asatru/, watched documentaries about this new paganism shite and read some articles about it.