They both look mixed.
Beutiful, the deep truth of racism behavior that retards have failed to control
We waz whales an shit
The only whale that kills without hesitation, a machine for murder, is the only black whale. Nothing new to see here lads
Nigger memes have no intellect behind them. They are too retarded too realize that the top is a whale, the only killer in its family hence the name. They look at this and are like """ ahhhh hell new, des crackas dun called us kills, look he black"". They are that dumb, dumb enough to think that mestizos are pure White's as well as poo in the loos are white too them. Importing 60 iq idiots into the Americas was the biggest mistake retarded colonialists ever did.
>Comparing a whale to a shark
>Nigger education
Damn. REALLY makes you think.
That's because the black one is more aggressive.
glad not all leafs are nigger loving libs
But both of them kill?
That is a dolphin, not a whale.
Actually it's called an orca.
Still a cetacean
>the black one kills for pleasure
>the white one kills only for food
Not to mention the shark is cute as fuck. I'd cuddle that thing.
>Confusing a whale and a dolphin
>American education
bad comparison, the killer whale is smarter than the great white shark
wtf, I hate the sea now.
Wtf I hate sharknados now
You definitely want to be in a shark grills belly.
Never said I wanted to do it in his environment while he's hungry.
please stop!
it's already dead
the shark looks cute
the """""whale"""""" looks like a souless killer due to that featureless black face
Orcas are based as fuck famalam, don't compare them to the subhuman apes that roam Detroit.
Because most whales don't kill like killer whales, you dolt
that is a cute shark
i bet it can still bite hard as hell though
It's funny because Orcas actually kill more people, and actually kill great whites at a disproportionate amount.
Biology niggers BTFO
Well you wouldn't be able to feed nigglets to orcas, sharks clearly are superior
They both look cute. Although Makos are the cutest shark.
As much as I respect Orcas for their wolfpack tactics, I still like sharks vastly more.
Whatever point the OP's image was trying to make makes no sense. How many movies about killer sharks are there? How many about killer Orcas?
Free Willy is pretty much "Dindu nuffin: The Film"
Sharks don't kills as much as Dolphins.
No you aren't spreading this shitty meme.
Okay there Malcolm X
>Wales are typically seen as the gentle giants of the sea
>This one is called killer because it fucks shit up and eats penguins and sea world employees
a leaf that is not a lib? impossible!!
Orcas are literal demons
Sperm Whales are also predatory and not filter feeders. However they are preyed upon by Orcas, and can socialize with animals of different species.
>Cute shark
>Died for photo
>that webm of a defeated accepting seal getting knocked off a chunk of ice and dragged into the abyss by a bunch of orcas.
One of the few animals I can consider evil. The others being wasps and chimpanzees.
>niggers don't realise that words can have multiple meanings
It's great because it's big, like how great in Great Britain refers to being bigger than Brittany.
I mean if the Orca is black then the shark is grey
I'd say they're both equally white.
Dumbass. Does it have a shell and pincers?
Snibbedi Snab
Wtf I hate niggers now
ITT: Sup Forums misunderstanding irony
Of course no one actually believes this you Mongoloids. Not everything is political. Good god, when will the summer end?
t. Actual nig
good b8, m8
>the only whales who kill large animals are black
You can't make this shit up
Most whales dont eat big sea creatures but all sharks do.
But maybe you have some scientist that can tell us that race isn't real, we're all part of the the same race, the ocean race.
>baka pls
It all makes sense now.
It sure is great to be white.
first comment best comment
Fucking idiot Whales are on no level close to a Dolphin
It's a whale you dumb fucking burger
Orca are not whales
Orcas are the best. They work together to hunt sea lions, newer generations of orcas have gotten used to humans and mighy even consider us friendly, family-oriented, and generally intelligent
Great whites are dumb and orcas literally bump their mid sections with their nose/head to flip them upside down as great whites are rendered useless in this position
Dolphins are the real evil creatures