Let's be real for a second.
Muslims aren't the issue.
The issue is the western world is mass-importing a population of refugees whose culture directly clashes with the western one on many points, and the feeble attempts of the left to find common points and ground between the two cultures are literally laughable and failing all the time, as the deep indoctrination both parties have against each other can be rarely shaken, either it be "rapefugees" or "infidels".
You see people here bashing muslims, and you see people on muslims forums bashing infidels and europeans.
Why did this happen, exactly?
Who is responsible for these two cultures to clash against each other?
And more importanly, why are we importing refugees from a civilian war started by terrorists against a democratic elected president?
Europeans and the west in general have been balls-deep in the middle-east for at least 30 years now, who started this?
Who is exactly to blame for these two cultures to come and clash against each other, resulting in bombings and mass murders on both sides?
Let's be real for a second
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm pretty sure that if the refugees adhered to western laws and virtues most people would be more welcoming towards letting them in.
And Islam goes against everything the West has so far achieved, and even now strives to achieve. So, by extension of that, muslims are the issue, considering how most of the refugees are muslim/were brought up by an islamic culture.
But I doubt you actually care, and made this thread just for the sole purpose of baiting (you)'s and glorifying what you perceive to be as an 'original thought'.
>So, by extension of that, muslims are the issue, considering how most of the refugees are muslim/were brought up by an islamic culture.
But the west isn't the center of the world, user.
Muslism aren't the issue, the issue is why are we importing a warmongering retarded population of towelheads who hate us in our mainland on first place, exactly?
>But I doubt you actually care, and made this thread just for the sole purpose of baiting (you)'s and glorifying what you perceive to be as an 'original thought'.
>Muslims aren't the issue.
>The issue is the western world is mass-importing of Muslims
Muslims have the duty to bring Islamic Law to every nation of the world. Since 700 AD Muslims have been violently campaigning to conquer Europe.
Right on.
>Muslims aren't the issue.
>The issue is the western world is mass-importing a population of refugees whose culture directly clashes with the western one on many points
so youre saying muslims aren the issue but everyone who comes from muslim countries? what? is there any other significant culture in the middle east that is not islamic culture?
Hey look, it's one of those centrist everyone-is-wrong-but-me faggots.
Even without jews and muh diversity or be anudda shoa! The fucking literal scum of the earth would be trying to make themselves cosy at our expense.
>Machine gun the fucking boats
>Who is exactly to blame for these two cultures to come and clash against each other, resulting in bombings and mass murders on both sides?
It rhymes with "the news"
>hey i'm on Sup Forums and i won't take anyone seriously but myself and the meta buzzwords of the board
it won't end until the death toll reaches unprecedented numbers across multiple regions. The reality of the situation just does not reach the majority of the folks comfortably placed behind their television sets and computer screens. The problem may not be Islam but it IS within Islam. Like a living body, Islam needs to recognize that there are cells within it which have their own agenda and the disease is spreading. Islam needs to accept that the situation is critical and assemble an immune system to fight the cancer from the inside before the rest of the world decides it's time for chemo, which has a very hard time discriminating what is infected and what is healthy
>The issue is the western world is mass-importing a population of refugees
implying the West actually wants them there and that they aren't coming cause of the shitstorm the US cause in the middle-east
It is the centre of commerce, law and philosophy, so I fail to see in what way it does not rise above the rest of the world; a society where women have the same opportunities as men, people aren't systematically discriminated against, are provided with an education, etc.
>Muslism aren't the issue
Refer back to my previous post.
>the issue is why are we importing a warmongering retarded population of towelheads who hate us in our mainland on first place, exactly?
As for why we are trying to incorporate these men and women, who actively despise us and the world our ancestors have built, is because our great capability to bestow compassion. It is because the modern generation has become too lax and fat on the spoils their fathers and mothers have allocated them, and instead of preserving them, we actively seek reason to share them with the rest of the world. Only instead of reaching out, we are inviting in.
What all you morons fail to understand is that without integration religious groups polarize.
The purpose of assimilation is to make the muslims more tolerant and understanding of our people and cultures. If they live amongst us and go to school with us they are much less likely to bomb us (because they might get bombed too.)
think about taking hostages.
by importing muslims we are importing human shields. they are less likely to try and kill us if their wives and mothers might be collateral damage.
>is there any other significant culture in the middle east that is not islamic culture?
The problem is these immigrants are comming to western countries because they have to due to thier shit ideology or dictatorial rule. They are here not assimilate but to find a safe ground for themselves. But because they don't have to assimilate, there's a clash of secular and religious people. Not only that but most of these immigrants are poor and jobless and blame us for it.
ok, serious reply, without /poltard stormfront shit
the problem is that islamists actually destory western values by creating a situation that does not allow them to hold up
specifically, that is the idea of universalism. no other country, no other culture has ever been universalistic. human rights are a european invention, as is universalism.
the "new immigrants" will not succed in the west. they miss a culture of thinking, als they never developed past islamic doctrinic thinking. they never had a phase of enlightenment. this stuns creativity. no invention has been coming from the islamic world for 400 years.
second, and even worse, it is biology. moslems practice incest, black africans are more than 10 IQ points lower in intelligence than average europeans. that is a WORLD of difference. even around equals, this means they are massivly more prone to criminal behaviour.
around people who surpass them (culturally and biologically) they will be losers.
this humiliation will let them fall back to religion, the only thing that will restore their self worth, and will only enhance their violent beavior
all /pol memes aside, universality will have to be dropped by the west. this is actually a huge step back in western culture, no matter how much the right will celebrate this fact
>universality will have to be dropped by the west.
Are you suggesting that White Christians be PROUD of their history and traditions....
You racist, sexist, homophobic, CISist
Fuckedness of your country is = number of immigrants X (your culture - their culture)
summed over every type of immigrant.
Muslim culture is particularly retarded, so it's the most obvious manifestation.
nah it means everyone is treated equally. it has nothing to do with sjw bullcrap. pretty new concept, historicaly. not a bad one either. don´t work with islam though, what a shame.
europe will be israel 2.0, and i am not particularly fond of it
>thinks Muslims don't kill other Muslims
>has been sleep walking through life all this time
>ignores suicide bombs in the Mid-East every fucking day
>projects his moronism onto everyone else
>The issue is the western world is mass-importing a population of refugees whose culture directly clashes with the western one on many points
it's not like we went over there and forced them to come over.
They're lining up at borders and protesting to get in.
Also, if we take in so many that they cuck us until we're quivering ladyboys and we convert or become their grateful thirsty fags, they won't have to invade us. Peace in our time.
>this is actually a huge step forward in western culture
Muslims are just the symptoms while open borders, globalism and cultural marxism are the real threat to western society.
But good luck trying to go against any of those things, even the brexit referendum will amount to nothing because every single western politician is a corporate whore.
>whose culture directly clashes with the western one on many points
You mean who are racially incompatible with a European level of civilization and lash out in resentment at European superiority.
Dude I was joking... I am privileged (white, straight, Christian, married, father, college educated, republican, home owner, zero health problems, good paying job, happy with my life).
>mass-importing a population of refugees whose culture directly clashes with the western one on many points
>Muslims aren't the issue
Are you implying that these countries don't base their laws and cultures around Islam, you naive linguine?
look, i am deeply disgusted about the low the political lefts has reached intellectually and morally, but treating people equally, with equal freedoms, is actually what made western culture successfull
Muslims are perfectly fine if they live in their shitholes, user.
Nobody gave a fuck about them until they discovered oil.
They're living under sharia law since 400 years.
Wanting muslim to "be gone" for a "fully united white world" is just another paint to depict globalism, which is the main reason we're having refugees and muslims in our countries as of now.
So your saying that if Japan imported me I could push the blame on to them if I decided to use some old piece of paper as means of justification of murdering them. AWESOME!!! As a millinial nothing makes me happier then being able to have a crutch or shift blame off of myself, I hate responsibility. That's why all the women I impregnate with out wearing condoms I force to have abortions, or I leave and they only know my first name which is always false.
Hey everyone check out Italy thinking they are relevant for anything other then a vacation destination, exporting machinery, having a few good cooking schools, and being the home of Rome...
You really can't post something worthy of a read without going full shitposting and engorging your post with fallacies probably because of boredom, can you?
>Muslims are perfectly fine if they live in their shitholes, user.
What do you mean by this? That it is fine for everyone when they live in their shithole country? That they're fine with living in their shithole country? It's a little ambiguous.
Now, it WOULD be fine if they just kept to themselves but these terrorist attacks make it more difficult to just sit by and hope they don't attack us again. Wouldn't it be soooooo much easier if, I don't know, Islam didn't exact anymore? What this shit is this about a "fully united white world" that you're quoting?
>Muslims are perfectly fine
Fuck off, Mohammed
Do you type one handed so you can use the other hand to make constant gestures?
>The issue is the western world is mass-importing a population of refugees whose culture directly clashes with the western one on many points
>the issue is the western world is mass-importing a population of refugees whose *Islamic culture directly clashes with the western one on many points
I mean that you wouldn't give a single fuck if muslims just lived by themselves like how a thousand more cultures far more barbaric and uncivilized are doing right now.
Every single time one of these fucking ragheads blow themselves up Sup Forums becomes a cringe machine, from sweaty fedora'd neckbeards calling for a crusade to apparently "foaming" white supremacists being mad at muslims yet again.
What i'm trying to say is, we're hating the wrong people.
You shouldn't hate the retarded monkey who flips shit at you, you should hate the moron who opened the cage.
Why it is so hard to understand?
>le muslims are terrorists
But why?
I'm genuinely asking, what happened?
They didn't give a single shit about the western world until Israel and the west world started to stick their goddamn noses in their business.
Terrorism is an act aimed to something for a goal, not just for the sake of it, why are muslims so adamantly angry and hateful towards us?
And why in the name of whatever fucking god do you believe in are we importing a culture that hates us?
it's almost as though a person's ideology influences their actions
>But why?
>I'm genuinely asking, what happened?
The Islam, if read strictly, specifically says the Western world and its ideals go against the law of Islam. I guess Al Queda "sacrificing" its members to attack the US was the first step for all fundamentalist muslim to realize they need to act in order to bring sharia law to the world. It just so happens that the increasing political correctness in the recent decades gave them an opportunity.
>The Quran*, if read strictly, specifically says...
>You shouldn't hate the retarded monkey who flips shit at you, you should hate the moron who opened the cage
you're right, the monkey needs to be put down and the moron needs to be fired and/or hanged.
good point.
fuck muslims and fuck the muslim-enablers.
>The Islam, if read strictly, specifically says the Western world and its ideals go against the law of Islam.
Do you have an actual source that confirms this claim?
I'm genuinely curious and asking, user, no shilling involved.
I never said in the whole thread that we shouldn't kill muslims or whatever, i'm just saying we should focus first on the retards (probably the jews) enabling that kind of shit in our countries first.
Actually Woman are the real issue. They'r behind literally everything bad and are destroying society from the inside and yet nobody seems to notice.
>Qur’an: “Allah likes not the uttering of unseemly speech in public, except on the part of one who is being wronged…” (4:49)
>“The Prophet said, ‘Isn’t the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?’ The women said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘This is because of the deficiency of a woman’s mind.“ (Sura 2:282)
>“I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.” (8:12)
>“O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those (slaves) whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee.” (33:50)
>“slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush.” (9:5)
Source: westernjournalism.com
There are several ideas in the Quran that directly conflict with the freedom given to the US. I'm not sure about the rights of Italians but I'm sure they too similarly conflict with several of the Quran's verses.
I see, i see.
Thank you user.
Still, why are we importing these cunts in our countries again?
Who is to blame?
I'll direct you to this always relevant diagram.
>the jews are behind it
Well i'll be damned.
True, men are now officially second class citizens in England already.
Pretty much. Islam is the monkey in your analogy, and Judaism is the vindictive handler, claiming the monkey won't hurt.
It all makes sense now, all my questions now have an answer.
I was slightly anti-semitic before, now i'm really fucking angry at jews.
Glad I could help ;^)