If you went back in time, say to 1500 AD...

if you went back in time, say to 1500 AD, how much could you educate the people of the time in order to maximize the rate of human advancement?

you're not allowed to prepare, and you're not allowed to bring anything. imagine you go to sleep tonight and wake up in a bar in London in 1500.

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i mean, it would be a hard one user, imagine the ignorance and god fights people did back then, best thing to do is come up with knowledge these people perceive as "magic", show them basic electricity, metals, general info that could save disasters later on, if you can persuade them off god it will ensure them progressing faster, but good luck with that

most likely once you reveal that info they will think you're a witch and burn you at the stakes

You'd probably be executed for heresy tbh.

Im just a store manager for a franchise fastfood chain. I deeply lack advanced and complete and useful knowledge on any technological innovation. Means i would be talking alot of shit in 1500ad but couldnt rebuild anything.

i'd imagine the best way would be to work in a lab or something with a chemist, gradually making discoveries. even if you don't know much, you could crudely map the periodic table, and explain concepts like atoms.
i figure if you could get an audience with some sort of royalty, you could convince them of biological principles, the concept of oil, cars, etc.

Seriously the best thing you could do is introduce things like crop rotation in order to have efficient and better crop yeilds this allows more free time which in and of itself leads to time for studies and discoveries. I would also push the concepts of steam power. Let them get working on thst
The problem is though you can say selectivity or advanced steam power or chemistry but in the 1500s they did not have advanced metallurgy or chemistry to be able to make steal strong enough to deal with the pressure of more advanced steam energy or to make batteries oe electricity. So unless you a Chem fag or someone who knows how to refine and make better metals you can't advance then that much.

Nobody's gonna do shit because technology isn't just gonna catch up. You'll be burned at a stake for acting like a tard.

Like one user said, the only thing you could feasibly do is introduce better agricultural techniques, maybe advice against certain wars if your history buff. anything else could get you killed for heresy. There's a reason most scientists were autistic social outcasts back then, they literally had to live in the middle of nowhere to keep people from fucking with them

I suppose if you had extensive knowledge of modern firearms, you might be able to raise a nation of your own through sheer force and alter history that way.

I would build the first machine gun and ammunition then sail to Asia and dominate the monkeys. Imagine all the free sex. I reach emperor status

So basically what the Brits did?

You need a higher level of steel that what is available at the time just to make a gun barrel.

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True, but I think the groundwork in metallurgy is already there at that point, so higher grade steel shouldn't be too much of a hurdle to overcome. Even just adding rifling to existing barrels would give you a huge advantage over the locals.

1. Educate mothers to suck off her sons so they can grow stronger.
2. Teach them that all women should drink semen to prevent angering god.
3. Teach them how to DP a woman so she will be more fertile.
4. Educate them about how god favors fat men and the most attractive women should choose the fattest man she can find.
5. Show them how to grow cannabis for medicine.
6. Teach them how women can lick pussy to prevent miscarriage.

So what? I can make it my own. Just melt iron and add carbon to it then fold and fold and fold. This too easy and i worry more how i dont make a scene and get the gell outta there wuth my machine gun. Make it out in time to Asia before another black death wave. I will step on land in Siam and shoot rounfs into the air and shoot everyone who not gonna bow down and kneel in front of me. Then i demand things from the king and be rude and disrespectful to the asians.

Why Asian? Just think of all the primo 100% pure European pussy you could get instead. Or do you really want to father a race of halflings?

>how much could you educate
Very much. Even taking into consideration the social stratification, and the moral absolutes of the time. It'd be astronomy masked as astrology. And if I were to get in contact with those I know to be future learned men of their time, I'd already be starting the renaissance before it was supposed to begin. I could even create new men. Or women.

There would be no way to rate the level of human advancement by era, because a mix of things from various eras, even previous eras, would be introduced to 1500s London. And I'm sure no one in the thread realized that they could make a serious killing in "designing" simple things like better boats, or bicycles.

Too much conflict to cold too much tyranny from church or royals. Also spontaneous peasant uprise and black death waves. Also back then food wasnt great at all.

But all of those existed in Asia as well. I see absolutely no reason to start over there unless you just have a thing for slant pussy.

I just be realistic besides the ideal of a tropical paradise. I would last longer and probably easier to subjugate them than a horde of mounted knights.

>hop first boat to the new land in the West
> why? Cause britbongs in the 1500s are stupid peasants and war mongers
> befriend natives in New land in West
> become wealthy farmer using modern technics
> buy niggers
> increase size of farm
> impregnate nigger women
> use water power to create grain mills increasing wealth

Those mounted knights who don't know any better than to use simple charges would be easier to deal with than hordes of mounted archers that use hit and run tactics.

Sounds like you just founded the great nation of Wakanda.

>info that could save disasters later on

you don't know what disasters showing them that could cause

Are you kidding? I'd pay to see an entire medieval city explode because of an exponential increase in grain stores.

completely incapable
most of our modern technology was created by slightly older technology
I don't have years in educating people, I have no way to aproach people other than "hey mate, want to learn how to make a car battery?"
the tools and my finances are scarce since I have nothing on my person, theres nothing I can sell that can provide me with large wealth which would be enough to kickstart human advancement into action

Look i have one shot and i just want atleast try to rule upon a tropical kingdom. I find the thought fascinated like in apocalypse now you have all the luxuries and indigenous worship you and serve you as best as can. I doubt i can achieve this in medieval Europe with only a machine gun and 2000 rounds ammo.

just invest in bitcoin. you're so ahead of the curve you could easily cash out.

This. Dubs.


Brush your teeth, wash your hands, show them some other obvious to us bullshit they didn’t know back then

This is some kind of autistic bullshit.

It sounds like something Quentin Tarantino would say.

once I get past the "I don't remember how I got here" bit...

...I suppose find some way to improve modern sanitation. Get the basics down i.e

>boiling water to remove impurities
>Doctors should wash their hands
>Distilled ethanol is good disinfectant
>fleas can transmit disease via sucking blood

Maybe tell the crown about the New World to be found to the west (pretty sure columbus isn't back yet?)

I remember something about longitude being important, so I guess maybe talking them through the lunar method, and then pitching the idea of a marine chronometer-esque device.

Oh, and I can probably draw a crude world map from memory, so that might help.

Also teaming up with an alchemist and doing chemistry bits would be fun, since I actually have university level education in that field.

oh right, shit almost forgot

do some stuff with optics
do some stuff with combinatorial / permutational probabilities
figure out a primitive battery to rig up
fibonacci sequence, golden ratio, logarithms
however much calculus I can remember lel
also trigonometry????
some stuff about Cobalt Blue
i had this crazy idea called hot air balloons it came to me in a dream

that's all i can think of atm

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They had spring steel. Plenty strong. Harder would be the expenses involved.
Folding steel does not make it stronger retard. Nips did it to get rid of impurities because their source of iron was kind of a shit. If you don't know that you obviously have no idea how to manufacture the stuff.

Except they did

Warn them about the lies of the jews and that they must rid their societies of that cancer. That's it. I've saved mankind.

Yeah? I took it at face ahem value.

Probably not much since we'd lack a common language. 1500s english is damned hard to learn

get a viewing with the king or queen by claiming to see the future and warn him of his death coming in 9 years. claim to see the future or some bullshit, build Leonardo da vincis bridge and make an paper airplane to show off aerodynamics.

warn them about germs and diseases spreading through not washing after touching patients and different foods etc.

when the king dies in 1509, im summoned for warning them of his death.
tell them about america and how they'll have colonies. warn them about the colonies uprising and becoming independent. warn them of nepolian.

future world has a huge and strong british empire. nepolian ends up dying and the people of the world are subjects to britain.

Not really, 1500's English isn't that different from modern English, some words may have a different meaning but we could still communicate effectively.
Pre-Norman Englishmen would be very difficult, if not impossible to communicate with.

Unless youre well connected and even then theyd burn you at rhe stake

The guy who found out that washing your hands with soap before surgery and child delivery saves lives was put in a mental ward for it, mocked by doctor and he killed himself. 100+ years later micropscopes proved what he claimed

Even though I would be 300 something years early, I would vehemently fight against bringing Blacks to America.

Yeah? This bit coin thingy? Hath it any ? Hoth it got better or worse?This is a top grade sumtin.

Here’s things I’d introduce:
Hand washing
Elimination of vermin
CPR they’d probably call me a god
Attempts at sterile birth practices - anything has to be an improvement of their infant mortality

If I was in North/ South America I’d teach them hand washing, teach them to kill any Europeans they meet
I’d teach them to domesticate bison, increase intertribe trade and peace, send plains Indians to Mexico and SA to share knowledge with the different empires and prepare for the coming invasions

If I was in China I’d teach them to point their firepower at European boats and sink each one.

If I was in India I’d let them know to band together against invading English

If I was in Africa I’d oogoo boogoo

Advance not through knowledge but through silent blades.

>Persuade them off god
Would just result in them getting conquered and/or replaced by people who aren't persuaded off it. God wasn't something people did because everyone was dumb, with progress only starting once people realized this, it was the complete reverse. God vanished once technological progress made it no longer necessary for societal survival. Basically all the major breakthroughs in science and engineering in Europe up to the 20th century were made by Christians who would have been considered abnormally devout even for their time. Almost all major religions pushed the same core values, and there are good reasons for it, even if the followers didn't know or care why. A major reason families are always emphasized is that it attempts to maximize sharing of resources under the constraint that there is no rule of nature preventing takers screwing over sharers. By exploiting the fact that we had evoloved to prioritize close relatives similarly to ourselves, particularly children, net consumption can be reduced with minimal risk of the people sharing fucking each other over. Sexual liberalism is also almost universally rejected, partly for similar reasons. Hunger and thirst are base needs that have an absolute threshold for satisfaction. The value of a loaf of bread in sating hunger doesn't change if the person next to you has double or half the amount of bread as you. Sex doesn't work like this. Attractiveness is inherently relative. You become less attractive if the people around you are more attractive. This means that sexual competition has no upper limit, and will always tend towards maximum consumption as everyone needs to consume everything to make themselves more attractive than everyone else consuming everything. This kind of shit absolutely destroys societies, particularly in times of scarcity, which is why the same core shit is present in the beleifs of every remotely successful civilization.

I have a thing for slant pussy.
Also, no chance I'd accidentally fuck my own ancestor. (Incestor?)

So you're fluent in the 16th century version of dozens of languages? It would be tough enough to communicate with the dialect in English

I just reread it in Quentin Tarantino's voice (with better grammar). Keks abound.

They've known about that shit since the purge of 1488. You're already 12 years behind the curve on that one!

>implying you wouldnt be burnt at the stake for showing them basic principles or beheaded for being a foreigner/spy because of your fucky language

I am mentally retarded I can't do shit.

leave only one continent

Average person complains about not being able to understand Shakespeare and you think they're going to be able to step into 1500 English as spoken on the streets? Its doable of course but its going to be a learning curve on both sides to get past the dialect..

>show them basic electricity, metals, general info that could save disasters later on
do you actually know how to do any of this without looking it up immediately after reading this? could you make a battery and motor? do you know how to mass produce steel? what general info would you share?

Teach them agricultural principles, pretty sure back then they just used big monocultures and would ruin the soil. Teach them how to make fertilizer, most people know how to do that I think. Teach them flight, make a hang-glider or a basic parachute, kids know how to do that so I assume most people here would know that too, you could make a sterling engine and steam engines wouldnt be too hard to make after that, stuff like that.

I am a big (in more ways than one) user of Sup Forums. If I was magically teleported to 1500, I'd die within hours. I could TELL them about how things are, but couldn't manufacture any of it. I don't know how anything works, I'm a fat neckbeard who lives to consume. I do love history though so I guess seeing it first hand would be sweet.

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Hitler also I would rather learn to behave like a normal person.

at least youre realistic

Imagine how far you could accelerate travel technology by inventing a basic ball bearing and slapping it on a horse-pulled wagon. Push it even further if you know how axles work.

Lol so exactly the same things that happened in our timeline? real original.

>die because travelling between continents was risky and dangerous
>literally fuck over humanity because your only chance of a advancing our species as a time traveller was ruined because you took a boat

horses can still only go so fast

but you'd make carriages more affordable to the everyman since they wouldnt have to repair their shitty squeaky wooden axles all the time and the horses wouldnt have to exert as much force to move you so you could carry more load

Would teach them the importance of handwashing and bath taking along with other very basic hygienic processes. Visit good ol luther in germany and colab with him to right a blasphemous paper on the corruption of the church and the church appointed officials, reasoning agaisnt Devine rule, and the other hierarchical bs whoch was prominent at the time. If I'm not burned at the stake just yet, will point to lower mortality rates in Britain to my handwashing trick, and use it as proof of my Devine knowledge and claim to be the second coming of christ. Later publish another book calling for the overthrowing of all monarchical systems in favor of a democratic system, renounce all emperors and kings from devine right formally, and call for economic socialism.

humanity, on the whole, is not a lot "smarter" or able to solve problems better than those in 1500, over even 2000 BC. Problem solving ability for humans without the aid of technology (computers, microscopes or telescopes, etc) has only improved just a little.

Just those three pieces of technology have solved a lot of problems.

fair enough

Germ theory of disease wouldn't be discovered until a long time later. With no microscopes, those who proposed it had no evidence to support their hypothesis. They were still certain that evil caused disease.

The religion of the Jews wasn't perfect, but pinning them with deicide or other fallacious crimes or lies wouldn't be supportable with evidence either.

if i were to be stuck in that time period i would find stone tablets, and encarve them with prophecies of our modern time inventions and technology.

I would hope for either: They would use atleast some of the knowledge i provided (wishful thinking), be a world wide phenomenon about a man from 1500s able to predict these inventions, or...

use the opportunity to scare the shit out of people about future inventions and prophecies about an apocalypse with accurate details of past tragedies

That doesn't mean they didn't bath or brush their teeth. It's quite well known they used charcoal for they're teeth and no, nobody wanted to smell you even back then. As far as for surgery, I admit they probably had no idea the importance.

I love you Sup Forums. You're all my muthafukkin niggas

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Based on personal knowledge alone, once I got past the language barrier, I would have the local region up to late 1700, early 1800 level in 5 to 10 years. Becuase there would be no economies of scale really developing at the same time, early steam engines could be deployed by the time I pass away. So figure about 35 years total.

I should note, day zero scenarios are a hobby of mine. Obviously grammar has not been.

Black Death heavily effected Asia as well.

>The religion of the Jews wasn't perfect, but
Fuck that and fuck you, pedokike lover.


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I'd be the first person to produce cocaine