
young sheldon edition

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FUCK cultural marxism

>he uses the old club penguin office as his workspace
could this man get any more based?

any suicidal man in

lads this part of my laptop is cracked is and is now all loose and wonky, how much do ya reckon to get it fixed?

me irl

this board has become so shit lmao

nice reddit filename you flaming poofter

*see an advert for something*
*go out and buy it either tomorrow or at least within the next week*

always do this lol


I just want lots of money and not have to toil. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?

that's what you get for buying a piece of plastic shit

Ask our resident computer doctor for a prescription

redpill me on the Trilateral commission lads

I fucking loathe teenagers. Literal brainlet yankified normie twats

We're saving up some scrilla right now to shoot a video, you know what I'm saying? So we're gonna shoot it on this little mo-fucker right here, there's a button that's talking about negative art, which uh creatively is kind of a comment on where we're at, you know what I'm saying? Like, reversing the black and white, who's black and who's white and we're saying, you know what I'm saying society, you know what's up, the shit don't even matter, you know what I'm saying, at the end of the day, right

>/brit/ is full of Americanised twats
felix is british

>Alex Jones acolytes
>Milo fan boys
>Pewdiepie fans
Well it's official. /brit/ is full of Americanised twats. Pack it in lads this is now a general for the based alt right


I want Emma Watson to fart Whilst sitting on my face.

can't believe the white race will be a minority in their own countries in 50 years

>fake freckles
I fucking hate women so fucking much

living in the north east is grim

The German brain for all to see

just ate my za not bad


bored of rorke hours, can't we talk about footy and boxing

I am a proud Rorke

had three wanks today. how many did you lads have?

Based is a Sup Forums word. Alex Jones and Milo are truth tellers. Donald TRUMP is a good example for us all. FUCK the cuckolds on this general. Shill bitches.

If they're famous enough to get named by conspiracy yanks they probably didn't do it but anyone larping as them deserves what they should get. That's a general rule.

there you have it folks, its science

*pees myself*

Wow so true, right lads?



ironic posting is even worse than non ironic posting as at least they don't konw better

just keep going to work forever until you die

LOL at the lefty cucks getting triggered. Here's a more British synonym if you want: MABA. Make Britain great again.


wanted to finger my arse whilst wanking tonight but tore my piles earlier

watching the big bang theory

perfect to have on in the background while comfy /brit/posting

What could it be?

Wish this sort of thing would not exist desu.

Daily mail warned me about people like that

nice disinfo shill

*cups hands around my mouth*

where abouts lad

>bored of rorke hours, can't we talk about footy and boxing

make a britain again??

Chicken nuggies

heavily processed junk food with no nutritional properties?



what's something good to watch whilst eating salami and rocket pizza?

about to watch the men driving the cars very quickly

make america british again

Imagine being this brainwashed

This shill itt mocking things like based is just trying to attack the alt right. Which anyone sane supports. Ignore him.

Time to put the Great back into Great Britain

always regret ordering mcodnalds it's just so rarely any good

Rorke is an honourary title and must be earned. That's why it is worn with such pride.

gay scat


>70,000 baht
It's literally (like literally) her rent
Fuck off peasant

Oh boy oh boy

very tempted to hatpost this one

he's been doing it for the last 3-4 threads he is definitely a paid shill


oh yes my dear

>20 nuggets

The gf.

No more brainwashed than most rorkes who hate people different from them for no reason. Unless you count white supremacy as a reason.



Gone done gosh darn diddly done it so I have

jesus so much shit food mate

Donald J Poo Nigger

This is you


fat cunt

Resize your fucking images. I'm not clicking that shit, cunt.

not sure if these posts are a leftie roleplaying as a thick rorke to discredit the argument or whether you're a genuine underage retard

please shut the fuck up either way

turbo tubbs


Hello BASED magapedes from the Donald! How are we all today btfo any cucks?!? Yes we are all very smart now read only 2 news sources and accept them as fact for everything.

lol a bag within a bag!

>Unless you count white supremacy as a reason.

>t. I know Toshiba it's 70k baht let me tell you

>Rogan's expression at 45 seconds

haha those wacky oh so stereotypically british problems
can't get things like this anywhere else!

Fucking hell look at that Ewok.


Don't reply to me

i don't know why but i can't help but feel that you're not actually a trump supporter

ah yes because the media and the government are definitely pushing white supremist propaganda aren't they

human detritus

why does Alan assumed we're interested in his bottom-feeding existence?

need a girl on the right gf


But there is no valid argument the right has

hello cuck shill

how many shekels did you get for this post?

I suspect it's a right wing nut job they actually believe all that.