How's your day Sup Forumseen?

how's your day Sup Forumseen?

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Other urls found in this thread:

shut the fuck up

I want to rape her

fucking newfags cancering up every single thread now

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Newfaggot cancer like you posting these threads only enables other newfags to "cancer up" your already cancerous faggot ass thread you retarded nigger.

no u

how can you tell when someone's a newfig anyway? I'm curious (apart from reddit tards asking where all the funni greentext stories are)

I'm going to rape both of you in your sweet sweet assholes.

it's both of you and it's obvious from the way you retards talk

Everyone's a newfag if you don't like them.

usually they say shit like this

Shut the fuck up niggerloving faggot. Go choke on a corkscrew duck cock. Shit for dick.

first edible, ate it at work, high af with 3 hours on the clock. fuck me I made cooler conversation.

Some guy called me a fag on one of the other threads here :(

>says user who types like a true newfag
Stupid faggot retard kill yourself

Corkscrew duck cock.
What did he mean by this?

newfags give off a specific smell

Those weren't edibles shaggy


go to school or do your chores or something for fucks sake

Ducks have corkscrew dicks you retarded chimpanzee. Are you literally this dumbfuck?

i made them

Did the boss notice lmao?

He probably meant precisely what he said which is why he chose the words he used. Dumbass

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>implying anyone on this autistic site ever does chores or goes to school
You're one dumb nigger. What a waste of trips and space on this earth. Kill yourself.

hiding in office grinning at the fucking wall listening to madonna's austin powers song. i hope not

>he probably meant precisely what he said

what did he mean by this?

How about hang yourself faggo. I'm sorry she left you for jamal. But being a dumb nigger on the internet is going to make her want your 2.3 inch cock back. I'm sorry.

But I shat in them. I'm sorry but you actually ate my shit.

good luck brave soldier. Next time bring enough to share with the office, make it a memorable day

dude, to know you is to love you

what does it means Sup Forumsros

i mean why else would they be brown, duh

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damn that's sad. Have you told a mod? they could get the account deleted