Hi user

hi user
i need 25.35 for a headset with a microphone

in return i will make vocaroo recordings and talk on my stream

my discord is sadcode#6826

please add me if you ahve that much thank ;~;

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Are you girl user or fag user ?

You know the rules, rancid swine.
Tits, ass, vagoo, feet.
We'll talk later, or your thread and your pathetic beg dies, hopefully along with you.

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I would of course donate to your noble course my lady, but I just don't have it in me to give money to a fucking pleb that uses a headset. Get decent headphones and a mic you faggot.

Looks like a dude.

definitely nope



or a microphone i dont caaaaaaaaaare i just need to record

ur gay
gay dubz
did not check

I can't believe people actually think begging for money on Sup Forums will work. If time is money then you are now poorer because you just wasted your fucking time, dumbass

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Show me the goods or you get nothing

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money first then i send you the google drive link .3.

Nah. If I can't tell what I'm getting into, why would I make such a blind leap of faith?

Show bewbs , if you have benis no deal

Fuck off then, pile of human waste.

Sage, if you're going to give a single penny to this slut I hope you catch a nice Steve Job snuffer.

cuz youre poor haha

i have those


Nothing worse than a beggar. If you want something get it yourself. You will never appreciate anything given. Earn it fucktard.

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Bye to you, bitch. Tits are literally overflowing and free all over the internet. Not a single virgin neckbeard will bother, you're not special.
Also drown in nigger piss.

>Cuz you're poor

Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but aren't you the one begging? (And not doing a good job of it to be honest)

Well if you want cash I want proof , coz I’m down for a deal

Pancreatic cancer is very bad for you, user.



sure ill give you a shoutout on my twitter

What does that mean lol ?

Prove you are a girl and the money is yours rn

I also hate beggars and begging as a practice. However, I do appreciate things I have and which have been handed to me.

I also think there are people who genuinely require assistance. That said, I do not believe that the alms given by any one individual can make a difference, it should be the responsibility of the state to look after destitute people.

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im not gonna show coochie to some incels on Sup Forums


>im not gonna show coochie to some incels on Sup Forums
then how do you expect to get any money dumbass, you show the tits you get the cheese it's a simple transaction

Still here? Don't you have a sugardaddy to suck off for your financial needs? This means that you're stupid more than actually only broke, shitstained cunt.

Ok then good night x

i only give head to my bf

i mean i have a pic like that in my google drive pic set


Puddy goes in all fields

Ahahah so there's a desperate enough cuck that supports your online whoring, or he does not know you're a fucking tool of a bitch? Not that anybody cares about you, just to keep having a laugh at you.

Your inadequacy and incompetence in finding an actual job must be legendary. Is your name Kelly, or Stacey? Goes well with such a vapid cunt.

gtfo attention begging whore

sage goes in all fields

Trans fag detected, abort

Yep, it was semi-ironic actually.
Bet you read it though. Tits are great bait.

No :)

if you have the pics I'm looking for then dump the drive silly, right after my 2nd or 3rd wank I'll get you those headphones

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Get a job faggot

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get a real job nigger.

This. Tits or GTF out

get a job


>i need 25.35
>in return i will make vocaroo recordings and talk on my stream

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It's a trans fellas. No tits just bepis.

Gotta love him though. He's got a retarded puppy kind of quality.

Ever seen one of those? Adorable I tell you.

if trans show boi pussy

Fucking newfags don't know the basics.

see pic related.

Attached: tits.jpg (2048x1536, 427K)

If the state cared about that, there wouldn't be any destitute people to begin with because those people became that way through living in the environment set up by the state's policies.

he is indeed.

No. Just no.

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It's Cary
i forgot at i read tho
im trying
trans girls ahve breasts
ok retard listen here
fak u

fine go fuck yourself I'm gonna take my neet bux to some other whore, good day faggot

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i am that other whore you loose cannon

Maybe I'd let him suck my peener, but I doubt it.
I can spend 25.35 on anything and it would be a better investment.
>vocaroo recordings
>talk on stream

Sup Forums nigga

you gay

Agree fully.
Leave him to his devices

I'm not giving some boy my hard earned pennies. Fak u

y-you too


what if its a cute boy trhat looks liek a girl

lul oki i like this one

then post some tits and I'll give neet bux

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nope, try again, try harder little man

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nice. you can download a picture from the interweb. maybe if there was a timestamp we might belieb you fagboy.
see this:

it's a trap
don't fall for it

wow i knew you wouldnt buy it

>it's a trap
i hope so

What does it say on your hat?

Bitch! Get a fuckin' job! If you want money, become a hooker.

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how long you gonna make a man wait my cancer's gonna get me at this rate

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> can you not

i posted it

you know if youre that user whos offering add me on discord
ill dm it to you

I ain't no discordtranny just drop the link here

i already posted it i dont want the other incels to look at it

just post it then delete it noone else is active in this thread anymore


i already did noob

dude just make an alt
i cant post my paypal.me here anyway cause my nickname triggers spam filters
im going to bed with my bf hmu

gtfo nigger thot