> Why are American men so Weak Looking in Comparison to men From Literally any Other Country?

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Weak b8 is weak

For example:

Here is an average American man with his boyfriend

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Everyone is gay

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It's not bait.

I genuinely want to know why American men look so weak...

The state of American "men"

For the last 5 years or so the Hebrew implanted the feminist movement. Now the men of my nation have gone from thick skinned humans to Soylent filled cucks. I blame all of this on the Twitter mob and ((them))

It's a shame because the countries that American "men" used to make fun of are leaving them in the dust.

For comparison here are 2 English men

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The pussification of the western male , the masculization of the western female , the destruction of the Christian family values (even if you are not christian it is the foundation of the west) is a orchestrated world wide initiative. Do not mock you american brothers when it is happening in your home nations . Divided we are conquered.

OP it all depends on what media you consume. I've been in 2 branches of the US military worked labor jobs, and have been training in MMA for years, I can't stand weak men and I don't associate with them.

The difference is shocking. While the American man is of slender frame, weak chin and homoerotic tendencies. The British men have broad shoulders and large muscular bodies

Average English "Man"

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Let's stop saying "western" and call it what it is, American. American men are the future wife's of African men. It's really sad to see.

Pure cherrypicking. The average English man is large, muscular and has likely fucked your mum. I do however sympathise with you, it must be hard seeing your brothers and fathers becoming weak for black cock.

Average English "Man"

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Average English "Man"

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>Average English "Man"
How you look

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American bois

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Average English "Man"

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Average English "Men"

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> Having pictures of traps saved
Wouldn't expect anything less of an American "man"


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That's America

Average English "Man"

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Look at this cute average American couple

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Average English "Man"

Cry more.

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Average English "Man"

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Still crying


Excuse me?

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They look really cute

>Little internet faggot

I out class you in every important metric

Fucking Joe "the manlet" Rogan

Shut your mouth cunt

Don't forget your rouge, ya poofter.

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most of us have become soft
forgetting the way of the world
forgetting our strengths
forgetting what it takes to be free
Hong Kong knows.
Hong Kong is getting a constant reminder.
Hong Kong see.

The price of freedom is to defend it for all eternity.

God bless the US of Gays

IKR Americans are such faggots.

OP, please post a selfie. I want to see those pale, hairless man-tits of yours.

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And british men are the future wives of muslim men . Western .

American "men" are pathetic

Up your arse Amerimutt

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Why are Americans such manlets? LMAO

I said a selfie, not your top in the porno shoot greenroom.

Your tears are delicious ameriboi

That's me though, you fucking soy boy.

Timestamp and I'll believe it.

lmao y'all nazis or something? the only thing that's changed is that it doesnt matter if you're a fucking hulk anymore and people can do what they actually want to do, besides i doubt that any of you could hold a candle to the majority of the guys in these pics

not gay,
that's his father.

Amerimutt. You mean like some Germans who's grandfathers are actually Russian due to the rapes that occurred during WW2? Don't be salty my mixed friends. And considering what's going on in Europe right now, you don't have much room to talk. Don't get me wrong, I'm not "proud to be an American." Fuckin' yuck. I wish that I were born in Europe where my family not only comes from for the most part, but where I still have family even now. I've got cousins that are born and raised Germans. We share our family name and we even share facial features. They are recognizably my family.

Kek America is so gay

Completely agree. Americans are disgusting.