so now that Trump has made the worst possible VP pick in the history of politics, who else is now supporting Gary Johnson?
So now that Trump has made the worst possible VP pick in the history of politics...
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You mean Gary 'Rocky' Johnson?
Gary should have ran for the Democrats considering he doesn't actually believe in libertarian principles
based as fuck
I too now #openmyrelationshipforjohnson
How can monogamy and closed borders even compete?
So you ditch because Pence supporyed TPP or because he said banning muslimigration was rayciss? Because this lolbertarian has those 2 same positions.
Lol what the fuck. The desperation in his wife's eyes. Must be hard being married to an autist.
I am. I'm embarrassed for believing that Trump could change the GOP's stripes.
I am off the train, and on the fence between Gary and Jill.
I would even consider going Hillary if Pence keeps his moralist stances.
I'm voting for, Trump, not Pence
A shit VP doesn't change Trump's platform
As much as I hate every single candidate that is running, I will be voting for Johnson. As an user said prior, he's a fucking Democrat and I'm still mad that McAfee isn't the lib candidate.
wtf i hate trump now
Bush was shit but that doesn't mean Reagan was.
> Open Borders Shill
> Has Publicly Praised Hillary as being a Great Leader
Nah, I think I will pass.
VP doesn't matter in terms of what voters will do. But it does have a real effect on policy. Clinton was a puppet of Gore, Bush Jr was a puppet of Cheney. Obama stood his own ground, though.
Hopefully Trump will do the same.
maybe if he was a real libertarian.
It's a Hillary shill. You know better than this leaf
Fuck no
Johnson is just as bad as Pence
who #strokeshisJohnsoneverynight here?
oh the irony