What are some of the austistic things you do when you’re by yourself?

What are some of the austistic things you do when you’re by yourself?

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Dig my fingers in my belly button and balls and smell them afterwards.

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eat my own ass

I pick my nose and wipe the boogers on the side of the couch


Wear a diaper and soak it, then play vidya while occasionally grabbing my saggy diaper.

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i have vocal ticks, usually "fucking whore" or "fucking nigger" when no one can hear me. i say them really quietly. sometimes i cant stop them though, its weird. but i always whisper them

This is just cuuuuuute

Pretend like niggers are people

I do this and talk to myself incessantly
Usually my outbursts are when I think of something shameful

I sell my nudes to dumbasses on the internet and let me tell you, taking self timer photos and posing like ur masturbating makes u look like a fucking fool

woah holy shit, so are mine. like almost exclusively when i think of something weird or shameful i did in the past. nice, user, we're both weirdos.

I mean. Not any less of a fool as saying "my pleasure" to everything working at Chic-Fil-a. Or busting your back and knees working for UPS. Money's money. If someone wanted my hairy butt for money. I'd be down.

I pick at my cackroids. I know I shouldn't do this and I don't want them to get infected, but you know how it is.

Honestly? Thats fair. Im in school and also work retail and id much rather get paid to look dumb with my tits out than deal with shitty customers. I guess i shouldnt complain lol

Ah! I see you're a fellow man of culture as well!

And now we need your tits.

Posted in this thread

Your what?

If you have never had to deal with cackroids, you are lucky.

Hell yeah. See now that's the right atTITude. Ha! See what I did there? There's this chick on Instagram I follow. She sells her nudes pretty regularly. And when I first started following her she was selling pictures of her crying for $5. Lol. O thought it was bizarre. But I mean. If you're attractive and have the demand. I guess it's not weird at all.

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Sometimes i see people sell things and im like holy shit why?? How?? Who wants that?? But then i remember i once got paid $200 to take a 1 min video of me throwing up. Men are weird and i like money

While the rules dictate that you show nipples and a timestamp, I think we can waive that you time around as:
A. You are more compliant than most who claim to be female on this online Norwegian spearfishing image collective, and
B. Those are way bigger than I like, though I'm sure you get get few complaints.

Yeah I googled it and can't find a damn thing.


do you do both before sniffing? or is it one or the other?
i'd imagine a combination of foul unwashed body oder smells significantly different from just one centralized stench location

wtf is with diaper kinks showing up more and more nowadays?
is it just because the average percentage of stress per age is higher while starting at a younger age, whilst having more stressing factors thus causing people to subconsciously desire being an infant for acceptance of ones own self in one's own shamefulness, alongside feeling immature and lack of control in life, then equating it to infancy and not wanting to grow up? cause I don't see the appeal to sloshing around in excess digusted waste and getting rashes

You are like 1 tier away from being patreon hoe worthy.

If I get home from work and the wife and kids are gone I walk in and ignore the dogs and cats and immediately make a b line for the bedroom so I can get an uninterrupted wank in

I sell my nudes so im not posting nipples, but time stamp comin right up! I appreciate the waiver tho lol. However i dont really care that much about your boob preferences.

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Screw my couch and record it sometimes

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I visit Sup Forums and click on endless verification images just so I can reply

Good looking chick. I don't know if Ixd ever pay for nudes. But you're a cutie patootie.

haha thank you! Its definitely not for everyone. I wouldnt buy nudes either. But some guys really like it, and who am i to kink shame when i sell ass pics for side income?

Nah. It's one or the other. I bathe and stay clean. But do warehouse work. So after a days work. Sometimes I smell my ball goop when I get home.

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Do you work on your own terms and content you make or do you take requests?

I’ve always wanted to ask this to someone who does this
Do you loathe your customers and think of them as creepy incels? Or do you not give a shit and are just trying to make a few easy dollars

i do this too
gotta be some kind of autistic defense mechanism

>i dont really care that much about your boob preferences.
Not should you! You do you, boo!

I feel attacked.

I mostly make my own content and sell dropboxes with different types of content, but ill occasionally do custom pics/vids if its something im comfortable with. Ill usually do it if someone asks, i just dont advertise it

It really depends on the person. Ive had customers that ive genuinely enjoyed talking to and continued to talk to after the sale, and ive had customers that ive hated more than anyone ive ever met lol. Theres a huge range of people that buy nudes, a lot are creepy incels, and a lot are totally normal dudes.

No joke here, call me a faggot but I assure you I like women (despite not being able to bang one).

I dress up as a woman on video chat apps / sites and trick the dudes thinking they scored only for them to be disappointed when I put on my deeper voice and take my fake boobs out.

I like it because it's fun to troll and i sort of like the attention.

Neato. If I sent you a G.I. Joe figure and wanted you to squeeze between your tits like you were crushing his bones and doing a ahegao facial expression. Would you be down?

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absolutely. $5. if youre serious, my insta is hannahbanana.840, and you better be serious, because now i want to take that photo.

I went on soc once and posted my Shapley ass in a thread to collect (you)’s and fuck with the chicks
They were bitching about it being too hairy and I told them that I was Turkish and to fuck off
After my 30th white knight reply I showed everyone my dick
Had a good lol and felt kinda nice that I had a better ass than most of the girls posting there ngl

Show dick

hes right, i showed tits

Lmao. I wish that was serious. But I'm gonna follow you anyway because your weird and fun.

haha thanks!

Masturbate non-stop.
I'm married and have a kid so it's very rare that I'm by myself, but when I am, I'm masturbating at least 2-4 times every hour.

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Sell your nudes? Get a job you degenerate slut. Someone please doxx and send info to the IRS

U showed your bra I’m only doing half

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Im a full time college student with 2 part time jobs and i do this as side income. I report it on my taxes. Please, doxx me and call the IRS :)

you slut

I'm usually one to point out the ridiculousness of sjws calling everyone they don't like "incel" but now you are actually a fucking incel.

right? i literally said i had a job earlier in this thread. He just saw a mention of sex work and got upset, a perfect example of the shitty guys the other user was asking about tho lol

also sorry i turned this thread into a thot ama

Could have been a good thread, but the rostie slut ruined everything. Abandon thread

sometimes just for a moment I believe I might have a future or there might be some value to my existence

haha, being silly is fun

I fiddle with three interconnected drinking straws whilst I’m daydreaming.

youre right. I ruined it by posting my answer to the question this thread asked, and responding to peoples questions. Shame on me right??

also, spell roastie right

Why are they called roasties?

some men genuinely believe that having sex with a lot of guys will make a girls labia longer, and look like roast beef, therefore "roasties." Its cool to know that incel logic defies medical science!

Jebus kid, do your own doxxing. Fucking fagget

Stop that. Stop that right now.

A young, pure, virginal teenage girl will have a discrete, slight protrusion of labia, sometimes nothing more than a slit.
After a plethora of penises parading proudly and pounding her pudendum, the labia will have stretched to disgusting proportions, and the whore's cunt will now resemble roast beef. Hence, "roastie".

Everybody knows that vaginas stretch, and do so in direct proportion to the number of penises that have been inside them.

>but muh babyhead

Haha, sure, at first it makes sense that a woman who's pushed a fucking baby's head through the love canal would be stretchier than the 16yo hs whore who's already banged the entire football team... but ever notice how sometimes it's just not the case?

Mother of 3, married to the same man for 20 years, when she finally gets divorced and you're the first guy she's fucked since her husband, has the kaganal strength of a steel trap? That's because she's only had one penis.

Yes, vaginal birth causes temporary stretching (and sometimes tearing, which will heel) but if she's only ever had one penis in her (inb4 only faggots care) the temporary stretch will return her vag to pre-baby levels.

This is due to the enzymatic interactions between her skin and her husband's skin.

But what happens when a grill - babbies or no babbies - takes multiple cocks? The enzymatic reactions between her and EACH partner will PERMANENTLY damage, stretch, and expand the vaginal walls AND the inner and outer labia.

And no, condoms will NOT prevent this, as there is always skin contact at the groin area. It is the reaction between the male's skin and her own (sometimes via her own vaginal fluids) that causes the stretching to become permanent.

So, when my friend once said, "I fucked this girl who had 2 kids, but she was tighter than this one other girl I fucked," I explained all this to him and it made perfect sense.

Okay, so now you know why there are even size queens in the first place.

You're fucking welcome.

Hold stuff up in my view like its an fps

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no chance im reading this whole thing, but typing out a big ol paragraph doesnt make you right. What youre referring to is differences in human anatomy, and aging. Yes a 30 year old vagina looks different than an 18 year old one. How are your balls looking bud? Same as when you were a teenager? I truly dont know why i always waste my breath with this, its not like this guys ever gonna get near a pussy anyway


>plethora of penises parading proudly and pounding her pudendum,

Stan Lee here, true believers!
(A pic of Stan Lee would have been funnier by itself, but I'm rangeblocked for images so FML.)

There aren't more stressors in these days. In fact, people have never had less to worry about. It just that all you coddled sissies are ill equipped to deal with even the most basic of life's challenges and feel the need to regress to a time when everything was taken care of for you.

>Ask a woman "How your balls looking bud"
>Also tell a woman "never gonna get near a puss"

wow, now i feel so much worse for you. The education system has really failed you :(

You must be fun at parties

I talk to self out loud in ridiculously overblown accents spouting,out non-sense, I do version of Tony Beets where whines about how his wife wears dorky panties so he sniffs gis daughters " hey my name-a-da Dony Bits Minnie no wear tuooooong, so I have-a-to sniff-a-da monica tuoooong. Or my ex Native gf from Winnipeg "hey mans hey cumin mes pucci mans hey" she pluralized everything for no reason, she even refered to plurals already as plurals so Gitch was Gitches, it was obnoxious but I spend every second alone mimicking her in her stupid accent and voice

all the roasties who are angry about fucking a bunch of guys and now regret their nasty piss flaps, answer this simple question:

If "roast beef lips" Are just genetic, why do all newborn girls NOT have them? In fact, as someone with daughters, I know that young vagina looks exactly the same, no variations. So why don't newborn girl babies come with stretched out labia?


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Yikes. Did your balls look exactly the same when you were born than they do now? Aging changes skin, and pussies, like the rest of us, are made of skin. Im a huge slut with a perfect pussy! Im also college educated and know how that making up shit doesnt make it medical fact :)

i did, can anyone scroll up anymore?

birds of a feather

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Its ok buddy, take a deep breathe.