I'm thinking about killing myself and need advice. I'm a small person...

I'm thinking about killing myself and need advice. I'm a small person, will 90 mg of diazepam mixed with alcohol be enough to kill me?

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Just be a man and live your life faggot

don't do it, man. just don't do it. Think about your parents or family members or friends who were close to you and helped you in tough times. Will they want you to end up like this/

nope you'll need way more diazepam than that

fuck off

Livestream it and i help you in the chat

How much more?

why are you considering suicide? No girls I assume?

Nah, I'm very mentally ill and just getting worse and worse

What is exactly your condition? Schizo?

Just ride the crazy train out. It's fun. Do more drugs and shit

Livestream it on Periscope

jeez, there are way more fun ways to kill self that being a pill swallowing faggot
use your imagination at least once before you go

I used to take diazepam years ago and from what I remember I did around 80mg sometimes. 200mg might do it, or 300mg

They are the only reason I haven't killed myself ages ago but I've come to a point where I just don't care anymore. Selfish of me, I know but I don't wanna live

bipolar, GAD, depression...

>livestream of user nodding off and dying in their sleep

Why would you want to watch that?

What drugs do you recommend?

ya OP, quit being a little bitch and accept the fact that you're crazy. being crazy is a lot of fun. maybe get some benzos to tone it down a bit, but otherwise just be yourself.
it's already shit, so why cut out early? shit it up yourself some.
see how it feels, to dig in your heels and raise a little hell of your own.

Always wanted to see someone;s last moments

Considering I'm a small person, as I stated, shouldn't one package of 100 mg be enough?

So tired of seeing these bullshit posts in every thread about suicide. As though you have a clue what the fuck you are talking about.

TImestamp or gtfo

Choose life user. Ur problems are probably able to be fixed and ur just feeling down

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you're only as crazy as you oppress yourself to be. you tell yourself you're nuts and don't leave the house, causing more mental/emotional turmoil.
go outside and be yourself, you'll find even the 'normies' are weird, strange, eccentric individuals.

Cocaine, heroin or any painkillers

Thanks but I don't think I can be helped
I'm not in any physical pain tho. My mind is just fucked

don't do it OP
think about all the vidya you could play that has not been released yet

Don't do it

videogames don't even excite me anymore. I used to play all day every day but now I can't enjoy them anymore

You're unlikely to die from that amount. If you really want to OD on valium your best bet would be a higher dose plus alcohol and opiates as well. Otherwise you could just end up brain damaged

>muh mind is fucked

find God, Jesus Christ. creation is transitory and illusory. earths materials, water, wind & fire, all in a state of change. your thoughts and feelings are equally impermanent. they are transitory. your 'fucked up mind' can only last for so long.
find the moments of silence between thoughts. if you are aware of the body, it can not truly be 'you'. if you are aware of the mind, it can not truly be 'you'. find yourself. the only mental peace and clarity in this life is found in the perception of God Jesus Christ.
there is no other way. find what is everlasting among the everchanging.

op your thinking all wrong about this

take the drugs, jump off building.

but why, when you can kill some people with your suicide?


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More bullshit and platitudes that is totally irrelevant to real life

practice mindfulness. learn about basic mindful meditation online. eventually you become a viewer of the mind, no long being moved by it. you will come to look at your thoughts and emotions from a bit of distance, the mental waters become calm with this practice.

Sure nazi's replace our morphine with valium and our cocaine with coffee

lol, enjoy your pill popping adventure then. there is no other way. become more aware of the mind so it does not rule over you.
again, theres no other way. if you don't want to put the effort in, l8r fren

God never helped me. I used to be a very religious person. I would pray everyday and go to church thinking I'm doing something good for myself but I've thought about it a lot, and I mean A LOT. I've come to the conclusion that the only reason I was doing all that was to go to heaven once I die. But I've come to accept that death is not just jour soul going to heaven or hell, it's you ceasing to exit. There's nothing spiritual and nothing religious about it. Although I still go to schurch sometimes I don't consider myself a believer anymore.
I would gladly kill someone on my way out but then I would just get my family into a lot of trouble

Shut up and do it already ffs

need to get more diazepam apparently

No but you'll probably feel sound I suggest just taking the diazepam

>God has never helped me
>i thought about this a lot

try looking in to some mindfulness meditation techniques. thinking too much will definitely drive someone over the edge. learn to perceive the mind, watch it like a show, rather than being affected by it. moving when it tells you to move, etc.

God is the functioning intelligence outside the parameters of the entire existence, the source of the whole creation. God has done everything for you, be thankful. Try humbling yourself before the Lord.

We are all essentially ghosts inside the body. When you die, your ghost leaves and floats above the earth until you move on or reincarnate. if you kill yourself now, you will have rendered the entire experience pointless. thus requiring more rebirths back in to the world. the only escape is through unification with the Divine.
There is no other way.

Try mixing some other depressant in and drink about a litre of vodka its enough to die ant take anti nausea medication like antipsychotics so you dont vomit

you some kind of Jehovah's witness or what?

Thanks, this is an actual good advice

pretty much

but ya look in to mindfulness for starters. the mind isn't 'real' in the spiritual sense of the word. it is temporary. you're not crazy 100% of the time. OP said 'its getting worse and worse' meaning it's not effecting you constantly. find the moments of peace and stay in that mindset.

spend time sitting in nature, just you and the woods. watch the mind, watch how you would normally do whatever its saying. know that there is a being, outside the existence, more vast and powerful than could be imagined. and it loves you.

Why you wanna die?

I's not that simple. Just walking in the woods or going outside in the nature (both of those I love to do) won't help me because the thing with mentall illness (especially bipolar and GAD) I cannot control when I feel ok and when I feel like killing myself. I could be doing what I like the most and suddenly have a panic attack and feel like shit for the rest of the week. I wish I could escape this but I can't.


Would you puss out if someone was to murder you?

I wanna have control over it. I'll do it myself

Uh huh. You can't even control your thoughts.

I can't control my thoughts and my emotions but I can control my actions


Permanent solution to temporary problems. If you're feeling that suicidal you should go on a hike through a jungle or some shit. Go get eaten by a tiger or beheaded by some 10 year old cartel member.

I want to die a painless death

Ok so you have mental problems... so fucking what, everyone does. But most people have the perseverance to keep going and not take the easy way out. So privileged to be able to speak your mind freely on the computer but can't handle life...

Not everyone has bipolar disorder, GAD and depression amongst others. I'm lucky to be able to speak freely on my computer and I'm thankful for that but that doesn't solve my problems

i wanted to kill myself for a few years. i hate most people and the only time i'm comfortable is if i was drunk and fucking a stranger or i'm alone and listening to music. i started hiking as something to do. i go and camp and look at nature, maybe so some mushrooms and stay in the woods for a few days or a week at a time. i bring a few books, workout, shoot guns and think about life. it helped me, and if you have the means, i would recommend it. don't kill yourself, OP. i know this seems stupid coming from someone you don't know, but give it a few years and try to find something you like. you might change your mind. you might find someone you like to change your mind if you can't find a hobby to make it worth while. i promise it seems worse than it actually is. are you on any medication? generic prozac helped me. i had to stop drinking though, i was up to about 750ml of whiskey a day, sometimes more. i don't think you really want to end it, user. i think maybe you're just in a bad place right now.

Do you have employment?

inb4 you give me the bullshit that other people have it worse than me but still feel happy bla bla bla. I'm not those other people, I only know whats it like to be me and i feel like shit right now

Do you need the shit kicked out of you to make you feel like you're alive again?

I'm in college
Thanks bro but I've been suicidal for so many years now, I think even since I was a child. Iam on antidepressants and anxiolithycs and I will give them some more time, maybe they do come thru but as of right now I don't see a future for me

>in college
Fuck you spoiled little rich kid. Go back home to mommy and daddy. They will take care of their little crazy child. I'm sure you can live in their basement and keep posting on a website that is horrible for his mental health. Get the fuck off Sup Forums and go make something of your fucking self. Bot everyone can go to college just to be a fucking waste and off themselves because of their feelings. Shut the fuck up and fuck you for making this thread.

i'm not trying to pry, but do you have any thing that satisfies you? do you have any goals or things you want to accomplish? i was aimless for a long time and looking back on it, it mostly was the cause of my depression. are you passionate about what you're doing in school or are you just doing it because you fell into college like i did, because it was expected of you?

we get it, dude. you're edgy. fuck off, jesus.

>spoiled rich kid
Where I live college is free. Also I don't live with my parents anymore. Why u so mad bro?Yea, it was very much expected of me. At first I even thought that college was gonna be great but shit sucks

I really don't care anymore. You losers probably should kill yourselves. It would be best for everyone. I'm not even joking.

just use helium

Yea I will, that's why I made the tread dumbfuck. Bye

This. Or run you car in a closed garage. Now I'm just gonna give OP ways to kill himself easy and quietly.

See ya in hell, pussy.

Hell doesn't exist retard

Because you know everything right? just don't even reply to me little fuckbag.


hello faggot can send some photo or anything really before killing yourself if not i wont bealive that u have killed yourself

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Guys, I'm gonna go now. Thanks for the actual advice some of you gave me. I'm gonna let the thread die now

its more of a record thing so i will remember this trherd

As a weak man with no apparent reserves about admitting his life was a useless and regretful gift, you could always join the military. You sound perfect for the position.

just fucking Google Sodium Nitrite suicide. JFC. it's cheap, easily available and effective

OPs dead. Good riddance.

Become a security guard for a high profile Jew.

Drugs are too unpredictable

Trains are statistically the most effective
Just get some headphones at full volume
Even a blindfold if you're too nervous

If you have to use drugs
Don't swallow
You'll just throw them up

Injecting is best
But at least snort them
Or plug them in your ass

No matter how much you wanna die your body will do everything in it's power fight it

Also if you're truly dead set on doing it
Take advantage

Take out All The Credit
Get famous

At least don't be edgey and dramatic about it

No one feels bad for you

We all have our own Hell to walk

So go out happy

Play video games
Watch anime
Get high
Jerk off whatever

Just don't act like the world was against you

People aren't heartless
But You're struggle is over

It's hard to feel bad for someone who gets to go home early

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where are you from user?

I don't know you. but i know this person that was very depressed, and i did not see any way he would be able to get out of it. it just turned worse and worse. but then he got a girlfriend, and his depression stop.
He is a person you would not think could get a girlfriend. he was very unattractive in both personality and appearance.
what i am trying to say is that even though it look like its only going to get worse, the future bring with it a little randomness. And with enough try, randomness give a unexpected result.
Even though it may take years, it can end.

It is often when people starting to get out of depresson that they try attempting suicide. this is because they start to get more energy to do stuff but still feel just as depressed as before