As a black man I have to ask, why are white folks so damn awkward?

As a black man I have to ask, why are white folks so damn awkward?

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because when you get near a nigger you cannot relax and that may come across as awkward to you.
Basically we have to watch you very closely in case you steal/murder/assault/violent outburst

Any more questions?

You really gonna be here all day? Go take a pause and let the triggered incels answer my question.

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>As a black man

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Dunno homie I think we are fine

I'm not the guy you are talking to but the person below him.
I'm neither triggered nor an incel.
Anything else?

Because we are more intelligent

White folk aint awkwod, theys retarded.


Now we're talking

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Because of niggerz

As a white man; why do blacks make up the major population of the prison system?

Because they wuz kangz, right?

Great gawd-a-mighty I can pick a bale’a cotton!
Great gawd-a-mighty I can pick a bale’a day!
Oooooooh Lordy!
Pick a bale’a cotton!
Oooooooh Lordy!
Pick a bale’a day!
You got to jump down, turn around and pick a bale’a cotton!
Got to jump down, turn around and pick a bale’a day!
Oooooooh Lordy!
Pick a bale’a cotton!
Oooooooh Lordy!
Pick a bale’a day!

Because you already hate us before knowing us. Try talk to a black man and you'll see he's alright. Most of them.

Difference in culture, raising, and who you learn your values from. Break a law regarding privacy, ownership, or assult gives reason to be awkward as you put it. Self preservation I suppose.

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It's because you're a nigger and they are afraid you might shout them. Now get back to work Jamal

That's my dog after running and clipping some bricks. Part greyhound.

Also we do not commit more crimes, we're just getting charged more frequently because of racism and hate.

reminds me of the picture where they removed the horses hoofs and you could see the veins.

Great gawd-a-mighty I can pick a bale’a cotton!
Great gawd-a-mighty I can pick a bale’a day!
Oooooooh Lordy!
Pick a bale’a cotton!
Oooooooh Lordy!
Pick a bale’a day!
You got to jump down, turn around and pick a bale’a cotton!
Got to jump down, turn around and pick a bale’a day!
Oooooooh Lordy!
Pick a bale’a cotton!
Oooooooh Lordy!
Pick a bale’a day!

You misspelled "polite," or "courteous." It's understandable niggers aren't usually great spellers since most of them didn't graduate high school.

hahahahaha no blacks actually commit more crimes.

When have you ever seen whites playing the knock out game?

So blacks are just children that cant take responsibility for they own actions? Well... If they arent responsible enough to raise their kids or get a job, i guess you cant expect much.

This., seriously. Talking monkeys make us nervous.

LOL ok Tyrone.

We be da viktums ob eberythang we wuz kangz. Howcome the black arrest rate is the same if not more in a majority black run government city with a majority black police force then? Is that the big bad invisable racism and hate you all are afraid of?