Hey Sup Forums what would you do to my gf?

Hey Sup Forums what would you do to my gf?

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nice face, but she is so fat bro

Give her a slim-fast.

lock her up in a gym

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make gym and repair the titts, then i fuck her ass, mouth, pussy, spanking everything, but DO IT!!!!

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"I put on sexy clothes so you might not notice I'm fat".
Yeah we notice.

thicc girls are best girls

are her initials AH?

ugly as fuck

breed repeatedly

Feed her less.

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put her on a workout regimen

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Nope, they’re KG

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I need more of her. Hot af

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looks kinky would tackle

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Only if my wife would be okay with it. Which I doubt. Could be our fucktoy though.

Also, timestamp.

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Don't listen to these idiots. She's hot as fuck bro. Tear that shit up and breed her deep. She's got one of those baby making bodies.

Make her give sloppy seconds

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I'd impregnate!
Do continue....

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Shove her back into the ocean.

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Ignore her.

Suck her dick

I’d knock her up and make her my slave, then i’d make you raise my kid. I’d claim her as mine continually breed her year after year

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Thanks bro, they’re entitled to their opinions, I know she’s sexy as fuck to me. Just wish I knew how to find dudes to share her with

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Have you guys ever done mmf?

Shes exy as fuck!!! Where you at? I'm a dude to share her with!!!

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Please tell me you guys got a pornhub channel

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Tell her to put some clothes on and make me a sammich

She's fucking hot. What a lucky guy

We just moved to Colorado Springs

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Thanks man

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she's pretty damn fat, so i'd probably just play with her tits for a while. if she's got nice teeth or pretty eyes, i might let her suck my cock. but it's going to be in a way that makes her feel like a cheap whore that made a bad decision..

Your best chance for that is getting a nigger to do it. They will put their dick in anything!!

Actually we have an xvideo, here’s one of the vids

Damn...well that's no where near me unfortunately. It would have truly been a pleasure to join you.

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she's a hot kind of chubby though. i'd def go for that.

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Got kik or something?

Where are you two from originally if you just moved there?

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That's a sexy bum, do you have Kik?

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fuckin' nice

I'd pay her to sit on my face

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Have you shared her before or is this something new you two are looking to do now that you've moved to a new area?

Looks like that chick from Instagram that got murdered

i'm moving to Colorado Springs next month.
why did you move there?
also, yeah, i'd take a crack at your fat girlfriend, why not?

Lightly tease her about being fat and ugly while continually telling her i am not interested
Eventually give her a drunken tuesday night booty call nut the non chalantly tell her to go away continue this for a few months
Slowly start to treat her a little better a few compliment here and there slowly building her self confidence
Watch her gain even more confidence with herself and her body
Around this point ask to borrow a bit of money continue to casually sexy time
Proceed to stroke ego of self confident fatty .... profit

We’ve had a threesome before with one of my guy friends, but it was about a year ago and we haven’t done anything since

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Splooge on her face

>Around this point ask to borrow a bit of money
this nigga knows what he's doing

>We’ve had a threesome before with one of my guy friends
are you a homosexual?

does she always have the lazy eye?

was it decent?