Weeb invasion

At an anime convention.
What do Sup Forums?

Dress up as Muhammad. Say you're cosplaying your favorite biblical character.

why would you go to one of these?

Do some anime stuff.

Go buy something from the cafeteria

>at a weeb convention

>"but I'm no weeb"

Protip : you're a weeb

Wanna dress up like sailor moon and suck my cock fagatron ?

killing spree

Dress up as Hitler


Find a gf

>tfw no dorkie gf

Try to get laid

do that thing where you spin your katana

Commission a drawing

>that umaru

OP do you have a gun?

got a nice idea, but it's truckload of work

Run in shouting Allahu Akbar, then when everybody starts to duck and cover, give them a disgusted look and shame them for their islamophobic bigotry.

kill yourself

go back to Sup Forums pleb

Let the weebs weeb.

If 666, channel satan and show them hell

Post some cute female cosplayers


Print this out and post it everywhere

ask yourself how lonely you are that picking on people who are comfortable being weebs satiates your inadequacies as a human being, then go home and ask yourself at what point in your life did you give up on happiness.

or this