What is the ultimate Payback Sup Forums

What is the ultimate Payback Sup Forums,
My now ex step father got us kicked out of Our house after having a talk with Our landlords behind Our back. The reason why they broke up is because He Spied on us with tracking Devices and probably some other shit we still have to find. He works as a prison guard, can possibly provide more information with enough time

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Why did he spy on you?

>What is the ultimate Payback
forgive and forget. this guy is living in your head rent free

Agreed, my step father ruined decades of my life because I couldn't let go of the bad shit he did to me.

He died a week ago and the memorial is this Saturday. I couldn't be happier

We have no idea, He is fucked in the head and extremely manipulative even turning family members on his side behind Our backs telling them about emotional suffering He apparently experienced

You are actually living my dream

once you accept that fact that most people are assholes and are only looking out for themselves, you'll be much better off.

But he is not only hurting me, trough his Actions my little half-sister now expierences this first Hand, my mother is constantly crying even tho she tries to hide it and we still dont know about all his "security measurements"

I don't understand how he got you kicked out of your house. How did you break the lease?

distance yourself from him. problem solved.

I know, being in Touch with my mental state i can work trough this, its my relatives im worried about and want revenge on their behalfe

Believe me, the best thing I did was get counseling and cut him out of my life

I'll be honest. I didn't celebrate him dying but I did feel a relief. I know my siblings lived in fear of him and the pain he caused.

The saddest part is that when he died I honestly didn't care either way... It could have been better if he was an actual positive influence

seeking revenge brings you down to his level. kill him with kindness. hate and anger breeds hate and anger.

To make a long Story short, the contract was made with him and my mother, therefore if one Person pulls out there has to be a New one, trough sweet talking Our landlords He got himself the house and my mother myself and my little sister kicked out

The best revenge is to be happy.

Forget him, get counseling if you need it, and be strong for your mother.

Give her the dick if she needs it too

Joking about the mother fucking

Sounds like a narcissist to me.

No offense, but you women don't sound like the revenge type. You probably wouldn't get away with it.

I will and wont look back, my Life is fullfilling and im genuinly Happy my with my current mental and physical state

But try telling all this to a 6 year old traumatized child, i know she will look back and i cant let him have his way with her, im not looking at the past but at the future of my sister

fuck off fag i have wiener

Anonymous email tip to the jail he works at saying he was bragging in the bar about beating a homosexual inmate and so you felt you had to say something.
There will probably be an investigation that finds him innocent but he’ll be ruined for a short time and probably forever.
Use tor to go to an onion site like guerillamail to send an email to their info@ address or something and make it woke and preachy enough to scare them.


As far as revenge goes, that's really good

Your ex step dad just cut off your balls though :^)

This can be reported for a false report which can land OP in the slammer. Good luck with that.

Blackpill, your mother is the problem. She chose this dickhead to fuck up her family

Hide meth in his car, then phone in a tip while he's at work. The parking lot is prison property. It doesn't matter if he tests positive, possession is enough to ruin him. Put it under the bumper with Gorilla tape if you have no key.

somewhat true, but i dont know how they got in contact and after what ive witnessed hes more than capable to lie and tbh he wasnt that bad in the beginning even i liked him
but you know like every good family drama he had to be fucking mental

Idiot, he can buy a burner phone for $40.

Yeah because when a cop finds some small amount of meth taped to a weird spot on a car and gets an "anonymous" tip there is meth taped under his car they won't be suspicious.....

I'm the idiot....... right..... I can report this now and it will be reviewed haha

Report what?

And done..... haha losers

Just report the thread so it can be reviewed and archived. Good luck guys

Yeah, because people don't use dead-drops.

You're new here, aren't you. Lurk moar, faggot.

That just does happen tho. PD gets a call an employee has drugs in vehicle. They find meth taped under vehicle. Dismiss "anonymous" call to get the guy busted. Story doesn't add up when employee is drug tested and comes up negative. Your plan is full of holes. Admit it.

Suck my fat one, Mary.

Smuggling drugs onto prison property is illegal. End of story. No holes.

You don't have a fat one, Skippy.

>Get someone in the prison to blackmail him into brining in drugs.
>Tell his bosses he’s bringing in drugs.

Tbh anything you do will just dig a deeper hole government people can do whatever they want to whoever they want welcome to america

So OP would go down for smuggling drugs and a false report. They can stack charges.

Guess what's not smooth and creamy like Skippy? your mom's blown out puss hole.

I'm guessing you're a prison guard. But guess what? Thats your achilles heel. You probably know they have trustees and low security inmates who can access those areas. Its one of the main ways drugs get in. You'd have to prove the kid did it, but theres no proof required who owns the car. At the very least, he will be under some heavy scrutiny, probably get reassigned to a desk position, and it will be yet another thing on his file. When his file says he's potentially smuggling drugs, and theres outside police reports of illegal surveillance, his credibility is down the shitter.