Where did souls go before Christianity existed?

Where did souls go before Christianity existed?

Attached: Defeating autism.jpg (351x500, 30K)


purgatory dumbass

kinda rude of jesus to wait for so long and keep so many peoples souls in puragtory before showing up

Christians stole the idea of "the soul" from the ancient greeks. But since there are no souls, only consciousness, "it" whatever we think it is dies with the body. So "it" goes to the same place prior to christianity and today, nowhere.

Jesus is a punk so it doesn't surprise me. He took the easy way out and committed suicide via crucifixion

"Sheol" was the word for death, dying, and the place you go after you die during the time of the old testament. When jesus died he rescued the souls from sheol and basically locked the place down. Now it's either heaven where you wait to go to new Jerusalem on earth 2 electric boogaloo or the lake of fire.

dont be ridiculous! he had to sacrifice himself to himself to save us from the punishment he gave to humans for doing a thing he created and put into motion.

Its sorta like when Princes dad shot himself in purple rain but with way worse music and fans

How the fuck do people spend months writing a book, go through the intense labor of the editing process, have book deals that can cost up to the tens of thousands to print, and a lot of the time these kinds of books end up having covers that look like something I could have whipped up in 30 minutes or less? At least with musicians, even the most indie and skint ones, they know the shell out a few bucks for a decent cover to sell their wares. The amount of books I see with AWFUL covers like this that represent potentially thousands of hours of painstaking, tedious work is insane to me. Even really good books I've read that are best sellers have covers like this that just look like a barely competent person had an afternoon to learn photoshop. What the fuck? This shit really pisses me off tbh.

>intense labor

Go outside of your room sometime user

T. Has never edited

In judaism there was no concept of an afterlife. It was basically made up by christians because they are afraid of death

Im sure anyone who would write a book entitled "defeating autism in the name of jesus" thinks this is an amazing and meaningful cover.

also i doubt verymuch that whoever wrote this was smart enough to edit very thoroughly

To krishna you stupid idiot

I didn't know that this was even disputable. U fuckin retard.

Publishers usually have editors that act as third parties to make sure their products are good enough for sale. Which ads to my confusion because you would think if you're a publisher and you're taking a risk by investing thousands to print a book, you would think you would want to hire a decent artist to push your product.

"Jewish eschatology"

They don't go to purgatory until judgement day, which is still to come. As of now, they're just dead.

Such weird and detailed stories. How and why do people believe these myths? Or do they just say that they believe it?

no, when he died he brought all the prior good souls with him to heaven

Valhalla or Hel. Odin would bitch slap jesus and his brother-daddy.

As if consciousness wasn't a mystery itself, saying there is just consciousness is plain stupid, do you even know how does it come to be?

>As if consciousness wasn't a mystery itself
Depends soly on how you define conciosness. You can argue hours about this.
But if you go by a very simplyfied definition: to be aware of your surroundings, and the the effect of your actions on your surroundings, its very simply expained by evolution
(Note according to this very simple definitons, even some AI systems today are concios to a certain degree)
But if you ask a hundered people, you will get a hundered different answers for what conciosness is.
So basically the debate about this is completely pointless, if we can't even agree on our terms

>before Christianity existed
God (The Father), The Holy Spirit, and Jesus (The Son) are all aspects of the same being. As Jesus existed before He created the universe (and time itself) there never was "before" Christianity.

On the concept of Purgatory:
Time only exists in the physical universe. Souls are spiritual entities and, just as they do not exist in the physical world, they also do not exist in time. There is no time, no long wait, between when your physical bodies dies and "when" you are judged.

Samefag here, let me explain this a little further

Let's assume you have an unconcious lifeform, that can only eat, shit, move randomly, and reproduce. And you have a slightly more concious lifeform, which just knows the following two things, if food is available I can eat, if I eat food decreases, If no food is around, I can move to another location.
Quite simple, you could write a simple program like:
if foodAround then eat
else moveRandom;
This would be concious according to the definition before because it knows 1. if food is around (i.e. knows about it's place in the environment) and 2. moving can change the availability of food.
This life form has a survival advantage above the simpler unconcious form, and therefore would outcompete it. According to evolution by natural selection, we would therefore expect a development of conciousness

More like what happened before the first week in the bible that clearly exists.

Mhmmmmm. Faggots everywhere.

The more important question is, where do christian souls go after christianity.

Because in exodus god clearly states that men should have no other god before him. But in the new testament jesus clearly says that people should pray to him before god.
It is also clearly stated that jesus is not god.
>While he was still speaking, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and behold, a voice out of the cloud said, "This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him!"
This means either god is schizophrenic, or they are two different persons.

So if you are christian, while following your scripture, you are inevitibly also rejecting your scripture. Meaning it's a trap set by god, so every christian goes to hell