Nobel peace winner? Discuss

Nobel peace winner? Discuss.

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for what?

being retarded and managing to memorize a script her psycho parents wrote

You're so salty about a little girl telling you to listen to the overwhelming majority of scientists when they say the world is on fucking fire.

Your hatred of her is more illustrative of YOU than anything.

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Why do all fox-parroting right wing retards think this is an argument?

She's 16, has done more for humanity than your entire lineage have ever or will go, and has a nobel prize in which she's donating.

She speaks for her entire generation and is pointing out what's wrong with our current environmental destruction. You are paid to discredit crap on Sup Forums all day.

Lmao pathetic.

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how dare you

left wing cunts also helped


OP left when he didn't get his dick sucked about hating a child. What a fucking faggot.

>Your hatred of her is more illustrative of YOU
Yes it is. Think you can silence and brush us aside? Good luck.

lolwut? Who is silencing you?

You aren't a victim you fucking faggot. You are the fucking BAD GUY.

Are you hysterical because no one listens to your anti-science neo-fundy bag of piss you call a belief structure?

Nobel prices in general have been reduced to smug self-congratulation and good goyim awards. I hope she does get it. It will make the inevitable fall of all overrated, overhyped child celebrities, who succumb to sex and drugs after failing to recapture the publics attention, all the more humorous.

Bro please tell me where I can get paid for that shit

Nobel peace prize? What has she actually done to deserve that. She's an autistic little girl who's been propped up by a bunch of communists and parrots the things they tell her. She hasn't bloody solved any world issues, no new technology to reduce carbon emmisions, Wich I'll point out are mostly put out by China, America, and Russia, not Europe. And she hasn't delegated or stopped any wars. She's just a girl parroting talking points. Might as well hand them out to every kid who reads a magazine.

Take Nobel’s invention to the Nobel peace prize.

You're sure salty

>not him but
You're doing an impression of the people that are trying to diminish his side. That says something about how prevalent the side is that's trying to silence him.

>nobel prizes are good goyim rewards
this can also be read as
man Sup Forumstards are fucking retarded

she already won my heart

Again, that's not silencing. Just because you're a faggot with a shitty anti-science belief structure doesn't mean anyone HAS to listen to you. Being ignored is a YOU problem.

To suggest that people not swallowing bullshit is "silencing" is a manipulation tactic akin to calling someone racist.

She's funded by the same people that give the award out? So yeah probably.

Making shit up just makes you look stupid.

His "side" deserves to be diminished. It's incorrect and demonstrably harms society.

You're good at the impression too.

See how you create false arguments and put words in his mouth?

There are very few people denying climate change.

Everyone of any value and integrity is at the point of expressing:

>Please stop putting the fault of industry on the poor and working class and expecting them to be the ones to change and suffer as if that will make a difference

But you know this. I'm not even typing for you.

She shouldn't, but she probably will. Not that it matters, the Peace prize has been a joke since at least 1994, when they gave it to Yasser Arafat. At this point, they'll give it to just about anyone. Fuck, they gave one to Obama for literally no reason.

Wait...i can get paid for this shit? Dude, sign me up.

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She hasn't contributed anything. Just protesting is not a solution, and she hasn't offered any meaningful solutions.

You don't seem to know what "false arguments" are. Are you him? How do you know?

There is an entire political party in America that has climate change denial as A FUCKING PARTY PLATFORM.

Who do you think she's attacking? Because it isn't the "poor and working class." That's retarded. You're retarded. Stop listening to conservative propaganda.

You don't know shit, faggot.

To be fair, I wanted him strung up for being a trump supporter, not because he's a little shit. Did you not see the video of him harassing young girls before this was taken?

I guess people value the world more than america, kappa.

>Competitive Enterprise Institute

Oh, oh honey no.

You sound stable, bud. Go cut off your dick already.

Nice non-response, faggot. Sorry your entire world-view is bullshit.

in two more years, she'll be doing all sorts of porn

Sorry you're this lonely

Wait, hahahaha, you ACTUALLY posted a fox news link?

hahahaha, what a fucking faggot. Kill yourself.

Oh no! He might have been harassing women in DC, and he likes Trump? Better put him to death! You communists are retarded. I hate your kind with a passion, but I don't want you to die. You are as bad as any Nazi.
If valuing the world means lionizing a child reguritating tired ecocomunist talking points, fuck the world. I for one welcome the coming apocalypse.

Sorry you hate America.

HAHAHA click the pic to add gifs. Show me how you'd fuck Hailey

hahahahah you're so fuckin' salty. It must suck being such an un-American, traitorous faggot.

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Probably, considering the amount of traction she’s been getting. I don’t think she deserves it though. I have nothing against her or what she believes in, but she isn’t getting shit accomplished by “spreading awareness.” Everyone already fucking knows. The reason climate change hasn’t been solved yet is because humans can’t do much against it.

trump's a narcissistic protofascist conman with sun downer's dementia beholden to adversarial foreign interests.

If you support trump, you're a fucking traitor.
Are you a traitor, faggot?

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Where does a communist get off calling me anti-American?

>they gave one to Obama for literally no reason
hey there was a reason, because he is black and gay. so powerful

>Big League Politics

Do you REALLY not see the issue here? C'mon, man.

I like how you faggots think communism is some gotcha.

I'm a capitalist that loves his country.
You're a fucking traitor that supports a traitor, and we all know what Obi Wan said about fools who follow fools.

Hipocrate but still a nice pussy

I can support the same claim about literally every Democrat in the federal government. I didn't vote for Trump. If you voted for Clinton or Trump you are far more of a traitor than I am.

Buddy. This is getting embarrassing. If you don't start posting valid citations and not actual propaganda, I'm gonna start insulting you.

Oh no, are you a faggoty "centrist?"

Christ that's even worse.

You COULD make that claim, but trump has demonstrated all the traits I described to a T.
Maybe stop being such a faggot and start supporting your country.

That is, unless you aren't even American.

Ok, I'll bite pinko. Who did you support in 2016. Be honest. I'll start. I voted for Gary Johnson. You're assigning Trump support to me because you're unable to accept the fact that anyone else might also think you're a communist retard.

Holy shit how embarrassing for you.

i don’t see why not, they gave one to obama and he blew up a bunch of kids with drones


Just gotta convince her that taking dick ass to mouth on camera will help save trees or some shit. can't wait!

>autistically screeching "how dare you"

Pic one

She is a shoo-in for the Goldman Environmental prize though

>gary johnson

Ah, so you threw your vote into the river. How fucking pathetic.

>trump's a narcissistic protofascist conman with sun downer's dementia beholden to adversarial foreign interests.
Oh yeah totally man, because russia and china want a stronger america with the best stocks and a secure southern border, your shilling is at best 2/10.

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I'd not attempt to insult people for their vote when you wiped your own ass with your ballot.

Did you just have a stroke you fucking retard?

Learn English before attempting bad faith faggotry like this again, Ivan.


Why are you so fucking bad at this? This is why no one takes you faggots seriously.

>tells us what we've heard a million times
>wins nobel peace award for being an underage lesbian who probably goes by the pronoun "hen"

Found the npc

I need you to know that by calling people npcs, you expose yourself as a cultist faggot.

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You're so fuckin' salty about a girl telling you to listen to the overwhelming majority of climate scientists.

don't call people npcs unless you want them to think youre 11 years old. its cringey as hell

>I wanted to kill someone because they didnt agree with my political views
The left everyone

hahahaha nice propaganda guy.

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Prove to me that Trump is guilty of treason. I'll wait.

Weird how when an individual makes a facetious statement it's all hands on deck with the pearl clutching faggotry, but when trump dehumanizes, lies, commits illegal acts and passes unconstitutional policy you can't help but fall all over yourselves to suck his orange acorn dick.

Who did you vote for then? If yours was so divinely inspired. Come clean faggot.


Nice reddit spacing you fucking downy shill.
>post disagrees with my worldview, not a single typo
>"dID yOu HaVe a sTrOkE?"
Is that really the best you can come up with?

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Well, he extorted an ally out of congressionally-guaranteed defense funding to fight one of OUR adversaries so they'd illegally interfere in our elections.

Is that not providing support to our enemies?

Protip; if you say 'no', I'm gonna call you a traitor faggot and stop responding to you.

You're so fuckin' upset.

Why do you hate America so much, faggot?

>wrongfully assuming I support trump blindly
You just cant help being an idiot at every opportunity can you

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but will she help? there are already people being stubborn about listening to what climate change activists have to say. how is a young child wagging her finger at those same people going to help? that's just going to piss them off and make them clam up even more. it doesn't matter if she's in the right. she's just using being on the right side of things as ammo to just be a condescending dick to people. this is primarily about her ego and narcissism.

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I swallowed my pride and voted for the single most qualified candidate for president in the history of America despite her massive flaws because the other option, despite your faggoty third-party hand-wringing, was donald fucking trump.

You're a fucking retard.

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If you don't believe in the scientific reality of climate change at this point, you're a detriment to society and need to be fucking culled.

I don't give a shit about greta. What I give a shit about is a bunch of pearl-clutching faggots who deny basic fucking science.