How can your throat even compete?

How can your throat even compete?

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ask it about Portillo

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Hail the King.

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Workin' the mean streets of Nowhere, spreading joy, clogging throats.

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Who is he?

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Robert Smith

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>Logert Smith

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Just a dick who doesn't deliver.
He owes a livestream and anhero.

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>Just a dick who doesn't deliver.
>He owes a livestream and anhero.

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The people who keep posting these threads are very childish. Grow up.


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No you

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>The people who keep posting these threads are very childish. Grow up.

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In seriousness, how long has this been a thing now? I feel like I've been seeing logposting since like 2014.
Is this one dedicated user making a thread everyday or have a few people picked up the flag?

It's a movement, user. A bowel movement specifically.

But how looong is this particular sliddy shid, like 2 years or like a 5 year long squardy fardy mudd

Don't know why the mods can't rid us of this idiot. He certainly wouldn't be missed.

It's just me

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He/they have probably been here longer than some of the mods we have.
And for the most part they've stuck to just making a thread, not spamming it like the jasiri cancer.
I'd rather one logthread than two trap threads, four political spergfests, any number of shota/fur.
Could be worse

Checkd, based, fake and gaypilled, but if there is just one lone logposter, I do admire your tenacity

>Don't know why the mods can't rid us of this idiot. He certainly wouldn't be missed.

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I don't agree. I want the fucking idiot gone.

You're is a idiots

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I've seen this dude for more than 10 years on 4chin

>I don't agree. I want the fucking idiot gone.

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He used to spray paint this shit on walls, before Sup Forums, when I was a little kid.

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Question for you OP:

How do you expect to suck a log of shit out of Andy Sixx's asshole.... when I've already sucked every last quark of fecal matter from his supple asshole and not left any for anyone else to suck out?

You will feed it to us loggers like a mother bird.

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You should be gone. A livestream and anhero were promised. You obviously didn't deliver.

Greedy bastard!

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>You should be gone. A livestream and anhero were promised. You obviously didn't deliver.

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