Walk in

>walk in

>see this on bed

wat do??

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i am going to die as virgin rather than fucking this thing

Breeding material. 100%

Seconded. Ivory Breeding Cow right there. Time to move the fridge to the bedroom.

put on a condom and fuck.

Upon third opinion i have to agree. Big enough to sustain a strong baby of weight and good milk feeders. Plus a hairy pheromone filled pussy to boot!

Amen, she needs to be bred over and over

180 out of the room, go find all the info i can muster on healthy diets and exercise and bring this back to her. Also piss in her mouth

Any more?

Resulting in a nice cycle of getting bigger and bigger with each breeding.

yeah i have more

she has small tits though

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Make her go to the gym

>Also piss in her mouth


Nice breeding cow rump.

My friends mom is like that. Would fuck her. Big time.

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Any of that hairy pussy?

You mean like a fertility idol on steroids?

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She let herself get fat in the first place so she deserves this

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turn 360 degrees walk out

should i keep going?

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turn 360 walk

This is the only one of her I would fuck. Spit on dick, ram into asshole for 10-15 minutes while she screams and done.

All of my last girlfriends said I am too big for Anal. So I wouldn't feel bad for a hamplanet like her to rape.

Would eat that bitch

>Doesn't know how math works
>Spins in a circle and walks forward
It's 180 to turn around fuck face

>all of my last girlfriends

Like all of the last ONE girlfriends? Or were there more than one? If so, did you break up with them all simultaneously? If not then how do you figure out which one was last? Also i bet you’re not that big, you got that fake big dick for the internet

you think women who are overweight deserve pain?

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fuckin idiot if you go 180 your sideway

First time on the internet?

throw up

Copius amounts of alcohol and let me at it with herrrrrr

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thread is dead i guess

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Bet he doesn't even own an heirloom fingerbox, amirite faux oldfags?

I heard fingerbox, this is now a fingerbox thread?
r8 my beauty?

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Don't bite newfags. You're being trolled. This shit is cancer...every single time.

What's a fingerbox?

it's what gays call each others butwholes