Worst trip stories? Datura, lsd, shrooms etc

Worst trip stories? Datura, lsd, shrooms etc.

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I smoked a few hits of DMT outside in my back yard and laid on the ground. I turned into a plant. These bugs started crawling on me. I could feel like big sized beetles all over me. Then they started eating me and I freaked out, then these other plants started talking to me saying "It's okay, It's just part of being a plant." They reassured me it was going to be okay. Then I got eaten and came out of the trip.

took some mushrooms, it felt like i was high for 3 weeks, every hour my arms would feel like bugs or snakes were crawling under my skin. it ended when my friend supposedly "Punched me to end the trip" and knocked me out.

i smoked salvia and in that trip i got kidnapped by an angel but then they fought the devil on their way to heaven and i only hot a small glimpse of what heaven looked like before they dropped me and the trip was gone, heaven looked like gold and silver kaleidoscopes and in the middle was this golden orb of light

Bump, wanna hear some more good stories.

HP Lovecraft themed mushroom trip, i was a massive fan of his books and mythos and my room was decorated in his theme (i was 16 and i thought it was cool) and i tried mushrooms in that room and it was fucked. I summoned cthulhu and yog sothoth and they punished me with constant flashes of demonic creatures hidden in people and then it eventually was an empty white room where i had the chance to restart the trip and i chose that option and then i broke out

i kinda was parinoid around everyone i knew after that because they were the ones with the demonic creatures inside of them but then i got over it

I played a two month long game and the universe talked to me and told us that we are all sinners and er began to listen to curling screams and spiders vibes sometimes I understand it

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DPH: Shadow people wandering around my living room whispering horrible shit about me, talking to people who turn out to be blankets, watching their faces unfold when I touch them, the toilet is a mouth, snakes on the counter, but one time a bunny wearing a suit jumped up on the couch and danced in front of me.

Tripped once on 200mg of LSD during school when I still was in HS

Any way to get salvia in canada? Nobody has even heard of it I really want to try some.

i live in canada too, i did that trip when i was 21 last year and i bought it off of some teenager who was my friends dealer, i would recommend if you live in a shitty town then befriend those 16-20 year olds who hang out infront of arenas or skateparks because they have lots of drugs, my first shroom trip was when i was 14 and thats because of friends of friends.

Was on 1.2g worth of x, 4g of shrooms, smoked a few blunts and was hammered. Do not recommend. I was hallucinating hard in the room thinking people were coming to get me. I saw and heard shit that wasn't there. Didn't sleep for 3 days.

I took three tabs of 1p-lsd and got so delusional I told my grandparents that I was on it and they threatened to make me tell my presents or they would. Fucking sucked, and I've done a lot of acid before that too. I don't do it anymore but I've grown and done shrooms with my buddies since then and those are alright.

Only legit sounding of all this bullshit

> Only legit sounding of all this bullshit

If you’ve done big doses of DPH you get it. I talked to a dude on here one time who couldn’t figure out how to “wear a carseat” on that shit. Sounds about right.

coke girl, o.d. recently everyone says they heard the ghost bitch

Way too fucking difficult to explain. Smoked NBOME in pure form. Should be dead. Maybe I am.

do 9 tabs
black out 4 hours

when i come back i see the planet earth in my living room and the planet become a face that change race non stop

try convincing my friend we are all the same and we are one (we're all on lsd)

heard my friend naming themselves differently
(like dave is now named jake)
start freaking out they aren't my friend so i just stop talking

realized i'm actually not in my original dimensions, obviously the only solution was for me to die in that dimensions to go back to my original one

go out the house and goes to the nearest bridge to jump off, i just walk in straight line until i reach an highway (1hours n half) and realized i'm lost

become enough sober to realize i'm just delusional and go back to the house

i didn't live it as a badtrip since in my head it was perfectly logic and all but after that 9 tabs trip whatever i did, lsd, weed, alchool, i always badtrip but like hard badtrip

on lsd now i have the full psychosis (voice, visual hallucination, delusion, pranoia, panic attack)

on weed i get rarely voice but always panic attack, delusion, paranoia

alcohol is the softest since i have minor anxiety and minor delusion

i didn't do lsd since 2018 and my last weed badtrip was 5 day ago and i'll stop for good cause it's only getting worst

TD:LR i did 9 tabs of lsd and didn't badtrip but after that i only badtrip whatever the dosage, as long it's psychoactive i will have a negative outcome

I once smoked my friends cart and got hella high, I started thinking shit was happening, I had a panic attack and it felt like I was gonna die man. I kept making scenarios in my head and it was just horrible

>did 8gs of shrooms
>gets kidnapped by aliens
>they put me under mental gas that knocks me out and puts me in this psychedelic reality
>its a whole new reality
>wake up in middle of nearby forest and manage to get myself home

Only took weed and salvia.

Never had bad experiences with salvia.

I got one bad trip with weed, I didnt smoke much at the time and one dude gave me his blunt. hit it a few times (maybe 6 times), and I was 15 at the time.

>lost all sense of time after 1 min smoking that shit (it was maybe cut with something stronger than weed)
>looks on the ground for 4 straight hours like a fucking retard
>not feeling well
>call my mom to get home
>not going in class FeelsGoodMan
>vomit in my room back home
>sleep for 6 hours at 4pm

Now I never accept something that someone I barely know already rolled.

I didn't do lots of drugs, and quite time pass by since the heavy trips. Maybe just too hermite to get some, or very up in myself to really care.
Got some San Pedro in Jujuy (Argentina) and go walk to the cold rocky desert. Got a poncho and matches to make fire. Gattering wood was difficult, to little in that area.
Cook it on the fire and start the trip.
Didn't realize how low was the fire. Almost die from exposure.
Talk to some dead friends and dead pets of mine. They all glow and turn to light. My hands star to glow and panic that I'll turn to light with them. I said to them "I don't want to go yet" they nod. It was OK.
Not the same ever since.

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love that pic.
where is it coming from? I want more bro