"France ‘Suppressed Reports of Gruesome Torture’ at Bataclan Massacre"

Oh my fucking god!

Other urls found in this thread:

"According to this testimony, Wahhabist killers apparently gouged out eyes, castrated victims, and shoved their testicles in their mouths."


Well we don't know for sure, now do we?

Don't let this slide




"Women were stabbed in the genitals – and the torture was, victims told police, filmed for Daesh or Islamic State propaganda. "


Religion of peace, don't forget, religion of peace, they are mad people, not muslims, most muslims only approve this, don't be so judgemental, we can't judge an entire culture only one the more outspoken % of them

Please, can't a non muslim kill people for once so we would made a point?

Holy shit that's insane

THEY FUCKING! COVERED IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO WE WOULD NOT, GET, ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now it has been released later, it will not have the same impact. They released it later on purpose! RAH

wtf i hate trump now


>filmed for Daesh or Islamic State propaganda
where is the liveleak? we can shock the left back to their senses
or suicide

Gruesome acting more like.

Another Judeo-Masonic hoax like Charlie Hebdo, and Nice.

They can't keep getting away with it!

Is there a video online of this?

M. le rapporteur. Les terroristes du Bataclan ont-ils commis des décapitations ou des mutilations ? Des décès se sont-ils produits autrement que par fusillade ou explosion ? Nous sommes saisis d’informations contradictoires – dont certaines nous ont été communiquées lors de nos auditions – qu’il faut éclaircir.

M. le président Georges Fenech. En effet, la commission est troublée par ces informations, qui n’ont filtré nulle part. Ainsi, le père de l’une des victimes m’a adressé la copie d’une lettre qu’il a transmise au juge d’instruction, que je cite en résumant : « Sur les causes de la mort de mon fils A., à l’institut médico-légal de Paris, on m’a dit, et ce avec des réserves compte tenu du choc que cela représentait pour moi à cet instant-là, qu’on lui avait coupé les testicules, qu’on les lui avait mis dans la bouche, et qu’il avait été éventré. Lorsque je l’ai vu derrière une vitre, allongé sur une table, un linceul blanc le recouvrant jusqu’au cou, une psychologue m’accompagnait. Cette dernière m’a dit : ‟La seule partie montrable de votre fils est son profil gauche.” J’ai constaté qu’il n’avait plus d’œil droit. J’en ai fait la remarque ; il m’a été répondu qu’ils lui avaient crevé l’œil et enfoncé la face droite de son visage, d’où des hématomes très importants que nous avons pu tous constater lors de sa mise en bière. »

Ce témoignage précis pourrait corroborer les propos que nous a tenus l’un des fonctionnaires de la BAC, selon lequel l’un des enquêteurs a vomi immédiatement en sortant du Bataclan après avoir constaté une décapitation et des éviscérations. Avez-vous connaissance de tels faits ?

You would think the French would at least bomb a Mosque or something? I mean one soldier got attacked on our streets and Mosques got petrol bombed for it.

No attack since, but the French really need to get their priorities sorted out and I mean that with respect. They would rather riot and protest over an increase in working hours or a cut to wages than these constant attacks.

Sort it out France.



M. Michel Cadot. Je n’ai eu aucune connaissance de ces faits, ni par l’Institut médico-légal ni par les fonctionnaires en question. Il appartient de toute évidence à l’enquête judiciaire d’en apprécier la véracité. J’ai néanmoins compris qu’il n’a été retrouvé sur le site de l’attaque aucun couteau ni aucun autre engin tranchant qui aurait permis ce type de mutilations. Il sera aisé de le vérifier dans le cadre de l’enquête. En ce qui me concerne, encore une fois, je n'ai reçu aucun message de la sorte provenant de l’Institut médico-légal ou de la direction de tutelle de la BAC concernée.

M. Christian Sainte. Je ne peux guère m’avancer sur ce point, compte tenu de l’état de l’enquête, mais rien, en l’état actuel de mes connaissances, ne me permet de penser que ce qui vient d’être lu est juste. Je précise, pour que les choses soient claires, que certains des corps retrouvés au Bataclan étaient extrêmement mutilés par les explosions et par les armes, à tel point qu’il fut parfois difficile de reconstituer les corps démembrés. Autrement dit, les blessures que décrit ce père peuvent aussi avoir été causées par des armes automatiques, par les explosions ou par les projections de clous et de boulons qui en ont résulté.

M. le président Georges Fenech. On lui aurait mis ses testicules dans la bouche…


That's what I dont understand, they are willing to riot for just about anything but kids are killed on their streets and they do nothing.

They suppressed it because IF YOU HATE THEM, THEY WIN

There are never videos of false flag events

Perfect timing on that release, eh?

Cowardly cucks, always have been and always will be.

Hence why the attacks will continue, you have to put the fear of Allah into Muslim communities, even the "moderate" ones, all of them are legitimate targets. Once you do that, you'll see the attacks stop or at least calm down.

France knows what it has to do, but it won't because France is of coward. I'm sorry France but you are of coward now.

>colonize africa
>commit horrendous atrocities
>cry when it comes back to blow you up

eat a dick, france and beligum.

>Sandniggers mutilating people are retaliations for Imperialism


by that logic you should have a didgeridoo shoved so far up your ass it comes out your mouth

makes me want to cry. How can we be cucks to the points of covering up the atrocities committed by people who seek our destruction

M. le président Georges Fenech. Je crois que certaines choses n’ont jamais été dites. Je pense que l’on pourrait peut-être, à ce stade, éclaircir les choses.

M. T. P. Des corps n’ont pas été présentés aux familles parce qu’il y a eu des gens décapités, des gens égorgés, des gens qui ont été éviscérés. Il y a des femmes qui ont pris des coups de couteau au niveau des appareils génitaux.

M. le président Georges Fenech. Tout cela aurait été filmé en vidéo pour DAECH !


Europe collectively needs to learn some lessons from Russia , they have a lot of experience dealing with those mindless savages and have been successful in doing so.


Didn't the Ummayads try to enter France and conquer it long before France had an empire?



Wife's watched while their husbands were castrated.
Husbands watched while their wives were disembowelled.
The beheading which followed must have been a blessed relief.

French President and PM don't want you to know this.

Military coup when?

France needs a strongman, a General.

obvious doll

>commit horrendous atrocities
rip pancake's batter.

yeah but the invading muslim armies only represented 1% of the total muslim population so #notallmuslims

We already give Muslims Jyzia.

>France needs a strongman, a General.
Europe does.

>8th thread made with the same links and content
Advertisement is bannable.

>According to this testimony, Wahhabist killers apparently gouged out eyes, castrated victims, and shoved their testicles in their mouths.
>But prosecutors claimed these reports of torture were “a rumor” on the grounds that sharp knives were not found at the scene. They also claimed that maybe shrapnel had caused the injuries.
i didn't know shrapnel can shove testicles into peoples mouths


yeah this was reported by the British media in November but no one was interested then. that, or they were told to mute/tone down their stories

must . prevent . far right . from. gaining. voters


No mufti Merkel, you've done enough damage.

Feels like bullshit, shit is like right now by some Heatstreet portal (first time hear about it)

M. Pierre Lellouche. Les exactions sur les gens se sont déroulées à quel endroit ?

M. T. P. À l’étage.

M. Pierre Lellouche. Cela se passe après que l’individu que vous avez blessé est remonté ?

M. T. P. Je pense même que ça s’est produit avant, mais ce n’est que mon avis personnel. Pendant que nous fixions un terroriste à la porte de secours, un autre faisait toutes ces choses ignobles à l’étage.

M. Pierre Lellouche. La vidéo est partie ?

M. le président Georges Fenech. Je crois savoir que des vidéos sont parties.

M. Pierre Lellouche. On peut le savoir si l’on a récupéré les portables des victimes. On les a ?

M. T. P. Ils se sont fait exploser. Il y a eu des personnes décapitées, égorgées, éviscérées. Il y a eu des mimiques d’actes sexuels sur des femmes et des coups de couteau au niveau des appareils génitaux. Si je ne me trompe pas, les yeux de certaines personnes ont été arrachés.

>disemboweling, OK, evisceration, right
>what's enucleation?


do not google that

It was also in n the mirror newspaper at the time

Should we make a hashtag or something? We need to inform the french people about this....

>what's enucleation?
> do not google that
That's not how it works.

You don't have some attention whores with tons of followers that hate muslims to spread that news?

>pls don't be trap

>Should we make a hashtag or something? We need to inform the french people about this....


Well, now is the very time to expose it for a maximum effect. It's as if they waited intentionally.

Want to know something worse?

Google - Horses Lamina.

Somebody one tell him.

ITS TIME......

Our Lord and Stephan will call for the race war any moment now....

Does he actually read posts? I sort of doubt it. He must get thousand of messages.

Probably happened in Orlando too.

Is anyone FOIA requesting autopsy photos and crime scene photos from the French authorities? These crimes really need to be seen.

Isn't it bad enough without these new details? Does it require a different response?

With just one person?


Well then what she we call it? Also on another note, we may need some way other than a hashtag at some point, since we use hashtags so much.


Share video plz

Thanks for stretching the page faggot





>just about anything

About all they'll riot for is a smaller than promised increase in welfare.

They're a conquered people.

i think it is, look at the waist to hip ratio

>one person

Lmao that's a good one fritz

Kek, I just noticed that ISIS logo is slightly edited.

As a non-furry I don't relate.

But if you wanna have something that curls your toes look up le fort fractures and their reconstructions.

I wish I had some angry pepes to post

Jews are really serious about genociding european peoples.

And it's clear at this point.

If this happened like that, why didn't the survivors talk about it. Especially that EODM band member who was very vocal about his opinions. so much in fact that they won't let him play here anymore.

Maybe that's why they're wearing them

wait were these some of the people killed?

It's true, the founding fathers of this nation were awful to the Aboriginals but my bloodline didn't start here until less than 60 years ago.

Most of you Europeans have a lot to answer for in regards to colonialism in Africa.


Probably because the survivors were long gone before the terrorists started mutilating the dead/dying. How long were the terrorists in there before it was stormed by the police?

More than four hours.



These are the same people who sold out to the Nazis. Don't forget that. France as anything notable died 200 years ago.


Remember when the Vietamese flew planes into buildings in NYC and massacered 200 in Paris? Oh wait, that never happened.

Somehow it's only the Muslims who ever do this. Why is that?

Still R A R E, boys.


233 people dead in French terrorist attacks in 1 and a half years but people still defend them



Why would you go through the trouble of covering up Muslims being Muslims? It's not light the French would fight against it, be it 100 or 1000 victims, be they tortured or not.
Heck in Sweden people enjoy themselves at festivals while children around them get raped.
There is just no way to save the West from itself.




I'm telling you people! You have to act and kill off your shitty bureaucracy. They are a Cancer!

The French Revolution (French: Révolution française [ʁevɔlysjɔ̃ fʁɑ̃sɛːz]) was a period of far-reaching social and political upheaval in France that lasted from 1789 until 1799, and was partially carried forward by Napoleon during the later expansion of the French Empire. The Revolution overthrew the monarchy, established a republic, experienced violent periods of political turmoil, and finally culminated in a dictatorship under Napoleon that rapidly brought many of its principles to Western Europe and beyond. Inspired by liberal and radical ideas, the Revolution profoundly altered the course of modern history, triggering the global decline of absolute monarchies while replacing them with republics and liberal democracies.[1] Through the Revolutionary Wars, it unleashed a wave of global conflicts that extended from the Caribbean to the Middle East. Historians widely regard the Revolution as one of the most important events in human history
