How do I get my girlfriend to cuck me...

How do I get my girlfriend to cuck me? I really really want to see her cheating with me or fucking other guys while I'm watching, but she's a loyal girl and doesn't want to try something out of our relationship, what should I do?

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Women like to be desired normally, propose it without any fear, and it would excite you to see it with another boy. Here in Spain, Madrid, we have a few local swiinger couples, and you would be amazed at the beauties that are coming. It's nothing strange, encourage friend. I would love to start it



Get a new GF, you shouldn't waste your time with someone with self esteem, confidence and a high moral code not to do something she doesn't want to do.

Start out with mfm threesomes, make it her idea

Do this to her

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Accept the fact that 2 seconds into her kissing another guy you'll be curled up on the floor crying like the fucking beta you are.

Have you tried the tribute method with her yet?

Get a fat cock to tribute one of her pictures and have her "accidentally" find it.

It presents the perfect opportunity to bring this subject up with her

Make her not like you

I just asked her about her past and I told her and she ended up slowly liking it

How is your relationship now?

Sounds like my situation my wife is so loyal and trustworthy that her cheating on me has become my biggest fantasy. She sometimes has to go away for work for a few days every so often and I have told her that while she's away if she ever see's someone she likes I'm totally OK if she wants to fuck him. I hope one day soon she sends me a pic like this.

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If she's sane she'll just leave you when you start acting like a faggot instead.

it worked but not together anymore


Post her contact information. I’ll take her away for you.

You have to find the guy to fuck her first. My wife was very skeptical about this idea, when she was turned on and we were having sex she thought it was hot but when I would bring it up to maybe make it happen with "someone" she acted cold to the idea. Until....I had a guy that could play the part and actually fuck her because up until that point it was just a fantasy idea after having found a guy then she could actually make a real decision whether she wanted to fuck that specific person.

Why are you people like this

You don't have to talk her into it. She's done it already.

Fuck, that's so fucking hot, I hope for the same thing

So you know Anne McMillan too?

Put her on a pedestal and treat her like a princess

nothing will make your girl cuck you faster

Please stop responding to kike larp threads.

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