How is there not a trap thread? Come on

How is there not a trap thread? Come on

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Ass pics of her please
Who is she

you caught us between threads, my man

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a diapertran

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Sc is succudicc

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Femenine buttholes

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What is feminine about a butt hole

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Attend to your configuration

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mish dont repost stuff pls
post new cute pics pls
write hitler did nothing wrong this time
*headpats u*

Im going to bed thou wat

lizz here, thread's dead huh

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Post more. This one actually looks passable.


Now it ain‘t. God damn babe I like you in that skirt

lizz write "hitler did nothing wrong" on ur booty pls

thx bois ^-~

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ewe no that's retarded

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You much of a club girl? You look like the type I‘d like to pull into me, make out, run my hand up your legs, grab your ass...

yah, here's me at the club lolz

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You‘d get my attention from across the room with those lips. How your legs looking there babe?

i was obviously kidding

would fuck in the male bathroom/10

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>Stating facts is retarded.
>Dressing up as a woman and taking compliments from anonymous greaseballs on the Internet isn’t.
Wew lad.

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Brazilian traps>

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how about you just show us your ass then

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Brazilians, hispanics, and goths make the best traps.

Boy face, yuck

Nice chin my man

What'd you think Sup Forums, am I passable yet?

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Way better than getting your kicks out of being a total moron. Bet you're a fan of Rick and Morty as well LMAO

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Literally nothing you said has any relevance or impact. You should kill yourself.

Hard no. Solid negative. Absolutely not. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Consider plastic surgery at the highest degree.

>All that tension.
>No cum.

Really? I thought I was coming along nicely as well :(
Is it the nose?

HAHAHAHAHA look at that tiny little pecker. He might as well have become trans, he was pretty much a woman already.

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wear bangs sweetie

HAHAHAHA no. You've got a serious case of man face, man hands, and thick neck muscles. You are not a woman now, nor will you ever be.

cute faggot, but what's with the retarded eyebrows

The receding hairline is a dead giveaway too.

It’s the whole skull structure. Attractive women have a smaller head that tapers down to the chin. They also don’t have as many dents.

dont mind these neckbeards
dont let them get to u

>hugboxing for a baitpost
you retarded ass nigger

He asked for an opinion from the average trap thread browser, and he got one. No matter how hard you white knight, you’re not getting shit.

But white traps get the most attention
Woe is life

Because white people like white people and this is a white people site

Don’t get me wrong, white traps are sexy as fuck from teens to about 20. Then it’s a steep decline from there until they become men again at 30. Hispanics are built slimmer and have more feminine faces.

easy boys i know yall get easily offended with the n-word

Liz makes me Jizz
>I done a rhyme.


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>never heard of edging

It’s like you can’t address the point or the criticism so you make shit up in your head and pretend it’s real. Oh wait, that makes sense considering the thread.

>Making a webm of edging.
Unsatisfying and deplorable. 2/10, cannot fat to it.

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a bit of a younger tina yothers vibe

Lmfao a real life NEETcel whiteknighting for a manly tranny. And I thought flurries were cringe...

Where to find trap irl too.
Rly want to fuck one but man, can't find one in my country.

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Sorry, *furries

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Make your own. Start slipping hormone blockers and estrogen in your little brother’s food. Start complimenting his slim figure, and how soft his skin looks. Buy him some girl clothes as a “gag gift.” Take him out on “bro time” events like to a fancy restaurant you’d “like to try”.

Jeebus who the fuck is this

He’d be hot if his face wasn’t so weird.

I'd like to suck that pretty little girl dick.

thats seems oddly specific. did it work for you?

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>cannot fat
dont die fatass

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Man Face. Man tits. Just a faggot pic.

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Hell yes. Welcome back.

Oh no I’ve never done it. I’m not bad at manipulation though. The key is to make it seem like an idea of their own conception, that way the subject doesn’t only do what you want, but they’ll do it believeing it’s what they want too.

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Mmmm everything looks delicious. Is being a foot fetishist more common with tranny fans?

Got any more? There’s no face but that body is pretty bangin’.

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How far into HRT is he?

Got any social medias if that is you?

4-6 months