What are some actual achievements of the application of left wing ideas? Is there any?

What are some actual achievements of the application of left wing ideas? Is there any?

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Poverty and retardation


Not even trolling. Population control.

Seriously, millions die when lefties get any real power, it keeps population in check.

Capitalism has made everything so abundant & cheap, and life so liveable and clean its causing population issues.

Thats why America is toying with AOC and others. The population has peaked, we need some good ol fashioned lefties to starve and genocide a bunch of people, “for the greater good”.


Public education. Public roadways. Vast improvement in river water quality.

the modern work week, instead of 6 days of working 14 hours a day to barely survive followed by a day of being told you'll go to hell.
children not dying in factory machinery on the regular, or getting stuck after getting shoved into the smaller holes in coal mines.
rivers that don't catch on fire. the EPA was started after a river caught fire from industrial waste. a second time.
food regulations that mean our ground beef is under 50% guys falling into meat grinders and the beef gets sent out anyway ( the jungle is a beautiful novel, no? )
large parts of the population not being slaves of the other parts.
a classic "liberal" education just means an education whose purpose is to introduce literature, classic latin texts and ideas of common freedom and working for the common good. they figured if you had a good education and weren't a total fucktard you could learn just about any job afterwards.
that's why doctors and lawyers get an undergrad first. be a human, then learn your cogs.

republicans defunded programs for the common good, criminalized drugs to punish minorities and political opponents ( dirty hippies amiright? ), and generally act criminally in office.

pretty shitty, man

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Both russian and china turn themselves into super powers - remember that?

Russia took itself from a shit poor farmer country to a country that beat the US to space in like 50years

China did the same in 40-60years turned itself from poor farmers to having the longest average life expectancies in the world.

Both these countries are capitalist now and tho.

There are examples of socialist countries that once adpoting the practices either taught their entire country to read or figured out how to feed itself. Which are huge achievements.

Not socialism. Though

These are the natural requirements desired by a population when wealth accumulates to a point we wanted it protected.

>put a piece of aluminium in earth’s orbit for a little while
>beat US in the space race

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>barely read my post
>tries to make a point

Yea i mean i get it. This thread is about what was achieved. I laid some of them out. Ignore china and russia all u want, theyre past and whay theyve done arent going anywhere.

>modern work week

this wouldnt be as funny if it wasn’t Henry Ford who designed the weekend (two unpaid days off) for his workers on the rationale that it increased their productivity + gave then time to spend their wage and contribute to the local economy. Rationale based on market ideas/profit motive.

Not the mention, you claiming responsibility for something that hasn’t changed in over a decade, and will also probably complain people can’t earn enough in the modern work week to survive.

To summarise:-
Working werk Wasn’t an invention of left-wing ideas

Even if it was, its now greatly outdated and at best reflects the capital accumulation and wealth of the 1920’s. So a century overdue for change; talk about progress!

liberals don't want socialism, though. they're pushing for healthcare because it's good for everyone.
the commies are joining in, sure. the racists think republican shit is great, because it disenfranchises the groups they happen to hate.
racists hate it when reps used to genuinely act small government but 100% keen on rights, shutting down racist claptrap
commies hate it when they realize that liberals want well rounded captitalists, not their retarded sharebear bullshit

I don't remember the indus valley civilization being democratic. Nor Mesopotamia.

40 hour work weeks
health care, even if provided by simpleton capitalists: this was a bad idea
no children in coal mines you cock sucking faggot

you don't remember shit about either of these because the records don't exist you fucking shitbird

They don't want to work for healthcare, that's the problem. Welfare and social programs are destroying society. Propertarianism is the only logical thing to embrace.

Attached: propertarian.jpg (900x900, 111K)

>first man-made satellite
>first living creature in space
>first human in space
>first living creature to return from space
>first human to return from space
>first spacewalk
>first spacecraft to land on the moon


Your revisionist history is sad.
>throw some shit in space after killing astronauts
But no mention of the forced labor and stealing of businesses to make this happen.
>china literally propped up by the US to build goods for capitalists.
Literally all the money they made is from adopting capitalists and open market ideology. Their communist ideas are what are stopping them from becoming a super power.
How dumb are you?

Nigga there is something so obvious hanging right in front of your face about claiming the technological superiority of left wing ideas. But you’re so cucked by college professors bias you probably don’t even know about it

"they" the argument and refuge of morons

... do you think liberalism is new? do you think that blue states do so well because some reason other than treating workers well, attracting top talent, and creating massive industries?
conservative views are basically "everything's fine, why get all uppity" over the entire period and today as well.
the republicans have been stone walling decent healthcare for 30 years or more. it's all they do. stonewall and claim a victory because bad shit stayed the same.

>russikyia lost a lot over the decades both in patriots willing to die in meaningless ways in the space race along with young chumps to champion the cause in the future

Didn’t want to send anyone to the moon though, because they were afraid they wouldn’t want to come back. And the cold, atmosphere absent space would be more appealing than returning to communism.

Not sure if super simple or trolling about health care
>forcing everyone ELSE to pay for it is "decent"
LOL. Yeah, there's no reason why people from countries with "free" health care come to america for treatment. No reason at all. Republicans have been pushing for open market health care forever. It worked in the vision market, but since we have to prop up illegals and browns, we can't push it to medical.
>hurrrr just pay thousands more in taxes for that "FRRREEEEEE"""""""" health care.

republicans and the American right-wing are mental simpletons, they can't advance meaningful arguments so they shitpost through their lives

absolute capitalist cope

u sound so dumb

not dying from preventable illnesses

The ancient Mesopotamia's created a government that was a combination of monarchy and democracy. The kingdoms of Sumer were organized into city-states and the Kings ruled each city-states for the gods. They were assisted by priests, scribes, and nobles. The democratic aspect of it was the fact that the ruling class had a sort of committee that voted on things but none of these people were elected representatives.
In regard to the indus valley civilizations the main theory is that it was governed by city rulers who were not elected but acted like jarls/earls who cooperated in raising funds for roadways and irrigation for the area.

tying healthcare to working for private enterprise just pulls us back into a feudal-like system of workers being unable to leave bad conditions for fear of unneeded repercussions.
it's a shitty situation. we had to fight like hell and people literally died for unionization and to drag people into better working conditions in the early 1900s
they've successfully sold unions as socialist boogeymen, and are shutting them down at every turn these days.
expect things to get worse for people that work with their hands for a living before they get better.

nigga get your apostrophes under control before I recognize you as my same species

Give me something to argue a point on and test your theory.

Fastest industrialization in history building a space super power while caring for the poor.

Healthcare was $2 a year before income tax was introduced. Wages were like $5 a day too.

They collectively elect members of the house that want to fund social programs and regulate the market.

consider Republican control of US governments and the recessions that follow
>don't let retarded Republicans/right-winger emotional types try to set rational policy

>sends millions of poor people to Serbia to freeze and starve
>caring for the poor

Yep checks out.

the vast majority of people in those countries do not do medical tourism
americans also massively do medical tourism to avoid costs in our own system, though.
people will fly halfway around the world to get surgery because it's cheaper to fly and get cut than it is just for surgery here

If Democrats are for the working and middle class, why does wall street do the best under Democrat reign? I thought they were against wall street fat cats...

markets require at least some bare level of regulation, anyone arguing differently is obviously some sort of conniving criminal scum looking to steal

>complains about punctuation while eschewing it completely.

Yeah the Soviets beat us into space, but it was never really about space, it was about developing the best vehicle for icbms. Which America did better than the Soviets, mostly because the Russians were more interested in pouring money into their actual r&d for the bombs themselves. America was more interested in getting their existing weapons, further, and more placing them more accurately.

>healthcare was $2 a year
>so were .45 rounds for a Colt .45

You got a medical condition that indicates that you should be put down (mental retardation).

because better paid workers make more money for the owners
republicans can't understand that instead of fighting over who gets the bigger slice of pie, you can work together to make additional pies

if you know the rules then you can free-flight my sub-lingual nigga
>cultural critic level, that's u

read about propertarianism. The determination of prices of medical care and medicine will be determined by the consumer and not a cabal.

this is a massive ass pull

Mass graves for 150 million people.

are you retarded like for real

Self regulation could occur in a propertarian society.

I bet you voted for or supported Obamacare. Which sky rocketed premiums AND boosted the HMO’s profit margins

>yet you’re not mentally ill

So you’re saying Democrats act in favour of large business owners, and increase corporate profits?

Im not claiming superiority of anything u dense fag. I simply listed what they did.

does this help the elderly, the sick, the disabled or young and dispossessed that have not yet established themselves in the world?

>population issues
Nigger, you can fit then entire Earth population in an area the size of LA city.

the democrat leftist are big in population control.

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Did you forget slavery, Great depression. Dust bowl and ww2? Also look up devils islands and japanese internment camps nonreader. If you wanna talk deaths capital has killed more from lack of food\preventable diease. Try again.

I hate obamacare because it is a fascist proposal orginating from the Heritage Foundation of fucktards. Is it better than anything the right-wing offers for anything? YES

Fuck Obama but Trump is far fucking worse, incompetent AND compromised by enemies
only mental retards support Trump at this point

>Public education
>Public roadways
in constant need of repair
how is that a left wing idea?
>Vast improvement in river water quality
turning the Colorado into cheese

So the lack of market, tax, immigration, and social welfare reform under a democratic controlled congress won't lead to a possible recession? What about sanctuary states and free healthcare for migrants and illegal immigrants in a system that they don't pay into. This current congress hasn't done shit except waste money on investigations and raising their pay.

Sorry, English is my second language.

You do know that Obamacare was so watered down by Republicans so much that it barely resembled to original proposal by the time it was passed, right?

well, yeah. they encourage good business to grow and increase profits by ensuring the workers have good conditions and fair wages. this allows workers to earn enough to start more businesses that compete with new ideas and better efficiency.
republicans encourage current business to cut away at itself, cut worker salaries, cut benefits, and generally create horrible conditions in order to extract blood from a stone, slowly killing the businesses while draining the wealth from them.
blue state businesses rock.
red states feel like walls slowly closing in on you

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No. That is the responsibilities of the parents if it is a child. Elderly people can set up an I.R.A. or retirement account if they choose to. Hard no on the disabled. Hell no for the homeless. It's not the responsibility of taxpayers to help people. They would have to rely on charity.

>they're pushing for healthcare
>good for everyone
How is ruining it for 99% to cater to 1% that doesn't even want it "better for everyone"? Why not push for universal car insurance? Or universal home ownership? Surely those are good for everyone.

>are there any

You illiterate faggot.

You are retarded. Holy christ.

then it is a world of needless continued misery.

>blue states do so well

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My ability to pay taxes for my business and hire more people became easier because of republicans. Regulations for health, safety, and workman's comp are more strict also I have associates in blue states that have closed their doors or moved to red states. WTF are you talking about?

Are you 12?

Social security and Medicaid are the first obvious things that come to mind

>Public education failed
Huh, it's almost like consistently cutting the budget for successful programs makes them less successful? Weird how that works.
>Public roadways in constant need of repair how is that a left wing idea?
Public roadways are publicly-funded resources available for use to all. That's a fundamentally socialist/collectivist construct.

you don't give a shit about anyone. the argument that its is better even for you, because you too can fall on hard times and sickness falls on deaf ears with you, because you have not fallen on hard times, because you have not been sick.
perhaps you will have a change of heart when you are in trouble, lamenting loudly that had you known you would have advocated for such all along. perhaps you will maintain your pride, and stoically die a horrific, unneeded death, proving to everyone you don't mind dying if you can avoid making life easier for another.

>blue states do so well
Blue states are a fucking mess. California has the most unchecked, big government leftism in the country and the place is going to absolute shit. They have no middle class, the highest poverty rate in the nation, insane amounts of pollution, rampant crime, abusive prisons, comically huge levels of debt, and have to constantly flood their state with immigrants who refuse to integrate just to keep their state-wide ponzi scheme going. You don't know shit. You're just parroting a cliche notions of what conservatism and liberalism are like a teenager who watches The Daily Show every night. You probably are. Read something outside of class for once, friend.

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You’re description fits liberal ideas.

The fucking retards are out on patrol tonight holy shit

If you are a productive member of society you will do fine. The suffering would only last as long as people realized they had to work in order to not starve. Mentally deficient and disabled citizens are a burden, so are lazy people. It's for the greater good. Less spending on these things improves society as a whole.

>sends millions of poor people to Serbia to freeze and starve

Great job.

I've heard this before but it never checks out. The only thing that proves this is true is trap surgery, where they don't want to go through the 2 year adjustment.

Slavery and the kkk? Planned parenthood keeping the black population down?

yeah, blue states are cancerous.

There is literally no government "leftism" in this entire country user.

I went to Costa Rica to have back surgery and it was 1/5 the cost.

>> What are some actual achievements of the application of left wing ideas?
Democracy, you stupid American! Fuck, you know nothing!!

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Don't forget Obama's science czar. He wanted to poison all of Africa. I can get behind this.

Corruption and the KKK

You're either trolling, or too stupid to argue with. Either way, here's your one (You).

Social security, Medicare, workplace safety, workers rights, child labor laws, civil rights, uhhh SNAP, welfare, WIC, food regulation, environmental regulation, seatbelt requirements being forced onto car companies, healthcare reform, SSDI, SSI, disability worker retraining, marijuana legalization, abortion rights. These are just off the top of my head tho.

Democracy is a failed system. Constitutional Republics are not.

>planned parenthood
let me sing you the song of my retarded people

a chart of fiscally solvency?
the states with the most money they haven't bothered investing in anything.
why the fuck does this matter?

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your semen is not poison and will not kill little african children, just pass on your mental retardation and enjoy that as your "evil legacy" as a fag

Workplace safety, civil rights, and medicare are better under republicans.

>consistently cutting the budget
Their admin cuts their budget, not the taxpayer, and the budget only keeps growing. Student scores have only fallen since the formation of the Dept of Education. Homeschooled children outscore public students in every aspect.
>fundamentally socialist/collectivist
>left wing ideas
You're off-topic

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Yes they are. Congress has a less than 20% approval rating.

Healthy, happy, educated people isn't enough for you?

Florida is a swing state. N.P.A. decides the elections.

> It's for the greater good
You want to create hell for millions, that you can have extra ice in heaven.
Your morality is repugnant.

>this is what imbeciles actually believe
donald stanking ass trump won't pay his bills to honest police officers all over this country
Donald trump should be: Flayed alive, Fed into the business end of an asphalt renderer